To begin, set up a standardized eye tug test area, ensuring that it is equipped with 12 cameras distributed around the room. Incorporate traditional tug setups, such as a chair and a sign to remind the participant to turn back. Make sure that the motion capture area is confined within the camera coverage and that all tug test setup materials are non-white reflective.
Next, initiate the motion capture software by clicking the software icon. For general camera configuration, select the default mode. Also apply default settings for selected camera settings and camera configuration settings.
Select live mode for realtime settings and click on marker sets to configure the marker settings. For the calibration of ground axis, select the XY-axis and choose millimeters in calibration units. Click on calibrate to select the calibration variation.
Then, select initial calibration and click on the L-shaped button. Place the L-shaped calibrator at the center of the field to ensure visibility by all cameras. Then, check the screen to confirm that all 12 cameras detect four reflective markers.
If any camera detects three or less markers, reduce lightness and threshold at the left of the screen. If any camera detects five or more markers, check the field and cover the unwanted markers. Next, click on the T-shaped button, and wave it in the field to ensure all cameras capture it.
Then, select the Z-axis in calibration of up-axis and use millimeters for calibration units. Have the doctor's verify the effectiveness of camera capture by waving the markers in each corner of the field. Click on finish to complete the calibration process and click save calibration.