To begin, take human serum albumin at a final concentration of 3%Into it, add polymerized hemoglobin, or PolyhHb, diluted to a final concentration of 3.7 grams per deciliter with William's E Medium. Then add one milliliter of heparin solution to the resultant diluted PolyhHb solution. Place PolyhHb perfusate into the EVLP circuit reservoir and set the water bath temperature to 37 degrees Celsius.
Then turn on the roller pumps and ensure that perfusate is circulating within the circuit. Connect de-oxygenation gas to the hollow fiber oxygenator to de-oxygenate the perfusate. Open data acquisition software on the computer.
Verify that pulmonary artery pressure, tracheal differential pressure, respiratory flow differential pressure, lung weight, and pump speed transducers are connected to both the circuit and data converter box. Carefully examine all tube connections to ensure no leaks are present and warm water is circulating throughout. Press Run on the software to check that all pressure transducers are functioning.
Once the system is properly functioning, turn off the roller pumps.