To begin, obtain a six to eight-week-old female mouse and inject the PMSG followed by HCG at a 42 to 48-hour interval. Mate the female mouse with a male of comparable age. After euthanizing the female mouse, open the abdomen and locate its genitalia.
Using forceps, stretch the oviduct, ovary, and fat pads. With scissors, cut the oviduct and ovary, followed by the uterus. Transfer the obtained oviduct to a 35-millimeter Petri dish prefilled with M2 medium.
Puncture the enlarged ampulla of the oviduct to release or pinch the cumulus zygote complex. Using forceps, transfer the complex to M2 solution containing 0.5 milligrams per milliliter of hyaluronidase and incubate for several minutes. With an egg transfer pipette, collect the zygotes and wash them in M2 medium containing BSA to remove residual hyaluronidase, cumulus cells, and impurities.