To set a field of views or FOVs for a grid of tissue microarray or TMA spots, open a tiled SED image. In the relevant tile of the tiles column, adjust the columns and rows. Then check or uncheck the boxes in the map.
In the relevant tile, click TMA to open the TMA Options menu. Set the number of rows and columns of TMA spots. If necessary, add a naming prefix and edit the starting row and column numbering.
On the slide image, click on the four corners of the TMA. Then click and drag the circled corners to adjust the positioning of the crosshairs to best match the TMA spots. From the TMA Options menu, click Build TMA.
To check the tile's positioning, hover over each tile in the Tiles column. Click Move to adjust the tile's positioning. Then click and drag on the slide image.
To set FOVs to cover a contiguous area of tissue, first adjust FOV settings in the relevant tile of the tile's column. In the relevant tile, click Polygon to cover a contiguous area of tissue. Then click on the slide image to set the vertices and corners of the area to be tiled.
Double-click to close the polygon and cover the area with FOVs. Scroll to the bottom of the Tile column and click the three stacked lines button in the new polygon tile to see the tile map. Click on Eraser to toggle off multiple FOVs.
Then click and drag on the tiled FOVs in the slide image. To toggle on multiple FOVs, click on Clicker. Then click and drag on the empty areas in the slide image covered by the tile map.
To insert the rows above, click the up arrow button. Click the left arrow button to insert columns to the left. To adjust tile positioning, click Move.
Then click and drag on the slide image.