To begin, place the goat entrails in PBS so that they are immersed completely for cleaning. Separate the small intestine from the large intestine. Using scissors, remove the external connective tissue.
Gently flush the small intestine with PBS using a 10-milliliter syringe to remove undigested food material and obtain a hollow bag of small intestine. Using a ruler, measure the complete length of the small intestine. Divide the intestine into three parts:duodenum and the remaining part equally into jejunum and ileum.
Employing a blade, remove all connective tissue to clean the jejunum. Cut the jejunum into 12-to 15-centimeter-long portions. After washing the portions with PBS, place them in a Petri dish containing PBS.
Using a glass rod, invert the jejunum portions to expose the villi on the outside. Gently flush the inverted jejunum portions with PBS. Check for any leaks from the sides of the inverted jejunum.
Then, cut the inverted jejunum portions into five-centimeter-long sacs. Tie one end of each sac with twine. Fill the sacs with PBS to recheck for visual leaks.
Tie the other end of the sacs to create empty inverted sacs with villi on the external surface. Pat the inverted sac on filter paper to recheck for external leaks.