To begin, write down the number 0, 3, 5, 8, 10, and 13 on any paper to make the psoriasis thickness reference card. Take a package of sticky notes. Sequentially place stacks of 3, 5, 8, 10, and 13 sticky notes on the boxes labeled with respective numbers, aligning the adhesive side of the sticky notes on the left side of each corresponding box.
Firmly adhere each stack to the paper. Apply a strip of tape along the right side of each stack of sticky notes. Ensure the tape adheres smoothly, creating a gentle slope between the top of the stack and the paper.
Slide a finger across the edge of the thickest psoriasis patch, noting its elevation from the surrounding skin. Similarly, slide a finger across the taped side of each stack of sticky notes to assess their thickness. Identify the stack that best matches the elevation of the thickest psoriasis patch and record the corresponding score.
There was no significant difference between patient and physician reports of desquamation, erythema, and induration by the Wilcoxon signed rank test.