To begin, go to the ROC Plotter and click on ROC Plotter for Ovarian Cancer. Insert TMOD3 in the gene symbol box. In the response box, choose Relapse-free survival at 6 months.
In the treatment box, select Platin. Then click on Calculate to get the results. Go to TargetScan and insert TMOD3 in the Enter a human gene symbol box.
Then go to see cBIOPortal. Now choose Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma, TCGA Nature 2011 dataset. Insert TMOD3 and miRNA symbols in the Enter Genes box.
Click on Submit Query to get the correlation data of TMOD3 with miRNAs in the TCGA ovarian cancer dataset. After that, visualize the result by Next, go to LinkedOmics and select TCGA OV sample cohort. Then choose Clinical in the Select Search Dataset box.
Select Platinum_status in the Select Search Dataset Attribute box. Next, choose miRNA sequencing in the Select Target Dataset box. Choose T-test in Select Statistical Method, and click on Submit Query to get the results.
TMOD3 expression was significantly reduced after platinum-based chemotherapy in highly sensitive ovarian cancer patients compared to untreated ones. TMOD3 expression was significantly higher in ovarian cancer patients with platinum resistance compared to those with platinum sensitivity, and the ROC curve showed TMOD3 as a marker for determining platinum resistance. 21 microRNAs targeting TMOD3 were identified, with most associated with cisplatin resistance in ovarian cancer, and hsa-miR-133a-3p being significantly negatively correlated with TMOD3 expression and lowly expressed in cisplatin-resistant cancers.