Begin by clicking Connect to Device to open the program. Select Schedule to acquire. Then, click the plus sign.
Choose the options Scan on Schedule or Scan Once Now to specify whether the vessel will be scanned repeatedly or only once. Select New to create a brand-new vessel to scan. Based on the assay and application, select the scan type.
For the analysis, select Standard. Then, to specify scan settings, choose one of the cell-by-cell options from None, Adherent Cell-by-Cell, or Non-Adherent Cell-by-Cell. Specify the image channels depending on the fluorescent molecules utilized.
Now, select the microscope objective. From the options provided, select the type of vessel to scan. To indicate the vessel's location in the drawer, select its position on the virtual map of the drawer.
Select the wells to scan to specify the scan pattern for the image acquisition. Select the desired number of images per well. Afterward, an estimation of the scan duration will appear.
To retrieve information about the vessel, type its name in the provided space and click on the plus sign to specify the plate map. Click Next. Choose the analysis type and click Next again.
A summary screen of the selected options will appear. If correct, click on Scan Now and the scan will start.