To begin, scan the vessel and acquire images. Select the scanned vessel to analyze. Select Launch analysis, followed by Create new analysis definition.
Select Neurotrack. Then select Image channels. After that, choose a representative set of images to perform the analysis on.
Then go to Segmentation adjustment and use the slider to adjust the segmentation sensitivity toward more background or more cells. For cleanup, adjust the whole fill to remove any hole in the cell body mask smaller than the area specified by the user. To adjust the size, increase or shrink the yellow mask by the specified number of pixels.
Choose the minimum cell width value to define the size at which cell bodies will be considered as neurites. Set a minimum and a maximum cell body area value. To reduce the masking of small vessel imperfections and debris choose between None, Better, and Best options.
Then increase sensitivity to detect finer neurites. Click Preview current to visualize the segmented image. After refining the setting for all the selected images, click Next.
Select the scan time and well to analyze. Assign a definition name, and if needed, analysis notes. Click Next and Finish.