To begin the laparoscopic bilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy use an electrosurgical tool to coagulate the round ligament and sever it. Open the vesical uterine recursion peritoneum to expose the uterine artery. To perform cervical isthmic cerclage start at the four o'clock position on the right side and proceed counterclockwise.
Continue in a circular motion around the cervix until reaching the starting point. Expose the ileal pectineal ligament and make an incision in the peritoneum. Using surgical tools, detach the surrounding soft tissue between the lateral umbilical ligament and the round ligament.
Using a permanent suture of size two, suture ligate and attach the round ligament to the cervical isthmus. Embed the permanent suture into the round ligament ending at the ileal pectineal ligament. Insert the stitch through the ileal ligament and confirm suspension without tension.
Next, repeat the process on the other side of the pelvis. Finally, perform reperitonealization. The laparoscopic non mesh pectopexy with uterine preservation was performed successfully in 14 patients with an objective success rate of 100%The subjective success rate assessed with the patient global impression was 92.86%No complications were reported during the follow-up period, which had an average duration of approximately 19.71 months.