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This protocol describes a serial transoral laryngoscopy approach for mice and rats that permits close-up, unobstructed video imaging of the larynx during breathing and swallowing using an optimized anesthetic regimen and finely tuned endoscopic manipulation techniques.


The larynx is an essential organ in mammals with three primary functions - breathing, swallowing, and vocalizing. A wide range of disorders are known to impair laryngeal function, which results in difficultyΒ breathing (dyspnea), swallowing impairment (dysphagia), and/or voice impairment (dysphonia). Dysphagia, in particular, can lead to aspiration pneumonia and associated morbidity, recurrent hospitalization, and early mortality. Despite these serious consequences, existing treatments for laryngeal dysfunction are largely aimed at surgical and behavioral interventions that unfortunately do not typically restore normal laryngeal function, thus highlighting the urgent need for innovative solutions.

To bridge this gap, we have been developing an experimental endoscopic approach to investigate laryngeal dysfunction in murine (i.e., mouse and rat) models. However, endoscopy in rodents is quite challenging due to their small size relative to current endoscope technology, anatomical differences in the upper airway, and the necessity for anesthesia to optimally access the larynx. Here, we describe a novel transoral laryngoscopy approach that permits close-up, unobstructed video imaging of laryngeal motion in mice and rats. Critical steps in the protocol include precise anesthesia management (to prevent overdosing that abolishes swallowing and/or risks respiratory distress-related mortality) and micromanipulator control of the endoscope (for stable video recording of laryngeal motion by a single researcher for subsequent quantification).

Importantly, the protocol can be performed over time in the same animals to study the impact of various pathological conditions specifically on laryngeal function. A novel advantage of this protocol is the ability to visualize airway protection during swallowing, which is not possible in humans due to epiglottic inversion over the laryngeal inlet that obstructs the glottis from view. Rodents therefore provide a unique opportunity to specifically investigate the mechanisms of normal versus pathological laryngeal airway protection for the ultimate purpose of discovering treatments to effectively restore normal laryngeal function.


The larynx is a cartilaginous organ located at the intersection of the respiratory and digestive tracts in the throat, where it functions as a valving mechanism to precisely control the flow and direction of air (i.e., during breathing and vocalizing) versus food and liquid (i.e., during swallowing). A wide range of disorders are known to affect the larynx, including congenital (e.g., laryngomalacia, subglottic stenosis), neoplastic (e.g., laryngeal papillomatosis, squamous cell carcinoma), neurological (e.g., idiopathic laryngeal paralysis, stroke, Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), and iatrogenic (e.g., inadvertent injury during head or neck su....


The murine laryngoscopy protocol follows an approved Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) protocol and National Institutes of Health (NIH) Guidelines. It was developed for use with over 100 adult C57BL/6J mice and over 50 adult Sprague Dawley rats, approximately equal sexes and 6 weeks-12 months old for both species. Additional protocol development is necessary for adaptation to younger/smaller rodents. Animals were group housed (up to four mice or two rats per cage, based on sex and litter). The standard vivarium conditions included static caging with strict regulation of ambient temperature (20-26 Β°C), humidity (30%-70%), and standard 12 h light ....

Representative Results

Successful use of this murine laryngoscopy protocol results in close-up visualization of the larynx during spontaneous breathing and evoked swallowing under healthy and disease conditions, as shown in Figure 6. Moreover, this protocol can be repeated multiple times in the same rodents to permit investigation of laryngeal function/dysfunction over time. As shown in Figure 7, we successfully repeated this laryngoscopy protocol 6x over a 4-month timespan to investi.......


We have successfully developed a replicable murine-specific laryngoscopy protocol that permits close-up visualization of laryngeal motion during breathing and swallowing. Importantly, the protocol can be performed over time in the same animals to study the impact of various pathological conditions specifically on laryngeal function. This protocol was developed over the past decade and has undergone substantial modification and troubleshooting along the way. Anesthesia optimization was the greatest challenge to overcome t.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.


This work was funded in part by two NIH grants: 1) a multi-PI (TL and NN) R01 grant (HL153612) from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), and 2) an R03 grant (TL, DC0110895) from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD). Our custom laryngeal motion tracking software development was partially funded by a Coulter Foundation grant (TL & Filiz Bunyak). We thank Kate Osman, Chloe Baker, Kennedy Hoelscher, and Zola Stephenson for providing excellent care of our laboratory rodents. We also acknowledge Roderic Schlotzhauer and Cheston Callais from the MU Physics Machine Shop for their design input and fabrication of our....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
AtipamezoleZoetisAntisedan; 5 mg/mLParsippany-Troy Hills, NJ
BioamplifierWarner Instrument Corp.DP-304Hamden, CT
Concentric EMG needle electrodeChalgren Enterprises, Inc.231-025-24TP; 25 mm x 0.3 mm/30 GGilroy, CA
Cotton tipped applicator (tapered)Puritan Medical ProductsREF 25-826 5WGuilford, ME
Data Acquisition SystemADInstrumentsPowerLab 8/30Colorado Springs, CO
DC Temperature Control System - for endoscopy platformFHC, Inc.40-90-8DBowdoin, ME
Electrophysiology recording softwareADInstrumentsLabChart 8 with video capture moduleColorado Springs, CO
Endoscope monitorKarl Storz Endoscopy-AmericaStorz Tele Pack X monitorEl Segundo, CA
GlycopyrrolatePiramal Critical CareNDC 66794-204-02; 0.2 mg/mLBethlehem, PA
Ground electrodeΒ Consolidated Neuro Supply, Inc.27 gauge stainless steel, #S43-438Loveland, OH
Isoflurane induction chamberΒ Braintree Scientific, Inc.Gas Anesthetizing Box - RedBraintree, MA
Ketamine hydrochlorideCovetrus North AmericaNDC 11695-0703-1, 100 mg/mLDublin, OH
Metal spatula to decouple epiglottis and velumFine Science ToolsItem No. 10091-12;Β Foster City, CA
Micro-brush to remove food/secretions from oral cavitySafeco Dental SupplyREF 285-0023, 1.5 mmBuffalo Grove, IL
Mouse-size heating pad for endoscopy platformFHC, Inc.40-90-2-07 – 5 x 12.5 cm Heating PadBowdoin, ME
Ophthalmic ointment (sterile)Allergan, Inc.Refresh Lacri-lubeIrvine, CA
OtoscopeKarl StorzREF 1232AAEl Segundo, CA
Pneumogram SensorBIOPAC Systems, Inc.RX110Goleta, CA
Pulse oximetry - Vetcorder Pro Veterinary MonitorSentier HC, LLCPart No. 710-1750Waukesha, WI
Rat-size heating pad for endoscopy platformFHC, Inc.40-90-2 – 12.5X25cm Heating PadBowdoin, ME
Sterile needles for drug injectionsBecton, Dickinson and CompanyREF 305110, 26 G x 3/8 inch, PrecisionGlideFranklin Lakes, NJ
Sterile syringes for drug injectionsBecton, Dickinson and CompanyREF 309628; 1 mL, Luer-Lok tipFranklin Lakes, NJ
Surgical drape to cover induction cage for dark environmentCovidien LPArgyle Surgical Drape Material, Single PlyMinneapolis, MN
Surgical tape to secure pneumograph sensor to abdomen3M Health Care#1527-0, 1/2 inchSt. Paul, MN
Transparent blanket for thermoregulationThe Glad Products CompanyΒ Press’n Seal Cling FilmOakland, CA
Video editing softwarePinnacle Systems, Inc.Pinnacle Studio, v24Mountain View, CA
Water circulating heating pad - for anesthesia induction/recovery stationAdroit Medical SystemsHTP-1500 Heat Therapy PumpLoudon, TN
XylazineVet OneNDC 13985-701-10; Anased, 100 mg/mLBoise, ID


  1. Brunner, E., Friedrich, G., Kiesler, K., Chibidziura-Priesching, J., Gugatschka, M. Subjective breathing impairment in unilateral vocal fold paralysis. Folia Phoniatr Logop. 63 (3), 142-146 (2011).
  2. Chandrasekhar, S. S., et al.

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Minimally InvasiveMurine LaryngoscopyLaryngeal MotionBreathingSwallowingDyspneaDysphagiaDysphoniaEndoscopyTransoral LaryngoscopyAnesthesiaAirway ProtectionRodent Model

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