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This protocol outlines a method for the explantation of the round window membrane from guinea pig temporal bones, providing a valuable resource for ex vivo studies.


Efficient and minimally invasive drug delivery to the inner ear is a significant challenge. The round window membrane (RWM), being one of the few entry points to the inner ear, has become a vital focus of investigation. However, due to the complexities of isolating the RWM, our understanding of its pharmacokinetics remains limited. The RWM comprises three distinct layers: the outer epithelium, the middle connective tissue layer, and the inner epithelial layer, each potentially possessing unique delivery properties.

Current models for investigating transport across the RWM utilize in vivo animal models or ex vivo RWM models which rely on cell cultures or membrane fragments. Guinea pigs serve as a validated preclinical model for the investigation of drug pharmacokinetics within the inner ear and are an important animal model for the translational development of delivery vehicles to the cochlea. In this study, we describe an approach for explantation of a guinea pig RWM with surrounding cochlear bone for benchtop drug delivery experiments. This method allows for preservation of native RWM architecture and may provide a more realistic representation of barriers to transport than current benchtop models.


Novel classes of therapeutics have emerged for the treatment of sensorineural hearing loss. The translation of these therapeutics to clinical populations is limited by safe and efficacious routes of transport into the inner ear. Current methods of in vivo delivery in animal studies rely on either fenestration into the inner ear or diffusion through the round window membrane (RWM), a non-osseous barrier that separates the middle ear space from the cochlea1.

Surgical fenestration and microinjection into the inner ear are both invasive and can pose risks to residual inner ear function2. ....


All animal procedures were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (GP18M226). Hartley albino guinea pigs (both male and female, weighing 500-700 g) were used in the present study.

1. Procedure setup and preparation

  1. Sterilize all instruments with ethylene oxide before beginning the experiment.
  2. Euthanize the animals following the institutionally approved protocol.
    NOTE: In the current study, a non-precharged chamber was employed to release 100% carbon dioxide (CO2) from a commercial cylinder. An inline restrictor was used to regulate the gas flow, maintaining it wit....

Resultados Representativos

As demonstrated in Figure 3A, this method allows for the explantation of the intact guinea pig round window membrane with a surrounding ring of rigid bone. The RWM should be fully connected to the bony annulus circumferentially. No fractures of the cochlear bone should be appreciated. In comparison with human round window specimens, guinea pig RWM does not have an overlying pseudomembrane. Additionally, unlike humans, there is a bony bridge between the crura of the guinea pig stapes, which r.......


In local drug delivery to the ear, the RWM is the primary route of passage for therapeutics to reach the inner ear. An accurate and reliable benchtop model is needed to better understand transport mechanisms and permeability across novel delivery vehicles and for drug development. In this study, we demonstrate that guinea pig RWM explantation is a feasible and dependable procedure to allow for systematic investigations of drug-membrane interactions. Lundman et al. and Kelso et al. previously described utilizing a similar.......


The authors have no disclosures to make.


This work was supported in part by the NIDCD Grants No. 1K08DC020780 and 5T32DC000027-33, and the Rubenstein Hearing Research Fund.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1 mm Diamond Ball Drill BitAnspach1SD-G1
2 mm Diamond Ball Drill BitAnspach2SD-G1
6 mm Diamond Ball Drill BitAnspach6D-G1
ANSPACH EMAX 2 Plus SystemAnspachEMAX2PLUSAny bone cutting drilling system will work
BD Eclipse Needle 27 G x 1/2 in. with detachable 1 mL BD Luer-Lok SyringeBecton, Dickinson, and Co. 382903057894Any 27-28 G needle
Gorilla EpoxyGorilla4200101
Kwik-CASTWorld Precision InstrumentsKWIK-CAST


  1. Duan, M. I., Zhi-qiang, C. Permeability of round window membrane and its role for drug delivery: our own findings and literature review. J Otol. 4 (1), 34-43 (2009).
  2. Kelso, C. M., et al.

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Guinea PigRound Window MembraneExplantationEx Vivo StudiesInner EarDrug DeliveryHearing LossNanoparticleCochleaDrug TransportPharmacokineticsEpitheliumConnective TissuePreclinical ModelDrug Delivery Vehicle

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