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In This Article

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  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
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This protocol describes a cystic fibrosis (CF) lung-relevant four-species polymicrobial biofilm model that can be used to explore the impact of bacterial interspecies interactions.


Most in vitro models lack the capacity to fully probe bacterial phenotypes emerging from the complex interactions observed in real-life environments. This is particularly true in the context of hard-to-treat, chronic, and polymicrobial biofilm-based infections detected in the airways of individuals living with cystic fibrosis (CF), a multiorgan genetic disease. While multiple microbiome studies have defined the microbial compositions detected in the airway of people with CF (pwCF), no in vitro models thus far have fully integrated critical CF-relevant lung features. Therefore, a significant knowledge gap exists in the capacity to investigate the mechanisms driving the pathogenesis of mixed species CF lung infections. Here, we describe a recently developed four-species microbial community model, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus sanguinis, and Prevotella melaninogenica grown in CF-like conditions. Through the utilization of this system, clinically relevant phenotypes such as antimicrobial recalcitrance of several pathogens were observed and explored at the molecular level. The usefulness of this in vitro model resides in its standardized workflow that can facilitate the study of interspecies interactions in the context of chronic CF lung infections.


Strategies aimed at eradicating disease-causing microbes such as the ones detected in the cystic fibrosis (CF) airway, a multiorgan genetic disease, often fail1. That is, the presence of resilient biofilm-like microbial communities growing in the mucus-rich CF lung environment can cause chronic infections spanning multiple decades2. Furthermore, although the utilization of front-line antimicrobials (Abx) and modulators has resulted in improved outcomes in people with CF (pwCF), the "one bug, one infection" clinical approach typically employed against canonical CF pathogens such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa ....


The details of all the reagents and equipment are listed in the Table of Materials.

1. Preparing artificial sputum medium

NOTE: Throughout this protocol, artificial sputum medium (ASM) is defined as the CF-relevant medium modified from SCFM2, previously published by Turner and colleagues17. Below is a description of the steps to prepare this medium. See Table of Materials to make stock solution.......

Representative Results

As represented in Figure 2, several phenotypes were reported including (1) a reduction in the number of P. aeruginosa and S. aureus viable cell counts when grown a mixed planktonic communities compared to monoculture, (2) an increase in polymicrobial growth of S. sanguinis cells and, (3) mixed community growth of P. melaninogenica as previously reported by Jean-Pierre and colleagues10.

Furthermore, as dep.......


The usefulness of this clinically informed in vitro co-culture system resides in its capacity to detect polymicrobial-specific bacterial functions. That is, through the utilization of this model we have reported microbial phenotypes ranging from community-specific growth of Prevotella spp. (Figure 2) to changes in susceptibility to front-line CF Abx of P. aeruginosa, S. aureus and S. sanguinis (Figure 3). Moreover, ev.......


The authors declare no disclosures.


We would like to acknowledge Dr. George A. O'Toole and Dr. Thomas H. Hampton for their significant role in the design and development of the in vitro polymicrobial community model. We thank Dr. Sophie Robitaille for her helpful comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by a Cystic Fibrosis Foundation grant JEAN21F0 to F.J-P. Figure 1 of the manuscript was created using BioRender.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC)Fisher ScientificNC0387928Prepare a 250 mg/mL stock in chloroform directly in the bottle. Keep at -20°C. Final concentration 200 μg/mL in 2x ASM base.
3-morpholinopropane-1-sulfonic acid (MOPS)SigmaM1254Final concentration 200 mM in 2X ASM base.
96-pin replicatorFisher Scientific05-450-9Disposable replicators can also be used. Cat #NC1567338.
96-well sterile standard plate with lidFisher Scientific62406-081
AgarFisher ScientificDF0145-17-0
AnaeroPack 2.5 L Rectangular JarFisher Scientific23-246-385
CaCl2*2H2Fisher ScientificC79-500Prepare a 1 M stock in water and filter sterilize with a 0.22 μm filter. Final concentration 3.5 mM in 2x ASM base.
Defribrinated sheep's bloodTo prepare growth plates for Streptococcus and Prevotella.
Deoxyribonucleic acid from herring spermSigmaD7290Final concentration 1.2 mg/mL in 2x ASM base.
FeSO4*7H2Fisher ScientificAA1449830Prepare a 1 mg/mL stock (3.6 mM) in water and filter sterilize with a 0.22 μm filter. Keep wrapped in aluminum foil. Final concentration 0.0072 mM in 2x ASM base.
GasPaksFisher ScientificB260678
GlucoseFisher ScientificD16-3Prepare as a 20% stock (1.1 M) in water and sterilize by autoclave. Final concentration 6 mM in 2x ASM base.
HeminSigma51280Dissolve 100 mg of hemin in 2 mL of 1 M NaOH and then bring up volume to 200 mL with water. Store in an amber bottle or a regular bottle wrapped with aluminum foil at 4 °C.
K2SO4Fisher ScientificP304-500Prepare a 0.25 M stock in water and filter sterilize with a 0.22 μm filter. Final concentration 0.54 mM in 2x ASM base.
KanamycinPrepare a 50 mg/mL stock solution in water. Filter sterilize with a 0.22 μm filter and store at 4 °C.
KClFisher ScientificP217-500Final concentration 30.0 mM in 2x ASM base.
KNO3Fisher ScientificP263-500Prepare a 1 M stock in water and filter sterilize with a 0.22 μm filter. Final concentration 0.70 mM in 2x ASM base.
L-cysteine hydrochlorideFisher ScientificAAA1038922
L-Lactic acid SigmaL1750Prepare a 1 M stock in water and filter sterilize with a 0.22 μm filter. pH adjust to 7.0. Final concentration 18.6 mM in 2x ASM base.
L-TryptophanSigmaT0254Prepare a 0.1 M stock in 0.2 M NaOH and filter sterilize with a 0.22 μm filter. Keep refrigerated at 4 °C wrapped in aluminum foil. Final concentration 0.132 mM in 2x ASM base.
Mannitol Salt AgarFisher ScientificB11407Prepare using manufacturer's recommendations.
MenadioneSigmaM5625Prepare a 10 mg/mL stock solution dissolved in 96-100% ethanol. Conserve at 4 °C wrapped in aluminium foil. Vortex before use.
MgCl2*6H2Fisher ScientificAA12288A9Prepare a 1 M stock in water and filter sterilize with a 0.22 μm filter. Final concentration 1.21 mM in 2x ASM base.
Mucin from porcine stomach - Type II SigmaM2378Prepare a 10 mg/mL (2x) stock in water; mix thoroughly before autoclaving. Keep at 4 °C.
Na2HPO4Fisher ScientificS375-500Prepare a 0.2 M stock in water and filter sterilize with a 0.22 μm filter. Final concentration 2.5 mM in 2x ASM base.
N-acetylglucosamine SigmaA8625Prepare a 0.25 M stock in water and filter sterilize with a 0.22 μm filter. Keep stock refrigerated at 4 °C. Final concentration 0.6 mM in 2x ASM base.
NaClFisher ScientificS271-500Final concentration 103.7 mM in 2x ASM base.
NaH2PO4*H2OFisher ScientificS369-500Prepare a 0.2 M stock in water and filter sterilize with a 0.22 μm filter. Final concentration 2.6 mM in 2x ASM base.
NaOHFisher ScientificS318-500Prepare a 5 M stock solution. Use to adjust pH of 2x ASM base stock.
NH4ClFisher ScientificA661-500Final concentration 4.6 mM in 2x ASM base.
Oxolinic acidPrepare a 10 mg/mL stock solution 0.5 M NaOH. Filter sterilize with a 0.22 μm filter and store at 4 °C.
Polymixin BPrepare a 10 mg/mL stock solution in water. Filter sterilize with a 0.22 μm filter and store at 4 °C.
Pseudomonas Isolation AgarFisher ScientificDF0927-17-1Prepare using manufacturer's recommendations.
Todd Hewitt BrothFisher ScientificDF0492-17-6Prepare using manufacturer's recommendations.
Tryptic Soy BrothFisher ScientificDF0370-17-3Prepare using manufacturer's recommendations.
VancomycinPrepare a 50 mg/mL stock solution in water. Filter sterilize with a 0.22 μm filter and store at 4 °C.
Yeast ExtractFisher ScientificB11929
Yeast Synthetic Dropout without Tryptophan SigmaY1876Final concentration 8.0 mg/mL in 2x ASM base.


  1. Cogen, J. D., Nichols, D. P., Goss, C. H., Somayaji, R. Drugs, drugs, drugs: Current treatment paradigms in cystic fibrosis airway infections. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 11 (2), S32-S39 (2022).
  2. O'Sullivan, B. P., Freedman, S. D. Cystic fibrosis. ....

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Cystic FibrosisPolymicrobial BiofilmBacterial PhenotypesIn Vitro ModelsMicrobial Community ModelPseudomonas AeruginosaStaphylococcus AureusStreptococcus SanguinisPrevotella MelaninogenicaCF Lung InfectionsAntimicrobial RecalcitranceInterspecies InteractionsChronic Infections

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