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The DREAM Implant: A Lightweight, Modular, and Cost-Effective Implant System for Chronic Electrophysiology in Head-Fixed and Freely Behaving Mice

Published: July 26th, 2024



1Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University, 23D Neuro B.V., 3Zero-Noise Lab, Ernst-Strüngmann Institute for Neuroscience

* These authors contributed equally


Chronic electrophysiological recordings in rodents have significantly improved our understanding of neuronal dynamics and their behavioral relevance. However, current methods for chronically implanting probes present steep trade-offs between cost, ease of use, size, adaptability, and long-term stability.

This protocol introduces a novel chronic probe implant system for mice called the DREAM (Dynamic, Recoverable, Economical, Adaptable, and Modular), designed to overcome the trade-offs associated with currently available options. The system provides a lightweight, modular and cost-effective solution with standardized hardware elements that can be combined and implanted in straightforward steps and explanted safely for recovery and multiple reuse of probes, significantly reducing experimental costs.

The DREAM implant system integrates three hardware modules: (1) a microdrive that can carry all standard silicon probes, allowing experimenters to adjust recording depth across a travel distance of up to 7 mm; (2) a three-dimensional (3D)-printable, open-source design for a wearable Faraday cage covered in copper mesh for electrical shielding, impact protection, and connector placement, and (3) a miniaturized head-fixation system for improved animal welfare and ease of use. The corresponding surgery protocol was optimized for speed (total duration: 2 h), probe safety, and animal welfare.

The implants had minimal impact on animals' behavioral repertoire, were easily applicable in freely moving and head-fixed contexts, and delivered clearly identifiable spike waveforms and healthy neuronal responses for weeks of post-implant data collection. Infections and other surgery complications were extremely rare.

As such, the DREAM implant system is a versatile, cost-effective solution for chronic electrophysiology in mice, enhancing animal well-being, and enabling more ethologically sound experiments. Its design simplifies experimental procedures across various research needs, increasing accessibility of chronic electrophysiology in rodents to a wide range of research labs.

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