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  • Protocol
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This protocol describes the generation of a long-lived self-renewing monolayer culture system for mouse colonic stem cells that contains all major epithelial cell types. This culture system can be used to study epithelial biology, intestinal wound repair, and host-pathogen interactions.


Intestinal organoid culture is a powerful tool to model stem and epithelial cell biology. Here we present a protocol to generate long-lived two-dimensional monolayers of all major intestinal epithelial cell types using primary mouse colon stem cells grown under air-liquid interface. An advantage of this protocol over conventional 3D organoid culture is that the monolayer is self-renewing for at least four weeks without passaging, allowing long-term studies of intestinal development and response to injury or challenge. Mouse colonic stem cells are first expanded in a conditioned medium containing Wnt, R-spondin, and Noggin. The stem cells are then seeded on a semi-permeable membrane to form a continuous monolayer. After seven days of submerged cell growth, the monolayer is exposed to an Air-liquid interface (ALI) by removing conditioned media from the apical compartment. This results in epithelial differentiation and formation of numerous self-organizing proliferative foci that resemble “flattened” colonic crypts. Stem cells and differentiated lineages co-exist in this monolayer for at least four weeks. We further demonstrate the ability to model injury-repair cycles by re-submerging the cells under conditioned media, which leads to a loss of differentiated cells while sustaining the regenerative stem cells. The differentiating monolayer can then be re-established by resuming the Air-liquid interface. In this protocol, we additionally present methods for histological analysis including paraffin embedding and whole mount imaging. This monolayer system can be adapted to study many aspects of long-term intestinal development, including stem cell dynamics, host-pathogen interactions, and metabolism.


The intestinal epithelium is a self-renewing barrier with high regional and cellular diversity. An ideal in vitro model of this barrier would be long-lived, composed of all relevant epithelial cell types, and model cycles of homeostasis perturbation and restoration. In this protocol, we present a method to generate a two-dimensional monolayer culture from mouse colonic stem cell spheroids that allows the study of colonic injury, repair, and infection dynamics.

In vitro 3D intestinal organoid culture methods have been widely and powerfully used to study stem cell biology and intestinal differentiation1,


All animal experiments described in the manuscript were approved by the Washington University School of Medicine Animal Studies Committee. All centrifugation steps can be performed at room temperature.

1. Establish and expand 3D colonic spheroid culture according to Miyoshi et al20.

NOTE: Refer to Table 1 for media recipes.

  1. Establish a 3D colonic spheroid culture
    1. Briefly, dissect out a 1 cm segment of colonic tissue from an 8-10-week-old C57/BL6J mouse. Remove any fat or connective tissues with fine scissors.
      NOTE: Spheroid lines are typical....


The colonic ALI monolayer culture consists of two distinct phases: the submerged phase and the ALI phase (Figure 1). During the submerged phase, 50% L-WRN CM is applied both inside and outside of the membrane insert. Colonic epithelial cells will settle and attach to insert membrane overnight after the initial seeding step. Over the first seven days of the submerged phase, the epithelial cells will form a confluent monolayer in the insert. Upon creation of ALI, monolayer cells undergo a prol.......


Because the monolayers are long-lived, it is especially important to practice sterile culture technique to prevent accidental contamination. All work should be performed in an appropriate biosafety cabinet using sterilized and/or single use consumables, where possible. It is also essential to generate a high number of stem cells by spheroid culture to create the initial seeding lawn. If the user does not have experience with stem cell practice, it is advisable to become familiar with basic handling and passaging techniqu.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


B.D.M was supported by the NIH (T32DK007120, 1K08DK122101-01).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
#11 surgical bladeHenry Schein1126190
0.5M EDTAThermo Fisher Scientific15575020
10x TrypsinSigmaT4549
32% paraformaldehydeFisher Scientific50-980-495
Advanced DMEM/F12 for primary culture mediaThermo Fisher Scientific12634010
Collagenase, Type 1, powderThermo Fisher Scientific17100-017
DMEM for L cell culture mediaSigmaD5796-500ML
DMEM/F12 with HEPES for washing mediaSigmaD6421-500ML
Hoechst 33342Thermo Fisher ScientificH3570
Hygromycin BInvivoGenant-hg-1
Ki67-FITCThermo Fisher Scientific11-5698-82
L-Glutamine (100x)SigmaG7513-100mL
L-WRN cell lineATCCCRL-3276
Mounting mediaVector LaboratoriesH1000
Pen/Strep (100x)SigmaP4333
Transfer PipetteFisher Scientific13-711-7
Transwell Permeable Supports, 6.5 mm diameterCorning3470
UEA1-RhodamineVector LaboratoriesRL-1062
Y-27632R&D Systems1254


  1. Sato, T., et al. Single Lgr5 stem cells build crypt-villus structures in vitro without a mesenchymal niche. Nature. 459 (7244), 262-265 (2009).
  2. Sato, T., et al.

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Intestinal stem cells Organoids Air liquid Interface Developmental Biology Injury Repair

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