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Bacterial glycogen structure is greatly impacted by extraction methods which may result in molecular degradation and/or biased sampling. It is essential to develop methods to minimize these problems. Here, four extraction methods have been compared using size distribution and chain length distribution as key criteria for minimizing extraction artifacts.


Currently, there exist a variety of glycogen extraction methods, which either damage glycogen spatial structure or only partially extract glycogen, leading to the biased characterization of glycogen fine molecular structure. To understand the dynamic changes of glycogen structures and the versatile functions of glycogen particles in bacteria, it is essential to isolate glycogen with minimal degradation. In this study, a mild glycogen isolation method is demonstrated by using cold-water (CW) precipitation via sugar density gradient ultra-centrifugation (SDGU-CW). The traditional trichloroacetic acid (TCA) method and potassium hydroxide (KOH) method were also performed for comparison. A commonly used lab strain, Escherichia coli BL21(DE3), was used as a model organism in this study for demonstration purposes. After extracting glycogen particles using different methods, their structures were analyzed and compared through size exclusion chromatography (SEC) for particle size distribution and fluorophore-assisted capillary electrophoresis (FACE) for linear chain length distributions. The analysis confirmed that glycogen extracted via SDGU-CW had minimal degradation.


Glycogen is a highly branched polysaccharide that consists of glucosyl residues and also a small but significant amount of proteins, in which all glucosyl residues are linked together via α-1,4-glycosidic bonds in linear chains and α-1,6-glycosidic bonds at branching points1. The structure of glycogen particles is generally divided into three hierarchies: 1) short-chain oligomers, 2) spherical β particles (~20 nm in diameter), and 3) large rosette-shaped α particles aggregated together by β particles, the diameter of which ranges roughly up to 300 nm. Recently, it has been found that glycogen α particles h....


1. Bacteria culture and collection

  1. Resuscitate E. coli BL21(DE3) from bacterial glycerol stock (-80 °C) by inoculating sterile LB agar plate (10 g/L tryptone,5 g/L yeast extract, 10 g/L NaCl, and 15 g/L agar). Put the plate into a standard incubator and cultivate overnight at 37 °C.
  2. Pick up a single colony and inoculate it into a 10 mL sterile LB liquid medium (10 g/L tryptone,5 g/L yeast extract, and 10 g/L NaCl). Mix well via vortexing and culture overnight at 37 °C with shaking at 220 rpm.
    NOTE: Unless otherwise specified, all liquid culture conditions were 37 °C with a 220-rpm shak....


Size distribution of glycogen particles
A series of studies have shown that glycogen α particles in the diabetic liver are fragile and easily broken apart in the hydrogen bond disruptor DMSO11,12,13,14. The present study tested how particle size and structural stability changed for bacterial glycogen extracted through four different methods. All glycogen samples from.......


Glycogen is an important energy reserve that has been identified in many bacteria16. To dissect the physiological functions of glycogen particles, it is essential to have a better understanding of the fine structure of glycogen molecules. So far, a variety of methods have been developed to extract glycogen from bacterial culture. However, different size distributions of glycogen particles have been observed from different extraction methods, which suggests damaged glycogen structure. Thus, it is n.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest.


We are greatly thankful to Professor Robert G. Gilbert from the University of Queensland and Yangzhou University who provided insights and expertise that greatly assisted the completion of this study. We acknowledge the financial support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31900022, No. 32171281), Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (No. BK20180997), Young Science and Technology Innovation Team of Xuzhou Medical University (No. TD202001), and Jiangsu Qinglan Project (2020).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Agilent 1260 infinity SEC systemAgilent1260 infinity IIParticle size distribution
Analytical columnPSS10-1000-
Filter membraneCambioKm-0220-
Fluorescence-assisted capillary electrophoresis systemBeckman Coulter-Chain length distribution
Freeze dryerXinzhiSCIENTZ-10NLyophilization of bacteria and glycogen
FreezerThermo FisherForma 900Sample storage
Guard columnPSSSUPPERMA-
IncubatorThermo FisherPR505750R-CN-
Low-speed large-capacity centrifugeHexiHR/T20MMSample centrifugation
Multiskan FC microplate readerThermo Fisher1410101-
Optima XPN ultracentrifugeBeckmanXPN-100/90/80For glycogen
PA-800 Plus SystemBeckman CoulterA66528-
pH meterMettler ToledoFE28 -TRIS-
Refractive index detectorWyattOptilab T-rEX-
ThermomixerShanghai JingxinJXH-100Sample incubation
Transmission electron microscopeHitachi CorporationH-7000Glycogen particle morphology
Ultracentrifuge tubeBeckman355651-
Ultrasonic cell crusherNingbo XinzhiScientz-IID Bacteria disruptor
Ultrasonic oscillating water bathJietuoJT-1027HTD-
Vortex mixerTiangenOSE-VX-01-
Water systemMerck MilliporeH2O-MM-UV-TDeionized water
8-Aminopyrene-1,3,6-Trisulfonic Acid Trisodium SaltSigma-Aldrich196504-57-1-
Absolute ethanolGuoyao10009228-
Agar powderSolarbioA1890-
cOmplete MiniRoche4693159001-
D-Glucose Assay Kit (GOPOD Format)MegazymeK-GLUCGlycogen quantification
Dimethyl sulfoxideVicmedVic147Chaotropic agent
E. coli BL21(DE3)TiangenCB105-02-
Ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acidVicmedVic1488-
Glacial acetic acidGuoyao10000218-
GlycerolGuoyao10010618Bacterial storage
Hydrochloric acidGuoyao10011008-
Hydroxymethyl aminomethaneSigma-AldrichV900483-500g-
IsoamylaseMegaZyme9067-73-6Glycogen debranch
Lithium chlorideSigma-Aldrich62476-100g-
M9, Minimal Salts, 5×Sigma-AldrichM6030-1kgBacterial culture
Potassium hydroxideGuoyao10017008-
Pullulan standardPSS--
Sodium acetate trihydrateGuoyao10018718-
Sodium azideSigma-Aldrich26628-22-8-
Sodium chlorideGuoyao10019318Bacterial culture
Sodium cyanoborohydrideHuaweiruikehws001297-
Sodium diphosphateSigma-Aldrich71515-250g-
Sodium FluorideMacklinS817988-250g-
Sodium hydroxideGuoyao10019762-
Sodium nitrateGuoyao10019928-
Sodium pyrophosphateSigma-AldrichV900195-500g-
Trichloroacetic acidGuoyao40091961-
TryptoneOxoidLP0042Bacterial culture
Yeast ExtractOxoidLP0021Bacterial culture


  1. Wang, L., et al. Molecular structure of glycogen in Escherichia coli. Biomacromolecules. 20 (7), 2821-2829 (2019).
  2. Deng, B., et al. Molecular structure of glycogen in diabetic liver. Glycoconjugate Journal. 3....

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