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This study demonstrates an approach to measure methane gas concentrations in aqueous samples using portable optical analyzers coupled to an injection chamber in a closed loop. The results are similar to conventional gas chromatography, presenting a practical and low-cost alternative particularly suitable for remote field studies.


Measuring greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes and pools in ecosystems are becoming increasingly common in ecological studies due to their relevance to climate change. With it, the need for analytical platforms adaptable to measuring different pools and fluxes within research groups also grows. This study aims to develop a procedure to use portable optical spectroscopy-based gas analyzers, originally designed and marketed for gas flux measurements, to measure GHG concentrations in aqueous samples. The protocol involves the traditional headspace equilibration technique followed by the injection of a headspace gas subsample into a chamber connected through a closed loop to the inlet and outlet ports of the gas analyzer. The chamber is fabricated from a generic mason jar and simple laboratory supplies, and it is an ideal solution for samples that may require pre-injection dilution. Methane concentrations measured with the chamber are tightly correlated (r2 > 0.98) with concentrations determined separately through gas chromatography-flame ionization detection (GC-FID) on subsamples from the same vials. The procedure is particularly relevant for field studies in remote areas where chromatography equipment and supplies are not readily available, offering a practical, cheaper, and more efficient solution for measuring methane and other dissolved greenhouse gas concentrations in aquatic systems.


Ecosystems at the terrestrial-aquatic interphase, like wetlands, lakes, reservoirs, rivers, and creeks, are important sinks and sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) like carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O)1,2. CH4, specifically, is produced during anaerobic respiration in the saturated pore spaces of sediment pores. Once it is produced, a fraction is oxidized and transformed to CO2, while the rest will eventually diffuse through the water column and vegetation or burst out into bubbles3. The concentration of CH....


1. Porewater sampling and analysis

  1. Collect the samples using porewater dialysis samplers (peepers)11. Deploy the peepers in relevant locations of the study site. In the demonstration study, 6 peepers were deployed on the two dominant vegetation patches of a freshwater marsh: three on a patch dominated by Sagitaria lancifolia and the other three on a patch co-dominated by S. lancifolia and Typha latifolia vegetation.
  2. Collect samples 4x in June, September, October, and December. Collect samples at 10 different depths from the soil surface down to ~50 cm below it. The sampling follo....


Optical analyzer versus gas chromatography
The results obtained through gas chromatography and the optical analyzer for the three groups of standards showed good linear fits (i.e., r2 > 0.98) with slopes close to one (Figure 4). The slopes of the regressions in the three experiments were statistically similar (F(2) = 0.478, p = 0.623), suggesting the reproducibility of the results. It is important to note that the slopes in all three cases were .......


This study demonstrated the applicability of portable optical spectroscopy-based gas analyzers coupled to a custom-made injection chamber to analyze headspaces created from water samples. The demonstration focused on CH4, but the protocol could be applied to analyzing other relevant GHGs like CO2 and N2O8. The goal was to expand on previous systematic assessments of these closed-loop systems that represent an alternative analytical platform to conventional gas chro.......


The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


This work was funded through DOE awards DE-SC0021067, DE-SC0023084, and DE-SC0022972. The porewater concentration data of the sampled sites at the marsh is publicly available at ESS-DIVE Data Archive (https://data.ess-dive.lbl.gov/view/doi:10.15485/1997524 , accessed on June 21, 2024)



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1/4 in. I.D. x 3/8 in. O.D. Clear Vinyl TubingHome DepotSKU # 702098Use to couple stopcocks and tubing connected to the instrument. Two short pieces (~4 cm).
5/16 - 5/8 in. Stainless Steel Hose ClampEverbilt6260294Use to secure tubing connecting the stopcock valves and tubing connected to the instrument. 
Crack-Resistant Teflon PFA Semi-Clear Tube for chemicals, 5/32" ID, 1/4" ODMcMaster-Carr51805K86Use to connect the injection chamber to the inlet and outlet ports of the instrument. We used two 0.68 m-long tubing in our experiment.
Drill with titanium step drillbitMultiple companiesUse to drill the holes for septum and stopcocks in the jar's metallic lid.
Gay butyl septum (stopper)Weathon Microliter20-0025-BUse as injection port and as vial septum (if compatible). 
Headspace vials 20ml (23x75mm), Clear, Crimp Rounded BottomRestek21162Use to store the headspace sample. 
Heavy Duty Steel Bond Epoxy GorillaWeldGorilla4330101Use to glue stopcock valves and septum to the jar's metallic lid. 
Hypodermic NeedlesAir-Tite Products Co. N221Use to extract water from field vials, inject heaspace sample in vial and inject subsample to the injection chamber. 
Mason jar (12 oz)Ball, Kerr, JardenLarger or smaller chamber volumes can be chosen depending on sample concentrations. 
Optical spectroscopy-based gas analyzer  Multiple companiesPicarro G4301, Licor 7810, Licor 7820, ABB GLA131-GGAThese are some specific examples of analyzers that could be coupled to the injection chamber. We recognize that it is not an extensive list and other optical spectroscopy analyzers may also be suitable for the method.  
Stopcock valveDWK Life Sciences420163-0001Keep the valves open during normal operation. 
Syringe (2.5 mL)Air-Tite Products Co. R2Use to extract subsamples from the headspace vials and inject them in the injecion chamber for analysis. 
Syringe (30 mL)Air-Tite Products Co. R30HJUse to create headspace for gas analysis.


  1. Bastviken, D., Tranvik, L. J., Downing, J. A., Crill, P. M., Enrich-Prast, A. Freshwater methane emissions offset the continental carbon sink. Science. 331 (6013), 50 (2011).
  2. Quick, A. M., et al.

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Environmental SciencesOptical SpectroscopyGas AnalyzerAquatic EcosystemsHeadspace EquilibrationMethane ConcentrationsGas ChromatographyField StudiesAnalytical PlatformsEcological ResearchPre injection Dilution

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