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An interdisciplinary team includes many healthcare professionals working together and utilizing their skills, knowledge, and expertise to provide holistic and quality patient care.


The physician's primary responsibility is to diagnose illness and direct the medical or surgical treatment of the condition. The authority to admit patients to a healthcare agency or institution and practice care within that setting is granted to physicians by the healthcare agency or institution itself. Physician's authority and actions extend to prescribing medications, interpreting the results of laboratory and diagnostic tests, and performing procedures and surgery.

Physician Assistant

A physician assistant (PA) must finish a specific course of study and a licensure examination to assist a physician. The tasks of the PA are generally determined by the supervising physician and may include completing physical examinations and suturing lacerations. They usually examine, diagnose, and treat patients under the supervision of a doctor.

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse

A registered nurse with advanced practice (APRN) consults in a specialized role and must earn a board certification. APRN specialities include geriatrics, critical care, diabetes, rehabilitation, and wound care. Some states allow APRNs to prescribe medications.

Nurse Practitioner (NP)

A nurse practitioner is one type of an APRN professional. The NP can diagnose, manage acute and chronic diseases, create treatment plans, and perform physical assessments. In some states, NPs prescribe medications and therapies.

Licensed Practical Nurse and Licenced Vocational Nurse

A licensed practical nurse (LPN) must graduate from a practical nursing program and pass a licensure exam. The term licensed vocational nurse (LVN) is used in California and Texas. LPNs/LVNs must hold a license recognized by the state where they practice. Registered nurses (RN) and physicians oversee LPNs/LVNs. They are given fewer duties and perform fewer activities than RNs. LPNs/LVNs help RNs with critically sick patients and complicated procedures.

Registered Nurse

Registered nurses (RN) analyze, diagnose, plan, execute, and evaluate nursing care. Graduates must pass a national licensing exam administered by their state board of nursing. After completing the test, they are issued a license and become registered. RNs must hold a license recognized by the state in which they practice. They assess how nursing care impacts each individual. RNs teach individuals and families how to enhance their health and independence. RNs do not prescribe treatments or medications. However, RNs can advance to become clinical nurse specialists or nurse practitioners but may have limited diagnostic and prescribing authority depending on the state. RNs serve as charge or staff nurses, nurse supervisors or managers, directors of nursing, agency administrators, and instructors.

Nursing Assistant

A nursing assistant should complete a training and competency evaluation program for nursing assistants (NATCEP). Nursing assistants perform allocated nursing activities while supervised by a qualified nurse.

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