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The process of source transformation in the frequency domain entails the conversion of a voltage source, positioned in series with an impedance, into a current source that is parallel to an impedance, or the other way around. It is essential to maintain the following relationships while transitioning from one source type to another.



In order to determine the unknown voltage for a circuit composed of a current source and a collection of resistors, capacitors, and inductors - each with their distinct known impedance, a series of steps are followed. Initially, the voltage source is converted into a current source, and the values of the source current (Is) and impedance (Zs) are established.

Subsequently, transforming the current source back to a voltage source results in a different circuit. From this derived circuit, the source voltage (Vs) is calculated using the previously determined values. Finally, by applying the voltage division rule, the unknown voltage across the resistance can be identified.

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