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The external iliac artery transitions out of the body cavity, entering the femoral region of the lower leg, and is renamed the femoral artery at the point where it traverses the body wall. This artery is responsible for the distribution of blood to the thigh's deep muscles and the skin's ventral and lateral regions, achieved through several minor branches and the lateral deep femoral artery, which also spawns a lateral circumflex artery. The knee area receives blood from the genicular artery, another offshoot of the femoral artery. The femoral artery takes on a new name, the popliteal artery, as it navigates behind the knee near the popliteal fossa. From here, it branches into the anterior and posterior tibial arteries.

The anterior tibial artery, situated between the tibia and fibula, directs blood to the anterior tibial region's skin and muscles. This artery transforms into the dorsalis pedis artery in the tarsal region, which subsequently gives rise to numerous branches that feed blood to the foot's tarsal and dorsal regions. Serving the posterior surface of the tibial region, the posterior tibial artery delivers blood to the respective muscles and skin. The posterior tibial artery also gives birth to the fibular or peroneal artery, which splits into the medial plantar artery and lateral plantar artery that cater to the plantar surfaces. These arteries interact with the dorsalis pedis artery and form two arches - the dorsal arch (or arcuate arch) and the plantar arch - ensuring the supply of blood to the rest of the foot and toes.

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