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  1. Preparation of the Laboratory

    Here, we show the laboratory preparation for 10 students working in pairs, with some excess. Please adjust quantities as needed.

    • To set up for this lab experiment, wear the appropriate personal protective equipment, including a lab coat, chemical splash goggles, and gloves.
    • Confirm that the lab has a glass waste container and a container for solid acetanilide and trans-cinnamic acid waste.
    • Prepare 40 mL of a 95% by volume ethanol solution. Measure 38 mL of absolute ethanol and pour it into a 50-mL glass bottle using a funnel.
    • Then, add 2 mL of deionized water to the bottle. Mix the solution with a glass rod or by shaking the closed bottle until it appears homogeneous.
    • Label the bottle and place it in a fume hood for solvents. Store the absolute ethanol in a cabinet for flammable materials.
    • Set aside high-purity acetanilide and trans-cinnamic acid to be used as seed crystals.
    • Bring reagent-grade acetanilide and trans-cinnamic acid to the balances for students to use. Confirm that there are enough lab wipes, spatulas, and weighing boats.
    • Set out the following glassware and equipment at each student lab station:
       1    Lab stand
       1    3-prong clamp
       1    Stirring hotplate
       1    Pair of flask tongs
       1    Vacuum pump (or house vacuum)
       1    125- or 250-mL filter flask
       2    Büchner funnels
       1    Filter adapter
       2    600-mL beakers
       1    250-mL beaker
       2    5-mL graduated cylinders
       1    10-mL graduated cylinder
       1    125-mL Erlenmeyer flask*
       1    25-mL Erlenmeyer flask
       2    Glass stirring rods
       1    Medium stir bar
       1    Pair of tweezers
       2    Pipette bulbs
      *Note: Try to use older flasks with scratches on the inside for this lab.
    • Keep extra 125-mL Erlenmeyer flasks, stemless or wide-stem glass funnels, large filter papers, small beakers, and boiling chips available in case students need to hot filter their acetanilide solutions.
    • Place boxes of laboratory wipes, medium filter papers, and Pasteur pipettes in a central area for the students.
    • Set up the melting point analyzer and place a container of capillaries next to it.
    • Just before the lab, fill an insulated cooler with about 8 L of crushed ice. Place the cooler and an ice scoop on the central bench in the lab.

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