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  1. Preparation of the Laboratory

    Here, we show the laboratory preparation for 10 students working in pairs, with some excess. Please adjust quantities as needed.

    • Put on a lab coat, splash-proof safety glasses, and nitrile gloves.
    • Place labeled containers for halogenated waste and solid reagent waste in a satellite waste hood. Place a glass waste container nearby.
    • Label a 20-mL vial as ‘unknown mixture’.
    • Measure out 0.5 g of cellulose and add it to the labeled vial. Measure out 4.75 g each of benzoic acid and caffeine and add them to the vial. Stir the solids well with a glass rod.
    • Tightly cap the vial and place it by the balances. Set a box of 90-mm circular filter paper by the balances. Make sure that the area has enough weighing boats, laboratory wipes, and clean spatulas.
    • Set out the following glassware and equipment at each student lab station (we suggest that students work in pairs):
       1    Lab stand with ring fixture
       1    Hotplate
       1    Vacuum pump (or house vacuum)
       1    Medium 3-prong clamp
       1    125-mL separatory funnel with a stopper
       1    125-mL Erlenmeyer flask
       3    10-mL glass graduated cylinders
       2    50-mL glass graduated cylinders
       2    50-mL beakers
       3    100-mL beakers
       1    600-mL beaker
       1    250-mL filter flask
       1    Büchner funnel
       2    60-mL glass funnels
       2    100-mm watch glasses
       2    Glass stirring rods
       2    24/40 rubber adapters
       2    Pasteur pipette bulbs
       2    Small spatulas
       1    Package of pH paper
       1    Roll of lab tape and pen
    • Distribute boxes of lab wipes and Pasteur pipettes around the lab so that each workstation has them nearby.
    • Set out anhydrous magnesium sulfate, sodium bicarbonate, vacuum grease, and several spatulas on a common bench.
    • Shortly before the lab, place labeled bottles of dichloromethane and 1 M NaOH in a fume hood.
    • Put a bottle of 3 M HCl in a separate fume hood to avoid inadvertent contact between acids and bases.

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