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  1. Preparation of the Laboratory

    Here, we show the laboratory preparation for 10 students working in pairs, with some excess. Please adjust quantities as needed.

    • First, put on a lab coat, safety glasses, and nitrile gloves. Note: Some of the reagents are volatile or have unpleasant odors, so you will handle them in a fume hood.
    • Ensure that you have glass and organic waste containers and that each sink has paper towels.
    • Follow the table to designate codes for the carboxylic acids and alcohols used in this lab. The carboxylic acids are coded A through C, and the alcohols are coded D through I. The students will use a 3:1 molar ratio of alcohol to carboxylic acid in the reaction.
      Density at RT (g/cm3)Moles per vialGrams per vialcm3 per vial Number of vials
      AAcetic acid60.051.0490.074.20354.03
      BButyric acid88.110.9530.076.16776.53
      CAnthranilic acid137.14-0.079.5998-1
      EIsoamyl alcohol88.150.8100.2118.51222.81
    • Prepare the three carboxylic acids: acetic acid, butyric acid, and anthranilic acid. Each group will need 0.07 moles of their assigned carboxylic acid in a vial.
    • Tare a 10-mL glass vial on an analytical balance in a fume hood. Use a Pasteur pipette to measure 4.2035 g of acetic acid, which will be about 4 mL. Cap the vial and label it ‘A’. Prepare two more labeled vials of acetic acid in the same way.
    • Weigh 6.1677 g of butyric acid, which will be about 6.5 mL, in a tared 10-mL vial. Cap the vial and label it ‘B’. Prepare two more vials of butyric acid in the same way.
    • Use a small spatula to weigh 9.5998 g of solid anthranilic acid in a tared 10-mL vial. Cap the vial and label it ‘C’. You should now have a total of seven vials of carboxylic acid.
    • Prepare the 7 alcohols. Each group will need 0.21 moles of their assigned alcohol in a vial. Use the table as a guide to prepare and label one vial of each alcohol. Prepare and label two vials of methanol.
    • You should now have a total of seven vials of alcohol. Keep the reagent vials in the instructor's hood for now and put away the stock bottles of the carboxylic acids and alcohols.
    • Assign each student group one of these seven combinations of reagents.
      Ester codeCarboxylic acid AlcoholEster productScent
      ADAcetic acid1-PropanolPropyl acetatePear
      AEAcetic acidIsoamyl alcoholIsoamyl acetateBanana
      AIAcetic acid1-OctanolOctyl acetateOrange
      BFButyric acid1-ButanolButyl butyratePineapple
      BGButyric acidEthanolEthyl butyrateStrawberry
      BHButyric acidMethanolMethyl butyrateApple
      CHAnthranilic acidMethanolMethyl anthranilateGrape
    • Prepare or obtain seven vials of the fruit scents and label them with the fruit names as references.
    • Set out the following glassware and equipment at each student lab station (we suggest that students work in pairs):
    • Put bottles of saturated sodium bicarbonate and 3 M sulfuric acid in a dedicated fume hood, along with a roll of plastic paraffin film and scissors.
    • Set out filter paper and Pasteur pipettes in a central area so that every student group can easily access them.
       1    Lab stand
       2    3-prong clamps
       1    Stir plate
       1    Lab jack
       1    Heating mantle
       1    Temperature controller
       2    Pieces of tubing (for condenser)
       1    Joint clip
       1    Tube of vacuum grease
       1    Box of laboratory wipes
       1    10-mL graduated cylinder
       1    600-mL beaker
       1    50-mL round-bottom flask and flask stand
       1    Standard condenser
       1    Small stir bar
       1    Glass rod
       1    Package of pH paper
       2    Pasteur pipette bulbs
    • Just before the lab, fill a large insulated cooler with crushed ice. Place the cooler and an ice scoop in a central area in the lab.
    • When the students arrive, show them how to safely waft vapors before giving them their assigned reagents.

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