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Identification of Unknown Aldehydes and Ketones

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  1. Preparation of Test Solutions

    Here, we show the laboratory preparation for 10 students working in pairs, with some excess. Please adjust quantities as needed.

    • Before you start, put on a lab coat, splash-proof safety glasses, and nitrile gloves. Note: DNPH is a shock explosive, so handle it gently with low friction tools. Phosphoric acid is also toxic and corrosive.
    • Prepare 100 mL of a 0.1 M solution of DNPH in a 50/50 mixture of 85% phosphoric acid and ethanol. Add a medium stir bar to a 250-mL beaker. In a fume hood, measure 3 g of DNPH and gently pour it into the beaker.
    • Measure 50 mL of 85% by weight aqueous phosphoric acid and slowly add it to the beaker. Place the mixture on a stir plate and gently stir it until the DNPH dissolves.
    • Measure 50 mL of ethanol and pour it into the beaker. Once the solution looks homogeneous, turn off the stir motor and retrieve the stir bar.
    • Vacuum filter the solution to remove residual solids before transferring it to a 100-mL container. Cap the container, label it ‘DNPH solution’, and place it in a hood for the test reagents.
    • Prepare 200 mL of iodoform reagent. Measure 50 g of potassium iodide into a clean 250-mL beaker. Add 200 mL of deionized water and stir the mixture on a stir plate until the potassium iodide has completely dissolved.
    • Measure 25 g of iodine and add it to the stirring solution. Once the iodine has dissolved, turn off the stir motor. Transfer the solution to a labeled 200-mL container and cap it. Place the iodoform reagent in the test solution hood.
    • Make 22 mL of Tollens’ reagent. Measure 0.6115 g of silver nitrate and pour it into a 50-mL beaker. Note: Prepare this solution right before the lab because explosive silver nitride will start to form as the reagent decomposes.
    • Add 12 mL of deionized water and stir until the silver nitrate has dissolved completely to form a 0.3 M silver nitrate solution.
    • Measure 6 mL of 3 M NaOH and add it to the stirring silver nitrate solution. Brown silver oxide will precipitate from the solution.
    • Measure 4 mL of 2 M aqueous ammonia. Use a Pasteur pipette to slowly add it to the stirring solution.
    • Once you have added all 4 mL of ammonia, remove the stir bar and vacuum filter the solution. Pour the filtrate into a 25-mL brown glass bottle.
    • Wrap the bottle in foil to shield it from light and label it ‘Tollens' Reagent’. Put the wrapped bottle with the other test solutions.
  2. Preparation of the Laboratory
    • Make sure that the sinks have paper towels and test tube brushes.
    • Set up appropriate waste containers in a waste collection hood and place glass waste nearby.
    • Fill a wash bottle with acetone and place it in the waste hood so that students can rinse strong-smelling chemicals out of their Pasteur pipettes before disposing of them.
    • In a fume hood, pour about 5 mL of butanone in a labeled vial for each lab group.
    • Prepare and label vials containing 5 mL of benzaldehyde in the same way. These are the known compounds that every student group will need.
    • The unknown compounds are acetophenone, butanol, 3-methyl-2-butanone, pentanol, 2-pentanone, and 3-pentanone. For each compound, prepare two vials containing 5 mL of that compound and label them with a code name. Place the known and unknown vials in a central area.
    • Set out the following glassware and equipment at each student lab station (we suggest that students work in pairs):
       1    Lab stand
       1    Small 3-prong clamp
       1    Hotplate
       1    Vacuum line
       1    Test tube rack
       1    Test tube tongs
       1    600-mL beaker
       4    250-mL beakers
       1    150-mL beaker
       5    50-mL beakers
       3    10-mL graduated cylinders
       5    5-mL graduated cylinders
       1    250-mL filter flask
       1    Büchner funnel
       1    Filter adapter
       4    Small watch glasses
       1    Glass stirring rod
       1    Thermometer with beaker clip
       3    Pipette bulbs
       1    Package of pH paper
       1    Roll of lab tape and marking pen
       1    250-mL bottle of DI water
    • Put Pasteur pipettes, filter papers, and small test tubes in a central area.
    • Place 3 M NaOH and 1,2-dimethoxyethane in a hood reserved for solvents.
    • Set up the melting point analyzer and ensure that there are enough capillaries.
    • At the end of the lab, promptly dilute any unused Tollens' reagent with at least 20 mL of water and flush it down the drain with copious tap water. Note: If necessary, use concentrated hydrochloric acid to precipitate the silver from the Tollens' reagent waste first.
    • Clean silver-coated test tubes with concentrated nitric acid in a fume hood. Neutralize and dispose of the silver waste according to your lab's standard procedures.

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