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Here we present methodology for the production of a focal stroke in murine white matter by local injection of an irreversible endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) inhibitor (L-Nio). Presented are two stereotactic variations, retrograde neuronal tracing, and fresh tissue labeling and dissection that expand the potential applications of this technique.


Stroke affecting white matter accounts for up to 25% of clinical stroke presentations, occurs silently at rates that may be 5-10 fold greater, and contributes significantly to the development of vascular dementia. Few models of focal white matter stroke exist and this lack of appropriate models has hampered understanding of the neurobiologic mechanisms involved in injury response and repair after this type of stroke. The main limitation of other subcortical stroke models is that they do not focally restrict the infarct to the white matter or have primarily been validated in non-murine species. This limits the ability to apply the wide variety of murine research tools to study the neurobiology of white matter stroke. Here we present a methodology for the reliable production of a focal stroke in murine white matter using a local injection of an irreversible eNOS inhibitor. We also present several variations on the general protocol including two unique stereotactic variations, retrograde neuronal tracing, as well as fresh tissue labeling and dissection that greatly expand the potential applications of this technique. These variations allow for multiple approaches to analyze the neurobiologic effects of this common and understudied form of stroke.


Stroke affecting the subcortical white matter is a common clinical entity, accounting for up to 25% of clinical strokes annually in the US 1. Ischemic damage to white matter also occurs silently at a significantly higher rate and contributes to the development of vascular dementia 2,3. Presently, patients with this form of cerebral ischemia have few, if any treatment choices. Despite the clinical importance of this disease, few clinically relevant animal models exist 4,5.

The goal of this protocol is to produce a focal ischemic lesion within the murine white matter. This murine model of human disease allows....


The use of animals in this protocol has been performed in accordance with procedures approved by the University of California Los Angeles Animal Care and Use Committee.

Note: Begin by identifying the target murine population. In prior studies, only male wild-type C57/Bl6 mice have been used, however various transgenic or knockout mice can also be used. Note that stereotactic coordinates are based on C57/Bl6 anatomy. It is recommended that each user initially verify localization of the stroke to white matter.

1. White Matter Stroke Induction - Medial Angled Approach

  1. Begin by preparing a pulled glass pi....

Representative Results

Using the model presented, the white matter underlying forelimb sensorimotor cortex can reliably be targeted. This chemically induced stroke model produces focal axonal and myelin loss, astrocytosis, and microgliosis (Figure 1), as is typically seen in human lacunar infarcts. By using three injections, a clinically useful model is established with early impairment on forelimb motor tasks 7 and a small but significant portion of brain tissue experiences ischemia.......


A number of prior models of subcortical stroke have been described including focal injections of endothelin-1 into the internal capsule, subcortical white matter and striatum in the rat 12-14 and mouse 6,15. More recent models of small focal strokes have utilized cholesterol microemboli injection in the carotid artery 16 and photothrombotic occlusion of a single penetrating arteriole 17. Each of these models has both advantages and disadvantages 5. The presently desc.......




SN and MDD received support from NIH K08 NS083740 and the UCLA Department of Neurology. AJG acknowledges support by the Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Medical Research Foundation and the Larry L. Hillblom Foundation. KLN gratefully acknowledges support from the American Heart Association 14BFSC17760005 ASA-Bugher Stroke Center. ILL, EGS and STC were supported by NIH R01 NS071481. JDH acknowledges support from NIH K08 NS083740.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
L-N5-(1-Iminoethyl)ornithine, DihydrochlorideCalbiochem400600-20MG
IsofluranePhoenix Pharmaceutical, Inc.NDC 57319-559-06
Capillary tubesWorld Precision Instruments50-821-807
PicospritzerParker InstrumentationPicospritzer II
Stereotactic setupKent ScientificKSC51725
Pipette pullerKOPFModel 720
Stereomicroscope SZ51Olympus88-124
Fine scissorsFine Scientific Tools14084-08
ForcepsHarvard ApparatusPY2 72-8547
Curved ForcepsHarvard ApparatusPY2 72-8598
Blunt dissection toolFine Scientific Tools10066-15
Drill bitsFine Scientific Tools19007-05
MarcaineHOSPIRANDC 0409-1610-50
Trimethoprim-SulfamethaxoleSTI PharmacyNDC 54879-007-16
FluororubyFluorochrome Inc30mg
CryostatLeica CM3050 S14047033518
Glass slidesFisher12-544-7
Fast Green SigmaF7252-5G
Dissection microscopeNikonSMZ1500
23 gauge butterfly needleFisher14-840-35
10X Hank's Balanced Salt SolutionLife Technologies14065056
1M HEPES-KOH, pH 7.4Affymetrix16924
Sodium bicarbonateSigmaS5761


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Murine ModelSubcortical White Matter StrokeAxonal DegenerationWhite Matter NeurobiologyStereotactic InjectionL NioFluorescent TracerAnesthesiaCraniotomyCortical SurfaceStereotactic Microscope

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