Synchrotron fast tomography was used to dynamically image dissolution of limestone in the presence of CO2-saturated brine at reservoir conditions. 100 scans were taken at a 6.1 µm resolution over a period of 2 h.
Underground storage permanence is a major concern for carbon capture and storage. Pumping CO2 into carbonate reservoirs has the potential to dissolve geologic seals and allow CO2 to escape. However, the dissolution processes at reservoir conditions are poorly understood. Thus, time-resolved experiments are needed to observe and predict the nature and rate of dissolution at the pore scale. Synchrotron fast tomography is a method of taking high-resolution time-resolved images of complex pore structures much more quickly than traditional µ-CT. The Diamond Lightsource Pink Beam was used to dynamically image dissolution of limestone in the presence of CO2-saturated brine at reservoir conditions. 100 scans were taken at a 6.1 µm resolution over a period of 2 hours. The images were segmented and the porosity and permeability were measured using image analysis and network extraction. Porosity increased uniformly along the length of the sample; however, the rate of increase of both porosity and permeability slowed at later times.
A major concern of carbon capture and storage (CCS) is long-term storage security1,2. Carbon dioxide, CO2, injected into the subsurface will dissolve in the host brine and form carbonic acid3,4,5. This acidic brine has the potential to react with and dissolve the surrounding rock, particularly if the host rock is limestone6. Dissolution can be favorable and allow for continued formation permeability7 and greater storage permanence8. However, geologic seal integrity may be compromised by this dissolution and allow CO2 to migrate to the surface9. Accurate predictive modeling of storage permanence is thus dependent on fully understanding dissolution in the brine-rock system and the distribution and the rate of fluid movement in the subsurface10,11,12.
However, the nature and the rate of dissolution in carbonates is dependent on both the properties of the brine13,14,15,16 and the host rock17. The dissolution rates are also strongly dependent on brine temperature and pressure6, making the development of experimental techniques for measuring complex time-dependent processes at representative reservoir conditions vital.
Previous experiments have observed that field-scale reaction rates are typically orders of magnitude lower than experimental batch reactor measurements18,19. Weathering, mineral heterogeneity, and incomplete mixing in a heterogeneous flow field are possible explanations for this phenomenon. However, it is not possible to assess the most significant factors without direct observation of the evolving pore space during reaction. Thus, dynamic pore-scale experiments are required to provide both the insights into the interplay between transport and reaction and to validate predictive models.
An established experimental method for studying pore-scale processes in carbon storage applications is X-ray microtomography (µCT)20,21. µ-CT has several benefits: it achieves high spatial resolutions of down to around 1 µm, it is non-invasive, and provides three-dimensional images. Limestone dissolution has been studied at the core (~cm) scale22 and it was found that rock-brine reaction increases physical heterogeneity. To advance understanding of how different transport and reaction conditions alter the complex solid and pore structures it is necessary to measure reaction-induced changes in pore-space geometry, topology and flow in subsurface rock systems at reservoir temperatures and pressures and at a higher resolution, to investigating in detail pore-scale processes. This paper describes a method of studying reactive dissolution processes in rock with complex pore structures and focus on measuring the time and spatially dependent reaction rate between a CO2-acidified brine and limestone rock at reservoir conditions.
There have been several studies that have looked at reaction in complex carbonates23,24,25,26,27, but due to experimental or imaging constraints they have been either limited to pre and post reaction images or were not completed at representative subsurface conditions. Menke et al.28 has performed dynamic in situ imaging of reaction between a CO2-acidified brine and Ketton limestone at the pore scale over a period of several hours and at a temperature and pressure representative of an aquifer at approximately 1 km in depth. However, Ketton is a relatively homogenous rock with large grains that is easy to image in very little time (~17 min) and with few projections (~400). Most carbonate rocks have complex pore structures that require many projections to accurately resolve which can be a very time intensive process using traditional µ-CT — either with a monochromatic beam at a synchrotron source or with bench-top X-ray scanners. Thus, a fast method of tomography is needed to see reaction-induced changes in heterogeneous carbonates dynamically.
The amount of time it takes to image a sample is controlled by the flux of the X-ray source. One method of scanning quickly is to use the polychromatic beam of a synchrotron source20. This so-called 'Pink Beam' provides orders of magnitude more intense light than bench-top sources and therefore images can be taken on the tens-of-second rather than hour time scales. An undulator that consists of a periodic structure of dipole magnets produces the Pink Beam. The electron beam is forced to undergo oscillations as it traverses the magnets and as a consequence radiates energy. The energy produced is concentrated to narrow wavelength bands and is very intense. Mirrors and filters are then used to narrow the spectrum of light to suit experimental needs. Mirrors absorb the high-energy spectrum while filters absorb the lower energies. It is therefore possible to narrow the spectrum to the desired band of radiation using only these tools.
However, using this intense X-ray flux is not without its challenges. The lower energy X-rays of the Pink Beam spectrum are absorbed by the sample as heat. This can interfere with the temperature control of the in situ apparatus and cause CO2 to exsolve from solution20. CO2-saturated brine is very sensitive to both heat and pressure and therefore a small change in thermal equilibrium can significantly change the pH of the in situ fluid5. Thus, careful design and control elements for the X-ray spectrum must be incorporated into the beam line equipment prior to imaging.
Fast tomography also produces a vast amount of data at a high rate. The limitations of data read out from the camera and subsequent storage provide a substantial technological challenge. Some have overcome this by taking several consecutive scans and storing them on the camera memory before reading them to external data servers. However, this requires that the experiment be relatively short as the camera memory can only hold a finite volume of data. Binning the data on the camera also reduces transfer time as it reduces the volume of data needing to be transferred, but it has the potential to reduce the quality of the images. Alternatively, the data can be transferred off the camera after each scan before starting the next, which will increase the total time between scans. This study used the latter method with each image acquisition taking ~45 seconds and data read off taking an additional ~30 s.
When taking scans at a high rate, the sample stage must spin much faster than with traditional scanning and therefore the potential angular stress on the core holder is great. Carbon fiber, while X-ray transparent, is flexible when stressed. If the sample moves during image acquisition image blurring can occur. The core holder sleeve was designed to be as short as possible to mitigate these potential stresses. Additionally, flexible polyether ether ketone (PEEK) tubing was used on all elements of the experimental apparatus close to the stage so that the stage was free to rotate. One drawback of using PEEK tubes is that it is permeable to CO2 on diffusive timescales. Fluid residing in the lines for long periods will gradually become desaturated over a period of about 24 h. All lines that were not near the core holder were made of stainless steel and the fluid was pre-equilibrated in a vigorously mixed Hastelloy reactor heated and pressurized to experimental conditions23,29,30.
The experimental apparatus is depicted in Figure 1. Reservoir temperature is maintained in the core holder by wrapping the exterior of the sleeve in an X-ray transparent heating tape and inserting a thermocouple through the radial port of the cell and into the confining fluid. A Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller then regulated temperature to within 1 °C. Pressure and flow conditions were maintained using three high-pressure syringe pumps that are accurate to a flow rate of 0.001 mL/min. Two salts were used for the experiment, a highly absorbing 25% wt KI unreactive brine and a low absorbing 1% wt KCl, 5% wt NaCl reactive brine. The difference in attenuation made it easy to see the arrival of reactive brine in the core making dead volume calculations unnecessary.
1. Imaging Strategy Design
2. Assembly of Equipment and Cell
3. System Pressurization
4. Fluid Flow and Image Acquisition
5. Image Processing
6. Modeling
The reaction was imaged between calcite and unbuffered scCO2 saturated brine in 4 mm-diameter 1.2 cm-long Portland carbonate core42. Portland carbonate is a relatively pure (<99%) calcite oolite with a complex heterogeneous pore structure43. The low energy X-rays were filtered by passing the beam through 2 mm of Al and 0.1 µm of Au. A CdWO4 scintillator with a 1.25X objective lens and a PCO EDGE camera were used in the detector assembly. The dry scans were acquired with 4,000 projections while the dynamic scans had 1,000 projections each. Total acquisition time was ~1 minute 15 seconds per scan with ~100 scans taken over a period of 2 hours.
Reconstruction and artifact removal was completed using the Diamond Lightsource proprietary software. Each image consists of 20003 voxels, which were then binned to increase signal to noise resulting in an image of 10003 voxels at a resolution of 6.1 µm (Figure 5). The images were then processed using the image processing modules in Avizo 8.1 and ImageJ programs (see Supplemental File). Each image required approximately 12 CPU hours and 3 GPU hours of processing on a computer with a 3.0 GHz CPU and a Tesla K20C GPU.
The segmented images were analyzed as a time series for porosity changes by counting the number of voxels of pore and rock. During dissolution porosity increases with time (Figure 6). Visual inspection of the segmented images (Figure 7) shows the presence of a channel in the direction of flow. When porosity is plotted as a function of both time and distance from the sample inlet it is clear that a channel is formed in the first hour and then widened as the experiment continues (Figure 8).
The segmented images were then used as input into a network extraction model to analyze permeability changes (Figure 9). It was found that there was a sharp increase in permeability during the initial hour, but then the permeability stabilized at later times.
Figure 1. The in situ experimental apparatus. CO2 is pressurized by the injection pump and used to equilibrate brine in the reactor. Reactive brine is pulled through core assembly by the receiving pump. The cell is confined by DI water in the confining pump and heated using heating tape controlled by a thermocouple in the confining fluid. The experimental system is connected together using tubing and fluid flow is directed using Valves (V) and Unions (U). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2. The X-ray spectra of the Diamond Lightsource I-13I pink beam calculated using both the experimental tuning curve and theoretical mirror reflectivity and filter transmission. Mirrors absorb energies above 30 keV; Al and Au filters absorb energies below 13 and 22 keV respectively. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3. The beam line imaging apparatus. The Al and Au sheets filter the pink beam and the remaining X-rays hit the core assembly. A portion of the X-rays are absorbed by the sample while the rest pass through the sample and hit the scintillator which fluoresces in the visible spectrum. This visible light is then focused by the objective onto the CCD, which translates that light into a pixelated digital image where the pixel intensity value is a function of the number of X-rays that are absorbed by the scintillator. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4. The core assembly inside the core holder. PEEK tubing is attached to the interior end fittings and threaded through the steel end caps. The core is wrapped in aluminum foil and inserted into the sleeve. The sleeve is then stretched over the end fittings to create a watertight seal and two additional layers of aluminum foil are added to hold everything in place and prevent gas diffusion. The thermocouple is secured to the outside of the core assembly with the outer layer of adhesive aluminum foil. Figure modified from Menke et al.42. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5. A 2-D slice of the reconstructed image before (a) and after (b) dissolution. The lighter areas are grain and the darker areas are pore. Blurring at the edges of the grain/pore boundary can be seen in the reacted portion of the pore space (b). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 6. Porosity plotted with time. Porosity increases linearly with a small decrease in slope in the second hour of dissolution. Figure modified from Menke et al.42. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 7. A 3-D rendering of the change in porosity at 60 minutes into the experiment, where green represents the greatest change in porosity and red the least. A clear porous channel created by fluid-solid chemical reaction is seen in the center of the core where dissolution is greatest. Figure modified from Menke et al.42. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 8. Profiles of porosity as a function of distance from the sample inlet. Porosity is uniform along the axis of dissolution, but the rate of dissolution changes as a function of time. Figure modified from Menke et al.42. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 9. (A) A network extraction performed on the segmented images is shown at 60 minutes, showing large pore spaces (balls) and their connections (tubes). (B) The computed permeability is shown to increase with time with a sharp rise between 40 and 60 minutes as a wide dissolution channel is established. Figure modified from Menke et al.42. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
The most critical steps for dynamic imaging of reaction in heterogeneous pore structures at reservoir conditions are: 1) accurate temperature control of the cell inside the pink beam; 2) successful core holder stability on a fast moving stage; 3) efficient data processing and storage techniques; and 4) effective segmentation of time-resolved images.
Temperature control is essential for reservoir condition imaging using a Pink Beam. If the temperature rises above the reactor temperature, CO2 will exsolve in the pore space and both change the pH of the brine and create ganglia of supercritical CO2 in the pore space that could change the nature of dissolution44. The use of filters to absorb the lower energy X-rays is critical for removing this additional temperature stress which allows the thermocouple and heating wrap to effectively control temperature externally. However, filters lower the total energy throughput of the beam and thus must be used sparingly so as not to significantly increase total acquisition time. Moreover, filter type and thickness must be tailored to the specific energy wavelengths and throughput of the beam line.
The core holder undergoes rotational and vibration stresses during tomography acquisition that can cause the carbon fiber sleeve to shake during stage rotation and blur the projections. To minimize this potential, the core holder is designed as a short 6 cm sleeve for use at synchrotrons. This sleeve would not be favorable for use with bench top scanners, as the steel end fittings would inhibit minimization of source-sample distance and geometric magnification. However, with a parallel light source these are not concerns.
Each tomographic scan taken in a series can have a size of over 20 GB meaning that a series of 100 scans will be 2 TB in size. When taking many scans in a row very quickly both the instrument bandwidth and storage options provide substantial data management challenges. The experimental imaging apparatus must be designed with these constraints in mind so as to fully realize the dynamic imaging potential of fast tomography. Data transfer bottlenecks must be identified before starting the experiment and the technology infrastructure adapted so that issues such as camera read off speed, transfer bandwidth, and storage write speed do not inhibit acquisition speed potential.
Effective segmentation of the time-resolved images of dissolution provides a challenge. When a tomographic scan is taken in a changing system the edges of the solid-liquid boundary can become blurred. This blurring makes traditional segmentation techniques such as watershed, which works on the assumption that the boundaries will be the regions with the highest attenuation gradient, much less successful. To circumvent this, the difference image of the unreacted and reacted images is calculated which provides an image of only regions of change. This method allows for successful segmentation of the continuously changing pore structure.
Synchrotron fast tomography coupled with a reservoir scale apparatus is a powerful experimental method that can be adapted to explore a range of applications including multiphase flow processes, advection-dispersion, and transport in chemically heterogeneous mediums. However, the current apparatus is limited to a time resolution on the order of seconds, single-phase experiments, and small sample sizes. Future design upgrades may include additional pumps for three-phase capabilities, increasing flux to be able to penetrate larger mediums, better reconstruction techniques that allow for fewer projections to be taken per scan, and multivariate approaches to image acquisition and segmentation that can further improve information depth, breadth, and accuracy.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We gratefully acknowledge funding from the Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre (QCCSRC), provided jointly by Qatar Petroleum, Shell, and Qatar Science & Technology Park. We also gratefully acknowledge the funding and support provided by Diamond Lightsource and Manchester University at the I13 Imaging Branch.
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
NaCl salt | Sigma Aldrich | S7653-1KG | |
KCl salt | Sigma Aldrich | P9333-1KG | |
KI salt | Sigma Aldrich | 30315-1KG | |
Coreholder | Airbourne Composites | 110mm Coreholder | Constructed in conjunction with Imperial College |
PEEK tubing | Kinesis | 1560xL | |
Thermocouple | Omega Engineering | KMTSS-IM300U-150 | |
Flexible Heating Tape | Omega Engineering | KH-112/10-P | |
1/16" Needle Valve | Hydrasun Ltd | MVE1002 | |
High Pressure Syringe Pump | Teledyne ISCO | 1000D | |
600mL Parr Reactor | Parr Instrument Company | 4547A - hastelloy | |
CO2 Cylinder | BOC | CO2 - size E | |
Viton | Fisher Scientific | 11572583 | |
Aluminium Foil | Coroplast | 1510AWX | |
ImageJ - image processing | NIH | ImageJ | |
Matlab | Mathworks | Matlab | Used for data analysis |
Avizo | FEI | Avizo | |
Snoop Leak Detector | Swagelok | MS-SNOOP-8OZ |
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