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In This Article

  • Summary
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
  • Discussion
  • Acknowledgements
  • Materials
  • References
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Ischemic stroke is a complex event in which the specific contribution of astrocytes to the affected brain region exposed to oxygen glucose deprivation (OGD) is difficult to study. This article introduces a methodology to obtain isolated astrocytes and study their reactivity and proliferation under OGD conditions.


Ischemic stroke is a complex brain injury caused by a thrombus or embolus obstructing blood flow to parts of the brain. This leads to deprivation of oxygen and glucose, which causes energy failure and neuronal death. After an ischemic stroke insult, astrocytes become reactive and proliferate around the injury site as it develops. Under this scenario, it is difficult to study the specific contribution of astrocytes to the brain region exposed to ischemia. Therefore, this article introduces a methodology to study primary astrocyte reactivity and proliferation under an in vitro model of an ischemia-like environment, called oxygen glucose deprivation (OGD). Astrocytes were isolated from 1-4 day-old neonatal rats and the number of non-specific astrocytic cells was assessed using astrocyte selective marker Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP) and nuclear staining. The period in which astrocytes are subjected to the OGD condition can be customized, as well as the percentage of oxygen they are exposed to. This flexibility allows scientists to characterize the duration of the ischemic-like condition in different groups of cells in vitro. This article discusses the timeframes of OGD that induce astrocyte reactivity, hypertrophic morphology, and proliferation as measured by immunofluorescence using Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA). Besides proliferation, astrocytes undergo energy and oxidative stress, and respond to OGD by releasing soluble factors into the cell medium. This medium can be collected and used to analyze the effects of molecules released by astrocytes in primary neuronal cultures without cell-to-cell interaction. In summary, this primary cell culture model can be efficiently used to understand the role of isolated astrocytes upon injury.


Stroke is defined as "an acute neurological dysfunction of vascular origin with either sudden or rapid development of symptoms and signs, corresponding to the involvement of focal areas in the brain"1,2. There are two types of stroke: hemorrhagic and ischemic. When vascular dysfunction is caused either by an aneurysm or an arteriovenous malfunction, accompanied by weakening with posterior rupture of an artery, this is termed hemorrhagic stroke3 which, in most cases, leads to death. When a thrombus or an embolus obstructs blood flow, causing a temporary deprivation of oxygen....


Postnatal rats (Sprague Dawley) 1-4 days old are used to isolate cortices. The method of euthanasia is decapitation, as approved by NIH guidelines.

1. Preparation of Instruments and Materials for Surgery

  1. Sterilize instruments in an autoclave (temperature: 121 ºC, pressure: 15 psi, time: 30 mins) using a steel box or an instant sealing sterilization pouch. See materials in Table of Materials.

2. Complete DMEM Preparation

Representative Results

One of the main concerns of primary astrocytic culture is the presence of other cells such as neurons, oligodendrocytes, fibroblasts, and microglia. In Figure 1, isolated cells from rat cortices had media changes every 3 days and were either untreated or treated with added LME for 1 h. 24 h later, cells were immunostained for GFAP and counterstained with DAPI. Untreated cells showed an average of 39% non-GFAP positive cells, while LME-treated cells showed 8%........


This protocol describes the isolation of astrocytes from rat cortices. In this method, it is critical to decrease contamination with other cellular types such as microglia, oligodendrocytes, and fibroblasts. To reduce the number of microglia, several steps can be taken: changing the media, orbital shaking, and chemical treatments. Once culture purity is confirmed by immunofluorescence using selective cellular markers or for the most prominent cell contaminants, experiments can be performed. For instance, antibody against.......


The authors want to thank Paola López Pieraldi for the technical assistance. A.H.M. is grateful for the grants 8G12MD007600 and U54-NS083924 that supported this publication. We thank NIH-NIMHD-G12-MD007583 grant for the facility support. D.E.R.A. is grateful for the fellowship provided by NIHNIGMS-R25GM110513.We are grateful for the use of the Common Instrumentation Area and the aid of Dr. Priscila Sanabria for the use of the Optical Imaging Facility of the RCMI program by grant G12MD007583. In addition, we want to thank Jose Padilla for his outstanding role in filming and editing the visual protocol.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Instruments for Surgery - Step 1
Operating scissor 5.5”Roboz CompanyRS-6812Tools used to decapitate the rats.
Curved forceps 7” Roboz CompanyRS-5271Holds the skin of the rat while the skull is removed.
Micro-dissecting scissors 4” Roboz CompanyRS-5882Cuts both the skin and skull of the rat.
Micro-dissecting forceps 4” angled, fine sharp Roboz CompanyRS-5095Holds the skin of the rat while the skull is removed.
Micro-dissecting forceps 4” slightly curved 0.8Roboz CompanyRS-5135Tool used to separate cortices.
Micro-dissecting tweezersRoboz CompanyRS-4972Peels brain meninges.
Dissection microscopeOlympusSZX16Important for removing the meninge from the cortices.
DMEM Preparation - step 2
Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium (DMEM)GibCo. Company11995-065Supports the growth of cells.
Sodium bicarbonateSigma-Aldrich CompanyS7277Supplement for the cell culture media.
Fetal bovine serum (FBS)GibCo. Company10437-010Serum-supplement for the cell culture.
Penicillin-Streptomycin GibCo. Company15140-148Inhibits the growth of bacterias in the cell culture.
Filter System 1L with 0.22um poreCorning431098
Astrocyte culture - step 3
Serological pipets 5mLVWR89130-896To pipette DMEM to containers with cells.
Serological pipets 10mLVWR89130-898To pipette DMEM to containers with cells.
Serological pipets 25mLVWR89130-900To pipette DMEM to containers with cells.
Centrifuge conical tube 15mLSanta Cruz Biotechnologysc-200250
Safe-lock tube 1.5mLEppendorf022363204
Barrier Tips 200 uLSanta Cruz Biotechnologysc-201725
Barrier Tips 1 mLSanta Cruz Biotechnologysc-201727
Biohazard Orange Bag 14 x 19"VWR14220-048
60mm petri dishesFalcon351007
Sterile gauze padsHoneywell Safety89133-086
Stomacher 80 BiomasterSewar Lab System030010019Triturate the brain tissue.
Stomacher 80 Blender Sterile BagsSewar Lab SystemBA6040Sterile bag for the stomacher cell homogenizer.
Beaker 400mLPyrex1000
Sterile cell dissociation sieve, mesh #60 Sigma-Aldrich CompanyS1020To obtain a uniform single cell suspension.
Sterile cell dissociation sieve, mesh #100Sigma-Aldrich CompanyS3895To obtain a uniform single cell suspension.
Invert phase microscopeNikonEclypse Ti-SVerify cells for contamination or abnormal cell growth.
75cm2 sterile flasksFalcon353136
Multi-well plateFalcon353046
Micro cover glasses (coverslips), 18mm, roundVWR48380-046
Bright-Line hemacytometerSigma-Aldrich CompanyZ359629
Pasteur pipettesFisher Scientific13-678-20D
Ethyl alcohol Sigma-Aldrich CompanyE7023
L-leucine methyl ester hydrochloride 98% (LME)Sigma-Aldrich CompanyL1002Promotes the elimination of microglia cells in the primary cortical astrocyte cultutre.
Cytosine β-D-arabinofuranoside (Ara-C)Sigma-Aldrich CompanyC1768
Poly-D-Lysine Hydrobromide, mol wt 70,000-150,000Sigma-Aldrich CompanyP0899
Trypsin/EDTAGibCo. Company15400-054
Trypan BlueSigma-Aldrich CompanyT8154
Phosphate buffer saline (PBS) tabletsCalbiochem524650
Sterile WaterSigma-Aldrich CompanyW3500
 OGD Medium Preparation - step 5
Centrifuge conical tube 50 mLVWR89039-658
Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium-free glucoseSigma-Aldrich CompanyD5030Supports the growth of cells.
Sodium bicarbonateSigma-Aldrich CompanyS7277Supplement for the cell culture media.
Penicillin-Streptomycin GibCo. Company15140-148Inhibits the growth of bacterias in the cell culture.
200mM  L-glutamine GibCo. Company25030-081Amino acid that supplements the growth of cells.
Phospahet buffer saline (PBS) tabletsCalbiochem524650
Filter System 50mL with 0.22um poreCorning430320
Centrifuge conical tube 50 mLVWR89039-658
Single Flow Meter Billups-RothenbergSMF3001Measure gas flow in oxygen purge.
Hypoxia Incubator Chamber StemCell27310Generates a hypoxic environment for the cell culture.
Traceable Dissolved Oxygen MeterVWR21800-022
95% N2/ 5% CO2 Gas MixtureLindePurges the environment of oxygen.
primary astrocyte immunofluorescence - step 6
Phosphate buffer saline (PBS) tabletsCalbiochem524650
Formaline Solution Neutral Buffer 10%Sigma-AldrichHT501128Solution used to fix cells.
Methanol FisherA4544Solution used to fix cells.
Non-ionic surfactant (Triton X-100)Sigma-AldrichT8787
Fetal bovine serum (FBS)GibCo. Company10437-010Serum-supplement for the cell culture.
Anti-NeuNCell Signaling24307Detects mature neurons, serves to validate the astrocytic culture.
Anti-PCNACell Signaling2586Detects proliferating cells.
Propidium Iodide (PI)Sigma-Aldrich CompanyP4170Apoptosis staining.
Anti-Olig1AbcamAB68105Detects mature oligodendrocytes.
Anti-Iba1+Wako016-20001Detects microglial cells.
Anti-GFAP Conjugated with Cy3 Sigma-Aldrich CompanyC9205Detects reactive astrocytes in the treated cells.
Alexa Fluor 488Molecular Probe Life TechnologyA1101Anti-Mouse Secondary Antibody
Alexa Fluor 555Molecular Probe Life TechnologyA21428Anti-Rabbit Secondary Antibody
4’,6’-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)Sigma-Aldrich CompanyD9542Nuclear staining
Confocal microscopeOlympus


  1. Goldstein, L. B., Bertels, C., Davis, J. N. Interrater reliability of the NIH stroke scale. Arch Neurol. 46 (6), 660-662 (1989).
  2. Hinkle, J. L., Guanci, M. M. Acute ischemic stroke review. J Neurosci Nurs. 39 (5), 285-293 (2007).

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