Here, we present a protocol for tracing genomic DNA (gDNA) contamination in RNA samples. The presented method utilizes primers specific for the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) genes. The method is suited for reliable and sensitive detection of DNA contamination in most eukaryotes and prokaryotes.
One method extensively used for the quantification of gene expression changes and transcript abundances is reverse-transcription quantitative real-time PCR (RT-qPCR). It provides accurate, sensitive, reliable, and reproducible results. Several factors can affect the sensitivity and specificity of RT-qPCR. Residual genomic DNA (gDNA) contaminating RNA samples is one of them. In gene expression analysis, non-specific amplification due to gDNA contamination will overestimate the abundance of transcript levels and can affect the RT-qPCR results. Generally, gDNA is detected by qRT-PCR using primer pairs annealing to intergenic regions or an intron of the gene of interest. Unfortunately, intron/exon annotations are not yet known for all genes from vertebrate, bacteria, protist, fungi, plant, and invertebrate metazoan species.
Here we present a protocol for detection of gDNA contamination in RNA samples by using ribosomal DNA (rDNA)-based primers. The method is based on the unique features of rDNA: their multigene nature, highly conserved sequences, and high frequency in the genome. Also as a case study, a unique set of primers were designed based on the conserved region of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) in the Poaceae family. The universality of these primer pairs was tested by melt curve analysis and agarose gel electrophoresis. Although our method explains how rDNA-based primers can be applied for the gDNA contamination assay in the Poaceae family, it could be easily used to other prokaryote and eukaryote species
Exploring transcriptional regulation of interesting gene sets or signaling networks is essential to understand the complex molecular mechanisms involved in biological events1. Currently, qPCR analysis is the most widely used approach for gene expression studies that can target either DNA (the genome) or RNA (the transcriptome) which permit methylome and transcriptome analysis, respectively. Reverse transcription (RT) followed by qPCR is widely used for transcriptome analysis that measure gene expression levels in various areas of biological research2. Compared to other methods such as the traditional Northern hybridization, tissue specific detection via in situ hybridization, ribonuclease protection assays (RPA), and semi-RT-PCR, the accuracy, convenience, speed, and wide dynamic range of qPCR-based assays are highly remarkable3,4. There are several important factors that have to be considered for a reliable quantification of messenger RNA (mRNA), including the quality and quantity of RNA starting material. Furthermore, non-specific amplification, the efficiency of RT-qPCR, and PCR efficiency have to be considered5,6.
The presence of gDNA is an inherent problem during RNA extraction due, in part, to the similar physical and chemical properties of DNA and RNA7. Because of the sequence identity of gDNA and complementary DNA (cDNA) derived from the mRNA samples, non-specific amplification can occur, which will influence the accuracy of RT-qPCR results. The remaining gDNA will lead to overestimation of the abundance of target mRNA in gene expression analysis8.
Basically, the non-specific amplicon mostly arises from primer-dimer formation or unspecific background amplification due to gDNA, both of which can be assessed by using appropriate control samples. Such samples are no template control (NTC) and no reverse transcriptase control (NRT), respectively. Since the levels of gDNA contamination in the samples being studied are different and the sensitivity toward gDNA differs greatly between the genes analyzed, the NRT controls are required for each sample/assay pair. Although this substantially increases cost and labor in RT-qPCR profiling studies, these controls are required7,9.
Alternative methods dealing with gDNA contamination include the use of primer pairs annealing to intergenic regions or an intron of the gene of interest10, and the use of primers that either flank a large intron or span an exon-exon junction, i.e. the annealing sites are absent in the mature mRNA sequence1,4. However, intron/exon annotations for all genes from many vertebrate, bacteria, protist, fungi, plant, and invertebrate metazoan species are known yet. In addition, many eukaryotic organisms have pseudogenes derived from duplication events. Further, primer design across introns does not guarantee non-amplification of gDNA. As the chromatin accessibility of genomic regions to DNase I varies, it is recommended to design different primer pairs targeting different chromosomes10.
The genomes of eukaryotic organisms can encompass up to a thousand copies of rDNA genes encoding ribosomal subunits necessary for ribosomes formation. These rDNA genes are often organized in single or tandem repeat arrays11. Polycistronic rRNAs (Figure 1) including the large subunit (LSU) and small subunit (SSU) are transcribed by RNA polymerase I (RNA pol I). The resulting pre-rRNAs are further processed by eliminating the two internal transcribed spacer regions ITS1 and ITS2. As final products, three mature rRNAs, 17-18S rRNA (SSU), 5.8S, and 25-28S rRNA (LSU) are generated12. rDNA genes are typical representatives of a multigene family with highly conserved sequences. They occur with a high frequency in the genome and are potentially present at more than one chromosomal location13. The processing of the rRNA and the degradation of the transcribed spacers is a fast process in the nucleolus. Due to the high degree of repetitiveness, the ratio of genomic copy number and detectable unprocessed RNA premolecules is lower compared to the low-copy intron sequences and unspliced precursors. These features make rDNA genes well suited for reliable and highly sensitive detection of gDNA contamination in most eukaryotes and prokaryotes3.
Here a novel procedure for detecting gDNA contamination in RNA samples is described. A set of universal primers based on the rDNA conserved sequence is presented for gDNA assays in several Poaceae species. The specificity and universality of the proposed primers were tested by melt curve analysis using DNA as a template. Our protocol is not only applicable for Poaceae, but could also easily be adapted to other eukaryotic and prokaryotic species.
NOTE: Any tissue can be used.
1. Nucleic Acid Extraction
2. Primer Design from rDNA Region for gDNA Assay
NOTE: The rDNA full-length sequence contains two regions (ITS1 and ITS2), which are removed in the mature rRNA molecule by a series of endonucleolytic cleavages and then degraded (Figure 1).
3. Perform qPCR Step for Validation of rDNA-based Primers with DNA Templates
NOTE: The functionality of the designed primers should be validated by performing qPCR using gDNA as a template. To perform several parallel reactions and reduce pipetting errors, the preparation of a master mix is recommended. For a master mix, prepare a volume equivalent to the total number of reaction mix plus ~10%.
4. gDNA Contamination Assay Procedure with RNA Templates
NOTE: After treatment with DNase, the purified RNA sample is tested by rDNA-specific primers. Due to the processing of the intron-like feature of ITSs when these regions are used for amplification, no amplification signal should be detected in DNA-free RNA samples. Based on this, if an amplification signal in qPCR is detected or a band in the agarose gel observed with the expected size (estimated by in silico analysis), this should be due to gDNA contamination. The steps performed in this section, are similar to section 3, except that cDNA of all samples is used as template instead of gDNA.
5. RT-PCR Step for cDNA Synthesis and qPCR Analysis
We propose the use of rDNA-based primers to validate the absence of gDNA contamination in RNA samples of leaf tissue. The flowchart of qPCR analysis and gDNA contamination assay is shown in Figure 2. In the presented protocol, two complementary strategies were used for rDNA-based primer design: 1) species-specific primers were selected from ITSs sequences and 2) universal primers were selected from ITSs flanking regions. For proof-of-concept, we designed primers specific for Aeluropus littoralis, and universal primers based on Poaceae species, as given in the protocol. The 5.8S forward and reverse primers were selected based on a conserved 14 base pair (bp) motif that shows similarity between flowering plants, bryophytes, and several orders of algae and fungi14. The features of designed primers are given in Table 2. The universality of SSU, 5.8S, and LSU primer were checked by BLASTn, and primer homology results are presented in Figure 3 as a motif logo. The list of species included in the homology analysis as well as the divergent primers for each species are given in Table 1. Primer specificity was check by Primer-BLAST. For species where the whole genome sequence is available, the chromosomal location of rDNA genes was estimated. For instance, in Oryza sativa and Arabidopsis thaliana, rDNA genes are located on two different chromosomes, and in Zea mays on three different chromosomes.
qPCR validation of rDNA-based primers was performed with melting curve analysis of ITS1 and ITS2-flank amplicons using DNA as a template. As presented in Figure 4 and Figure 5, primer specificity was confirmed experimentally by the observation of a single sharp peak with no primer-dimer formation in different Poaceae species including Triticum aestivum, Hordeum vulgare, Oryza sativa, and in the dicots Medicago sativa, Cucumis sativus, Nicotiana tabacum, Trifolium alexandrinum, Vicia faba, and Arabidopsis thaliana. The further test of the amplification products by electrophoretic size separation showed a unique band. As expected, the bands derived from samples of different species varied in size (Figure 6A and 6B). Interestingly, the use of the universal primers specifically designed for the three Poaceae species are not only useful for other Poaceae species, but also for other plant species such as A. thaliana, and for an endophytic fungus viz. Piriformospora indica.
The validity of the designed specific primer (ITS1) was also confirmed by qPCR in A. littoralis using gDNA as template. A single peak with no primer-dimer formation was observed. Surprisingly, the A. littoralis ITS1 primer (as the specific primer) generated a single sharp band not only in A. littoralis, but also for all other species tested except for Nicotiana tabacum and Trifolium alexandrinum, which produced two bands (Figure 6C). The gDNA contamination assay was performed by either ITS or ITS-flanking primers in all RNA samples. A schematic representation of the amplification plate in the gDNA contamination assay, and the interpretation of results is presented in Figure 7.
Figure 1: The general pattern of eukaryotic rDNA sequence organization.
The eukaryotic rDNA segment contains 17-18S (red), 5.8S (blue), and 25-28S rRNA (pink). The internal transcribed spacers (ITS) are indicated as black lines. 5´and 3´ indicate the orientation of the DNA molecule. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Workflow for a RT-qPCR and gDNA contamination assay. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Motif logo of A. SSU, B. 5.8S and C. LSU primer homology. For SSU, 5.8S, and LSU primers, the motif logo was constructed by BLASTn based on 2,000 green plant records (NCBI taxid number: 33090) with a cut-off e-value ≤10-10. A-Adenine, T-Thymine, G-Guanine, C-Cytosine. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: The melt curve analysis of ITS1-flanking amplicon in different species.
This amplicon, amplified by SSU and 5.8S-R primers, contains part of the sequence from the 17-18S encoding region, the whole sequence of ITS1 and partial sequence of 5.8S. Shown are the melting curves of amplicons generated (pink) and NTC (red) from Triticum aestivum, Hordeum vulgare, Oryza sativa, Medicago truncatula, Cucumis sativus, Nicotiana tabacum, Trifolium alexandrinum, Vicia faba, Arabidopsis thaliana, and Piriformospora indica. The flat bold line indicates the baseline threshold. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: The melt curve analysis of ITS2-flanking amplicon in different species.
This amplicon is generated by the use of 5.8S-F and LSU primers. The described amplicon contains sequences of part of 5.8 S, the whole sequence of ITS2, and a partial sequence of 25-28S. Shown are the melting curves of amplicons (green) and NTC (red) generated from Triticum aestivum, Hordeum vulgare, Oryza sativa, Medicago truncatula, Cucumis sativus, Nicotiana tabacum, Trifolium alexandrinum, Vicia faba, Arabidopsis thaliana and Piriformospora indica. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 6: Agarose gel analysis of rDNA-based PCR product.
The amplicon of ITS1-flanks (A), ITS2-flanks (B), and ITS1 (C) were run on 3% agarose gel. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 7: Intron-like features of ITSs can be considered to design primers which can detect gDNA contamination.
Any peak or band with the expected size in qPCR analysis indicate gDNA contamination in the RNA sample. Unk: unknown sample, pos: positive control, NTC: non-template control. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Primer | Genus | Taxid ID | Species | Divergent primer | ||
SSU | Arabidopsis | 3701 | kamchatica, thaliana and lyrata | - | ||
Vicia | 3904 | villosa, americana, unijuga, amoenane, amurensis, craccamal, pseudo-orobus, multicaulis, japonica, ramuliflora and faba | ||||
Trifolium | 3898 | alexandrinum, montanum, resupinatum and repens | - | |||
Nicotiana | 4085 | tabacum, benthamiana, otophora, picilla, bigelovii, palmeri, tomentosiformis, tomentosa, digluta, kawakamii, clevelandii, nesophila , solanifolia, cordifolia, debneyi, arentsii, thyrsiflora, wigandioides, undulata, glutinosa, noctiflora, petunioides, obtusifolia, miersii, pauciflora, attenuate, acuminata , linearis, alata, sylvestris , rustica and suaveolens | - | |||
Cucumis | 3655 | anguria, melo and sativus | CGTAACAAGGTTTCCGTAGGKG | |||
Aeluropus | 110873 | - | No primer found | |||
Medicago | 3877 | sativa, lupulina, pamphylica, lunata, rostrate, plicata and truncatula | - | |||
Oryza | 4597 | sativa, glumipatula, rufipogon barthii glaberrima punctate, longistaminata, meridionalis, nivara, meridionalis and longistaminata | - | |||
Triticum | 4564 | aestivum, urartu and monococcum | - | |||
Hordeum | 4512 | vulgare, bulbosum, marinum, brevisubulatum and bogdanii | - | |||
LSU | Arabidopsis | 3701 | petraea, thaliana and lyrata | TGCTTAAACTCAGCGGGTAATC | ||
Vicia | 3904 | sylvatica, tetrasperma, sativa, hirsute, sepium, parviflora, cracca, lathyroides, orobus, orobus, bithynica and faba | TGCTTAAATTCAGCGGGTAGCC | |||
Trifolium | 3898 | pretense, nigrescens, resupinatum, occidentale, subterraneum, strictum, ochroleucon, glomeratum, squamosum, ornithopodioides and repens | TGCTTAAATTCAGCGGGTAGCC | |||
Nicotiana | 4085 | tabacum, benthamiana, otophora, picilla, bigelovii, palmeri, tomentosiformis, tomentosa, digluta, kawakamii, clevelandii, nesophila , solanifolia, cordifolia, debneyi, arentsii, thyrsiflora, wigandioides, undulata, glutinosa, noctiflora, petunioides, obtusifolia, miersii, pauciflora, attenuate, acuminata , linearis, alata, sylvestris and suaveolens | TGCTTAAACTCAGCGGGTAGTC | |||
Cucumis | 3655 | melo, ritchiei and javanica | TGCTTAAACTCAGCGGGTAGTC | |||
Aeluropus | 110873 | lagopoide, pungens and littoralis | TGCTTAAATTCAGCGGGTAATC | |||
Medicago | 3877 | ruthenica, sativa, lupulina, arabica, polymorpha and minima | TGCTTAAATTCAGCGGGTAGCC | |||
pamphylica, lunata, rostrate and plicata | TGCTTAAACTCAGCGGGTAGTC | |||||
Oryza | 4597 | sativa, glumipatula, rufipogon, barthiial, glaberrima, australiensis, officinalis, australiensis, ridleyi, malampuzhaensis , alta, nivara, rufipogon, meridionalis and longistaminata | TGCTTAAACTCAGCGGGTAGTC | |||
Triticum | 4564 | aestivum, spelta, turgidum, dicoccoides, petropavlovskyi, urartu and monococcum | TGCTTAAACTCAGCGGGTAGTC | |||
Hordeum | 4512 | vulgare, bulbosum, murinum, secalinum, brevisubulatum and bogdanii | TGCTTAAACTCAGCGGGTAGTC | |||
A degenerate primer is defined as IUPAC system for nucleotide nomenclature |
Table 1: The list of species considered for picking rDNA-based primers.
SSU binding site in comparison to LSU binding site showed higher sequence homology over given genus.
Amplicon length | Amplification area | Sequence | Primer name | Amplicon | |
332 - 405 bp | Partial sequence of SSU, whole sequence of ITS1 and partial sequence of 5.8S | CGTAACAAGGTTTCCGTAGGTG | SSU | ITS1-flanks | |
318 - 361 bp | Partial sequence of 5.8S, whole sequence of ITS2 and partial sequence of LSU | ATTGCAGAATCCCGTGAACC | 5.8S-F | ITS2-flanks | |
100 - 200 bp | ITS1 | GGTATGGCGTCAAGGAACACT | ITS1-F | ITS1 | |
Table 2: Primer sequences.
Gene expression analysis by quantitative PCR has been widely applied in recent years. The main benefit of this rapid, cost-effective, and automated method is its precise and accurate result. However, gaining optimal benefits from these advantages requires a clear understanding of the setup of the parameters used for the qPCR experiment. To receive a reliable result in qPCR gene expression analysis, it is necessary to avoid the nonspecific amplification that arises from primer-dimer or gDNA contamination in the RNA sample3,15. It is expected that the RNA transcript levels will be overestimated under gDNA contamination8. Here, the unique features of an rDNA gene was considered for a gDNA contamination assay in RNA samples.
Basic properties of the rDNA used in this protocol: Ribosomal genes consist of the two ITSs, namely ITS1 and ITS2, and the three rRNA encoding genes, 17-18S, 5.8S, and 25-28S subunit12. The two ITS regions are not part of the coding sequence of the ribosomal subunits. They are removed by at least three enzymatic activities to process the precursor to mature rRNA: an endonuclease, helicase, and exonuclease activity. As the ribosomal RNA is transcribed as a polycistronic transcript, a primary product containing the ITSs is certainly present. The processing is very fast and takes place in the nucleolus, and the amount of detectable precursor molecules containing the ITS is below the detection limit of the qPCR method. Therefore, when ITS1 or ITS2 are amplified by ITS flanking primers, no amplification can be detected in RNA samples unless gDNA contamination is present. The number of rDNA genes in the genome of eukaryotic organisms was estimated to include up to a thousand copies, which are arranged in single or tandem arrays on the chromosomes11. In this protocol, we propose an alternative way, instead of NRT, to detect gDNA contamination, which is used in each reaction/assay.
Benefits and limitations with respect to existing methods: NRT is typically used to test whether the prepared RNA sample is clean or contaminated by gDNA. Since gDNA contamination is not distributed uniformly between different RNA samples, and the reaction sensitivity to gDNA is significantly affected by the genes analyzed, NRT controls are required for each sample/assay pair7,15. This will substantially add cost and labor when handling many samples simultaneously3,9. Other alternative methods documented in the literature include the use of intron specific primers for the detection of gDNA, or designing primers that either flank an intron or span an exon-exon junction. The limitations of these methods stem from the unavailability of intron sequence information, incomplete annotation of intron/exon structure, and the absence of introns in genes or pseudogenes of interest1,4,10. Due to evolution, rDNA genes exist as multigene and highly conserved gene families. They are highly abundant in the genome and present on different chromosomes13. Compared to other coding or nonconding genes, the rDNA genes show the best fit for detection of gDNA contamination. In comparative transcriptomic analyses, the normalization of qPCR data by rRNA calibrator is not recommended for some issues, such as differences in cDNA preparation (polyA priming vs. random hexamer priming), large differences in abundance between rRNA and mRNA, and different biogenesis which may generate misleading results10,16. However, the problems we have just mentioned are an advantage for the gDNA contamination assay. For example, with respect to higher targeting site abundance in the genome, and localization on different chromosomes, rDNA-based primers significantly improve the detection sensitivity of gDNA in comparison to existing methods.
Versality of rDNA-based to other organism: rDNA genes are a well-studied gene family identified in most organisms. The proposed rDNA-based method represents a simple, highly sensitive, and economic system for gDNA contamination assays that may be easily adapted to other eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms (Protocol 2 - 5). As a case study, we have demonstrated here the utility of this method in some Poceae species (Figure 4 and Figure 5). The used primers show a high rate of transferability to other Poceae species due to the highly conserved structure of rDNA subunits among species. This issue becomes even more important when sufficient genomic sequence information is not available for primer design. Thus, ITS-flanking primers designed for one species can be used in a related species. Also, the 5.8S-F/R primers were picked based on a conserved motif that shows high similarity in most flowering plants14. Although high throughput sequencing techniques permanently increase the number of known genomes, the exon-intron annotation of most organisms is not completed, and so it is often not possible to design primers to span an exon-exon border. Our method explains how rDNA-based primers can be applied for the gDNA contamination assay in qPCR analysis of prokaryotes and eukaryotes with the goal of eliminating expensive NRT controls in each assay/primer combination.
This research was supported by the Genetic and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute of Tabarestan (GABIT), Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University (SANRU). The junior research group Abiotic Stress Genomics was funded by IZN (Interdisciplinary Centre for Crop Plant Research, Halle (Saale), Germany. We thank Rhonda Meyer for critical reading of the manuscript.
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Maxima SYBR Green / ROX qPCR Master Mix (2X) | Thermo Scientific | K0221 | |
TissueLyser II | QIAGEN | 85300 | |
RevertAid H Minus First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit | Thermo Scientific | K1631 | |
GeneRuler 100 bp Plus DNA Ladder | Thermo Scientific | SM0321 | |
96 well WHT/CLR | Bio-Rad | HSP9601 | |
Microseal B film | Bio-Rad | MJ-0558 | |
Low tube strip CLR | Bio-Rad | TLS0801 | |
Flat cap strips | Bio-Rad | TCS0803 | |
NanoDrop 2000 | Peqlab | ND-2000 | |
RNaseZAP | Ambion | 9780 | |
Centrifuge | Eppendorf | 5810 R | |
Agilent RNA 6000 Nano Kit | Agilent Technologies | 5067-1511 | |
2100 Electrophoresis Bioanalyzer | Agilent Technologies | G2939AA | |
RNase A, DNase and Protease-free | Thermo Scientific | EN0531 | |
DNase I, RNase-free | Thermo Scientific | EN0523 | |
TRIZOL Reagent | Ambion | 15596026 | |
CFX96 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System | BIO RAD | 1855195 | |
PCR tube, 0.2 mL, RNase-free | Stratagene | Z376426 | |
Guanidine thiocyanate for molecular biology | Sigma-Aldrich | G9277 | |
Agarose - Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis | Sigma-Aldrich | A9414 | |
Boric Acid for molecular biology | AppliChem | A2940 | |
bromophenol blue | AppliChem | A2331 | |
ethidium bromide | AppliChem | A1151 | |
Gel documentation system | BIO RAD | Gel Doc 2000 |
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