The described RNA in situ hybridization protocol allows the detection of RNA in whole Drosophila embryos or dissected tissues. Using 96-well microtiter plates and tyramide signal amplification, transcripts can be detected at high resolution, sensitivity, and throughput, and at a relatively low cost.
In our efforts to determine the patterns of expression and subcellular localization of Drosophila RNAs on a genome-wide basis, and in a variety of tissues, we have developed numerous modifications and improvements to our original fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) protocol. To facilitate throughput and cost effectiveness, all steps, from probe generation to signal detection, are performed using exon 96-well microtiter plates. Digoxygenin (DIG)-labelled antisense RNA probes are produced using either cDNA clones or genomic DNA as templates. After tissue fixation and permeabilization, probes are hybridized to transcripts of interest and then detected using a succession of anti-DIG antibody conjugated to biotin, streptavidin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and fluorescently conjugated tyramide, which in the presence of HRP, produces a highly reactive intermediate that binds to electron dense regions of immediately adjacent proteins. These amplification and localization steps produce a robust and highly localized signal that facilitates both cellular and subcellular transcript localization. The protocols provided have been optimized to produce highly specific signals in a variety of tissues and developmental stages. References are also provided for additional variations that allow the simultaneous detection of multiple transcripts, or transcripts and proteins, at the same time.
New genome-wide RNA detection methods such as RNA-seq have greatly expanded our knowledge of when and where genes are expressed, and at what levels1. However, these provide relatively poor temporal and spatial resolution. RNA in situ hybridization allows the spatial distribution of transcripts to be visually observed in fixed tissues, thus revealing the details of cellular and subcellular localization2. Using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) allows even more spatial resolution as it allows the use of powerful microscopy techniques, such as confocal and light sheet microscopy3. Fluorescent markers such as DAPI can also be used to establish subcellular relationships4. FISH also facilitates the observation of multiple RNAs and proteins simultaneously with clear indications of overlap at the subcellular level. Unique reagents and steps required for double-labeling can be found in the following references3,5.
The procedures described here utilize 96-well microtiter plates for all steps, including cDNA template production (colony PCR), RNA probe production (using T7, T3 or SP6 polymerase-dependent run-off transcription), in situ hybridization, and fluorescent signal development. Sufficient numbers of embryos or tissues are added to each well of the 96-well plate to allow evaluation of consistency and variability. Each well then receives a different probe. After signal development, embryos or tissues from each well are arrayed on individual microscope slides for microscopic analysis.
The use of tyramide signal amplification (TSA) for probe detection produces robust signals with exceptional subcellular resolution 5,6,7,8. The subcellular localization of RNAs is an important regulatory mechanism 9 that appears to occur with virtually all RNAs 4,10,11. These analyses have also shown that many transcripts that are not detected by RNA-seq are readily detected by FISH 8. The adaptation of RNA in situ hybridization to 96-well plates allows analysis of up to 96 genes of interest at a time (more if additional plates are used), making analysis of large datasets possible. By cutting the plates into smaller sections, the method is also easily adapted to just a few samples. The protocol provided is appropriate for analysis of RNA distributions in most types of tissues. Although not shown, it is adaptable to non-Drosophila tissues as well.
1. PCR amplification of cDNA templates from plasmids
NOTE: Use high quality plasmid or PCR-generated DNA templates for RNA probe synthesis. The Drosophila Gene Collection (DGC) libraries generated by the Berkeley Drosophila genome project provides coverage of most coding genes found in the Drosophila genome (see Table 1a). These also allow the use of universal primers for the amplification of any cDNA insert. These PCR amplifications are performed on plasmid DNAs present in the lysates of plasmid-containing bacterial cultures. The DNA products are then used as templates for in vitro transcription to generate antisense RNA probes (see Table 1b).
Table 1a | ||||
Vector | Antibiotic working concentration 1:1000 | Primers | RNA polymerase for antisense | RNA polymerase. for sense |
pFLC-I | Amp | pBst_SK(-)_F/R | T3 | T7 |
pBSt(-) | Amp | pBSt_SK(-) | T7 | T3 |
pOT2 | Chlor | pOT2_F/R | SP6 | T7 |
pOTB7 | Chlor | pOT2_F/R | T7 | SP6 |
Table 1b | ||||
Primer | Sequence | |||
pOT2_Forward | 5'-AAT-GCA-GGT-TAA-CCT-GGC-TTA-TCG-3' | |||
pOT2_Reverse | 5'-AAC-GCG-GCT-ACA-ATT-AAT-ACA-TAA-CC-3' | |||
pBst_SK(-)_Forward | 5'-GAA-ACA-GCT-ATG-ACC-ATG-ATT-ACG-CC-3' | |||
pBst_SK(-)_Reverse | 5'-CGG-CCA-GTG-AAT-TGT-AAT-ACG-ACT-C-3' |
Table 1: A) General DGC clone information for amplifying cDNA inserts in plasmids. B) Sequences of Universal Primers for DGC plasmids.
Reagents | 50 μl sample reaction | 96 Well mix (112x reaction) | Final concentration |
2 X PCR polymerase Mix | 25 μl | 2800 μl | 1 X |
Primer_For (25 pmol/μl) | 0.5 μl | 56 μl | 0.25 pmol/μl |
Primer_Rev (25 pmol/μl) | 0.5 μl | 56 μl | 0.25 pmol/μl |
ddH2O | 22 μl | 2464 μl | |
Total | 48 μl | 5376 μl |
Table 2: PCR Master Mix.
STEP | Temperature | Time | Cycle(s) |
Initial Denaturation | 95 °C | 3 min | 1 cycle |
Amplification Denaturation, annealing and extension | 95 °C | 45 sec | 30 cycles |
54-58 °C | 45 sec | ||
72 °C | 45 sec-3.5 min | ||
Final Extension | 72 °C | 7 min | 1 cycle |
Storage | 4 °C | hold |
Table 3: Recommended PCR Program.
Component | Volume | Portion |
PCR | 50 μl | |
100 % Ethanol | 125 μl | 2.5 X vol. of PCR |
3M NaOAc (pH=5.2, RNase free) | 5 μl | 10% of vol. of PCR |
Total | 180 μl |
Table 4: Example of a 50 µL PCR reaction.
2. In vitro transcription to generate antisense probes.
NOTE: It is crucial to work in an RNase-free environment. All reagents and lab-ware must be RNase free (such as certified DNase/RNase free plastic ware).
Component | Stock concentration | Volume | Final concentration |
ATP | 100 mM | 7 μl | 10 mM |
CTP | 100 mM | 7 μl | 10 mM |
GTP | 100 mM | 7 μl | 10 mM |
UTP | 100 mM | 4.5 μl | 6.5 mM |
Dig-11-UTP | 10 mM | 25 μl | 3.5 mM |
RNase free water | 19.5 μl | ||
Total | 70 μl |
Table 5: DIG-NTP Mix preparation.
Component | 15 μl reaction | 96 Well mix (112x reaction) | Final Conc. |
5X Transcription Buffer | 3.00 μl | 3.00 μl | 1 x |
Dig-NTP mix (10 mM) | 0.75 μl | 0.75 μl | 0.5 mM |
RNase inhibitor | 0.25 μl | 0.25 μl | 0.67 U/ μl |
RNA polymerase (T7 or T3 or SP6) | 2.00 μl | 2.00 μl | 2.67 U/ μl |
RNase free water | 1.50 μl | 1.50 μl | |
Total | 7.50 μl | 7.50 μl |
Table 6: 2X transcription Master Mix.
Component | Volume | Final concentration |
DEPC treated ddH2O | 11.85 ml | 23.7 % |
20 X SSC | 12.5 ml | 25 % (5 X) |
Formamide | 25 ml | 50 % |
Heparin (50 mg/ml) | 0.1 ml | 0. 2 % (0.1 mg/ml) |
Salmon sperm single stranded DNA | 0.5 ml | 1.0 % |
Tween-20 | 0.05 ml | 0.1 % |
Total | 50.00 ml | 100 % |
Table 7: Hybridization solution.
3. Drosophila rearing and embryo, larva and adult tissue collection.
NOTE: For both small scale (bottles) and mass (boxes) fly rearing, use standard fly lab protocols on cornmeal based food at 25 °C. Keep proper adult and larval density and provide additional active yeast powder on food surfaces.
Component | Fix I (10 ml) | Fix II (10 ml) |
40 % PFA stock | 1 ml | 1 ml |
PBTT | 8.99 ml | 9 ml |
Picric acid solution | 10 μl | - |
Table 8: Fixing Solutions for tissues.
4. In situ hybridization
NOTE: This portion of the protocol requires a minimum of 2 days, with sample preparation, pre-hybridization and hybridization taking place on day 1 and probe detection on day 2. If the number of samples is relatively high, if unfamiliar with the protocol, or a full day is not possible, the protocol should be performed in 3 days with the steps of probe detection and signal amplification divided into 2 days. Large numbers of embryos or dissected tissue samples may also require additional days to process. For dissected tissue samples, replace 1 X PBT with 1 X PBTT in all steps, unless otherwise indicated. The extra detergent is required for penetration of many larval and adult tissues, such as the brain and testis. Although not tested, 1 X PBTT may also be used for embryos. Use 100 µL per well for 96-well plates and 800 µL for 1.5 mL tubes.
5. Probe detection
Step | Pre-warmed solution (56 °C) | Time | Volume per well |
1 | Hybridization Solution:PBTT (3:1) | 15 min | 100 μl |
2 | Hybridization Solution:PBTT (3:1) | 15 min | 100 μl |
3 | Hybridization Solution:PBTT (1:1) | 15 min | 100 μl |
4 | Hybridization Solution:PBTT (1:3) | 15 min | 100 μl |
5 | PBTT 3 washes | 5 min | 100 μl |
Table 9: Washing probes after hybridization.
6. Antibody detection using tyramide (see Figure 5)
NOTE: Here homemade cyanine 3-conjugated tyramide was used, which was prepared according to the protocol described in 12. If performing many experiments or testing many samples, this saves a significant amount of money and is effective compared to commercial reagents (from experience). For fewer experiments and samples, commercially available cyanine 3-tyramide can be used (see Materials).
Figure 6 shows examples of results obtained using this procedure. The top 3 panels show examples of early Drosophila embryos (Figure 6, panels A-C), the next 3 panels show examples of late Drosophila embryos with signals in different tissues (amnioserosa, muscles and central nervous system, respectively (Figure 6, panels D-F). Next are examples from 3rd instar larval tissues (Figure 6, panels G-J). Panels K and L show representative images from adult gonads (ovary and testis, respectively). Hundreds of images have been uploaded and annotated in our searchable 'fluorescent in situ fruit fly database' (FlyFISH (
Figure 1. Outline of Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) protocol and key equipment. (A) PCR amplification of cDNA. (B) In vitro transcription to generate gene-specific antisense DIG- labeled RNA probes in a 96-well plate (photo of the plate shown in b). (C) and (D): Adults (female: male ratio 2:1. 300-400 flies/bottle) flies are allowed to mate for 3-4 days. Embryos from an overnight collection on standard cornmeal food at 25 °C are transferred to a well ventilated plastic box (1 L of cornmeal food in a container sized: 8" X 8" X 3" LWH) or to new bottles keeping a proper larval density. For tissue collection, active yeast powder should be sprinkled on top of the food at 24, 48 h after egg laying (AEL). (E to H): Fluorescent in situ hybridization experiments performed over 3 consecutive days. For embryos or tissues that do not float, use a 96-well PCR plate as shown in photograph b with 8-channel aspirator (photograph c). For tissues that float, like most larval tissues, use a filter-bottomed plate (photograph in d) and remove liquid from bottom with a manifold aspirator using low pressure (photograph in e). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2. Determination of RNA probe yield. Newly synthesized antisense RNA probes observed on a 1 % agarose gel (5 µL/lane). The yield can be categorized (based on the intensity of the band) as 'low yield' in lanes 3 and 10, 'typical yield' in lanes 1, 4, 5, 6 and 8, or 'high yield' in lanes 2, 7, 9, 11, and 12. For samples with 'typical yields', use 10-15 µL of probe diluted in 100 µL of hybridization solution for each in situ experiment. Dilute samples with 'high yields' of probe with additional hybridization solution according to the band intensity relative to a 'typical probe' intensity. Aim to have roughly equal final probe concentrations in each well. The arrow points to one of the 'RNA probes', the higher band on each lane is the original DNA template. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3. Major steps for a large-scale embryo collection and fixation. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4. Homemade tube for removing liquid from larval or floating tissues. Some larval and adult tissues float in solution during fixation. This simple tool consists of a nylon mesh held by a 200 µL cut tip, followed by a 1 mL tip as an adaptor to connect to an aspirator. Liquid can be safely removed without losing any tissue. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5. Tyramide Signal Amplification. (1) DIG-labeled antisense RNA probe hybridizes with endogenous sense RNA. (2) Immuno-affinity binding between biotin-conjugated primary antibody and DIG-UTP. (3) HRP conjugated streptavidin binds biotin. (4) HRP catalyzes the cyanine 3-tyramide and hydrogen peroxide reaction to form short-lived cyanine 3-tyramide radicals. (5) Cyanine 3-tyramide radicals bind to tyrosine residues on nearby proteins. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 6. Representative in situ hybridization images. Each panel shows an example of a different RNA (shown in Cyan) and nuclei stained with DAPI (shown in red). (A-C) Examples of early Drosophila embryos. (D, F) Examples of late Drosophila embryos. (G-J) Examples of 3rd instar Drosophila larval tissues (malphigian tubules, midgut, salivary gland and muscle respectively). (K) Adult ovary. (L) Adult testis. Each panel displays the name of the gene that the probe is hybridizing to. Scale bars = 10 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
The described protocol provides a highly reproducible, sensitive, and economical method for the detection of most RNAs in fixed Drosophila embryos or tissues. Although slightly more complicated than the more traditionally used alkaline phosphatase method of probe detection, the resolution obtained by FISH is far greater and the sensitivity is comparable or improved 7,8. By using whole or partial microtiter plates, the protocols can be used for large-scale or limited analyses of genes of interest. It should be noted that the probes generated may detect all or multiple transcript splice forms unless probes are more specifically designed (i.e., single exons). Although we have tested probes as small as 200 nucleotides with reasonable success, smaller probes tend to be less effective and may be less specific. Clearly, this protocol is not appropriate for the detection of small introns, exons, or processed microRNAs.
Although this approach uses an enzymatic step to boost the strength of signals, signal intensity appears to be proportional to target gene expression in a relatively linear and broad range of expression levels. At higher magnification, the signal is seen as puncta or speckles within cells and tissues. For relatively rare transcripts only a few tiny puncta are seen. As transcript abundance increases, these grow in number and size. As with single molecule FISH (smFISH), single small puncta may also correspond to single RNAs and should also be readily quantified using imaging and informatics software. Comparisons of published images obtained using smFISH with images that we have curated for the same targets suggest that the overall, sensitivity and resolution of the two methods are relatively similar, although this should be tested by more rigorous comparisons. Given the much higher expense of smFISH, the method provided here should give similar results at a fraction of the cost. However, if the goal is to detect small transcripts, or distinct parts of transcripts, smFISH is recommended.
Due to the smaller size of some FISH probes, this method may also be better at penetrating tissues that are large or have significant barriers. However, our use of higher detergent levels and tissue fixation and permeabilization tweaks appear to have solved this problem. Finally, although developed for Drosophila tissues, the high detergent buffers described here for dissected tissues should also work for Drosophila embryos as well as most other organisms and tissues.
Authors have no competing financial interests.
Funding support for this project was provided by a grant to HMK by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (grant MOP 133473).
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
15 ml Polypropylene conical centrifuge tubes | Frogga Bio | TB15-500 | Certified DNase and RNase free |
2x PCR Master Mix with dye(Ambiogene) | Biomart (Canada) | 141106-1K | Certified DNase and RNase free |
50 ml Polypropylene conical centrifuge tubes | Frogga Bio | TB50-500 | Certified DNase and RNase free |
96-well filteration plate (1.2 um, hydrophilic PVDF membrane | EMD MILLIPORE | MSBVS1210 | Used to remove liguid from bottom of the plate with floting tissues |
96-well PCR plate (200 μl) | Denville | C18096-10 | |
Acrodisc syringe filter (0.2 u) | PALL | PN4612 | |
Acrodisc syringe filter (0.45 u) | PALL | PN4614 | |
Agarose | Bioshop | AGA002.500 | |
Ampicilin | Sigma-aldrich | A9393-5G | Stock concentration is 100 g/ml disolved ddH₂O and 0.2μm filtered (use as 1/1000) |
AXYGEN 96-well assay storage plates | UltiDent Scientific | 24-P96-450V-C | To store bacterial glycerol stocks |
AXYGEN Aluminum Plate Seals | UltiDent Scientific | 24-PCR-AS-200 | To seal plates |
AXYGEN Wide-bore tips (200 ul) | UltiDent Scientific | 24-T205-WB-C | To transfer samples |
Biotin-SP (long spacer) IgG Fraction Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Digoxin | Jackson ImmunoResearch Lab | 200062156 | Primary antibody for in situ (stock conc. 1 mg/ml, working conc. 2.5 μg/ml or 1/400 dilution. |
BRAND 8-channel manifold (autoclavable) | BrandTech Scientific Inc. | 704526 | To remove liquids from the top of 96-well PCR plates |
Chloramphenicol | Sigma-aldrich | C1919 | Stock concentration 34 mg/ml dissolved and 0.2μm filtered in 100 % EtOH (use as 1/1000) |
Cyanine 3 Tyramide (Cy3-TSA) | Home made | Could be ordered from Perkin-Elmer Cat# SAT704A001EA | |
DABCO (1,4-Diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane) | Sigma-aldrich | D2522 | Antifade reagent in mounting media |
DEPC (Diethyl pyrocarbonate) | Sigma-aldrich | D5758 | Working concentration is 0.1 % in ddH₂O. To make RNase free water 0.1 % |
Digoxigenin-11-uridine-5’-triphosphate | Roche | 11-209-256-910 | |
Embryo collection cage | Home made | N/A | Size: 75 cm X 75 cm X 75 cm made with Polymethyl methacrylate |
Eppendorf centrifuge 5804 | Eppendorf | Model 5804 | Centrifuge for 96-well plates on A-Z-DWP rotor |
Formamide | Bioshop | FOR001.500 | |
Glycerol | Bioshop | GLY002.4 | |
Glycine | Bioshop | GLN001.500 | |
Heparin | Sigma-Aldrich | H4784-250MG | Stock: 50 mg/ml. Working concentration 1 mg/ml in Hybridization solution |
Hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) | Sigma-Aldrich | 216763-500 ml | |
Lab Armor Beads | DiaMed | LAA42370-001 | Fill in heating unit |
Labnet Gyro M Mini Nutating Mixer | Fisher Scientific | 50-998-347 | Sample mixing |
Mesh - 100 micons | FlyStuff | 57-103 | For collecting embryos |
Mesh - 800 microns | SEFAR - Nytex | 06-780/53 | For catching loose tissue / may be used for special tube in figure 4. |
Micro Cover Glasses | VWR | 48366-067 | Size: 22 X 22 mm |
Micro slides,frstd | VWR | 48312-003 | Size: 25 X 75 mm |
Multi-Well Plate Vacuum Manifold | Pall Corporation | P/N 5017 | Remove liquid from bottom of 96-well filter plate |
Paraformaldehyd (PFA) | Bioshop | PAR070.500 | Fixation |
PCR machine | Bio-Rad | Model: DNA Engine PTC-200 | 96-well plate PCR and probe denature |
Picric acid solution | Sigma-aldrich | 80456 | For tissue fixation I solution |
Potassium Chloride (KCL) | Bioshop | POC308 | |
Potassium phosphate monobasic (KH₂PO₄) | Bioshop | PPM302.1 | |
PP lid for 96-well plates, 100/case | UltiDent Scientific | 24-P-LID-PP | Lid for storing plates |
Progene disposable Reagent Reservoirs (50 ml, sterile) | UltiDent Scientific | 825-1-50-5S | Liquid handling |
Progene Pierceable Aluminum Foil | UltiDent Scientific | 87-CFILM-AL | Seal 96-well plate, DNase and RNase free |
Proteinase K | Sigma-aldrich | P2308- 5MG | Embryo permeabilization |
RiboLock Ribonuclease Inhibitor | Thermo Scientific | EO0381 | 40 Unit/ul |
Ribonucleoside Triphosphate (NTP) set | Roche | 11277057001 | RNA probe sythesis |
RNase free water | GIBCO | 10977015-500ml | RNA probe sythesis |
RNaseZap | Ambion | AM9780 | Remove RNase contamination |
Single stranded DNA from salmon testes | Sigma-aldrich | D9156 | For hybridization solution |
Skim milk (non fat power) | Bioshop | SKI400.500 | Working concentration is 1 % in 1 X PBT or PBTT as a blocking reagent |
Sodium Acetate (NaOAc) 3 M, pH=5.2 (RNase free) | Bioshop | SAA333 | Working concentration is 10 % (v/v) for DNA or RNA precipitation |
Sodium citrate (HOC(COONa)(CH₂COONa)₂ · 2H₂O | Sigma-aldrich | S4641-500G | Reagent in 20 X SSC |
Sodium phosphate dibasic (Na₂HPO₄) | Bioshop | SPD307.1 | Reagent in 10 X PBS |
SP6 RNA Polymerase | Thermo Scientific | EP0131 | 20 Unit/ul |
Stainless Steel Shot for Sand Bath | VWR | 13259-274. | To fill the heating unit |
Stereomicroscope & gooseneck light source | Leica | Model: MZ6 | Tissue dissection and mounting |
Streptavidin, horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugate | Molecular Probes | S911 | Secondary antibody stock: 1 mg/ml, use 1/1000 dilution (1 μg/ml) for in situ. |
T3 RNA Polymerase | Thermo Scientific | EP0101 | 20 Unit/ul |
T7 RNA Polymerase | Thermo Scientific | EP0111 | 20 Unit/ul |
Tip station (10 ul) | Axygen | T-300-STK-S | Certified DNase and RNase free |
Tip station (200 ul) | Sorbio | 27770T | Certified DNase and RNase free |
Tips ( 1ml) | Sorbio | 10200 | Certified DNase and RNase free |
TRITON X-100 | Bioshop | TRX506 | Working concentration is 0.3% in 1 X PBT for tissue in situ |
Tween 20 | Bioshop | TWN510 | Working concentration is 0.1% in 1 X PBT for embryo in situ |
Whatman qualitative filter paper, Grade 3 | Sigma-aldrich | WHA1003917 | |
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Solutions | Preparation | ||
DABCO (1,4-Diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane) glycerol anti-fade mounting media | DABCO (1.25 g), Glycerol (35 ml or v/v 70 %) and 1 X PBS (15 ml, or v/v 30 %). Keep dark and rock in cold room. store at -20 °C | ||
DEPC (Diethyl pyrocarbonate) treated ddH₂O (1L) | Add 1 ml of DEPC in 999 ml of ddH₂O (0.1 %). Stir O/N in fumehood O/N and then autoclave 45 min liquid cycle | ||
10 X PBS (1L) | NaCL (80 g), KCL (2 g), Na₂HPO₄ (14.4 g), KH₂PO₄ (2.4 g) and unautoclaved DECP ddH₂O (800 ml). Adjust pH to 7.4 with 10 N NaOH and then bring the total volume to 1 L. Autoclave 45 min liquid cycle | ||
20 X SSC (1L) | NaCL (175.3 g), Sodium citrate tribasic dihydrate(88.2 g) and unautoclaved DECP ddH₂O (800 ml). Adjust pH to 7.4 with 10 N NaOH and then bring the total volume to 1 L. Autoclave 45 min liquid cycle | ||
1 X PBT (1L) | 1 X PBS with 1 ml Tween 20 (0.1 %) | ||
1 X PBTT (1L) | 1 X PBS with 1 ml Tween 20 (0.1 %) and 3 ml of Triton-X-100 (0.3 %) | ||
1 X PBTB (1L) | 1 % Skim milk in 1 X PBT | ||
1 X PBTTB (1L) | 1 % Skim milk in 1 X PBTT |
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