Here we present a microscopy-based protocol for high-resolution imaging and a three-dimensional reconstruction of the mouse neurovascular unit and blood-brain barrier using brain free-floating sections. This method allows for the visualization, analysis, and quantification of intracellular organelles at the BBB.
The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a dynamic multicellular interface that regulates the transport of molecules between the circulation and the brain. Transcytosis across the BBB regulates the delivery of hormones, metabolites, and therapeutic antibodies to the brain parenchyma. Here, we present a protocol that combines immunofluorescence of free-floating sections with laser scanning confocal microscopy and image analysis to visualize subcellular organelles within endothelial cells at the BBB. Combining this data-set with 3D image analysis software allows for the semi-automated segmentation and quantification of capillary volume and surface area, as well as the number and intensity of intracellular organelles at the BBB. The detection of mouse endogenous immunoglobulin (IgG) within intracellular vesicles and their quantification at the BBB is used to illustrate the method. This protocol can potentially be applied to the investigation of the mechanisms controlling BBB transcytosis of different molecules in vivo.
The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a continuous cellular barrier formed by astrocytes, pericytes, neurons, and endothelial cells that separates the central nervous system (CNS) from the blood circulation1. The regulation of transport across the BBB plays a crucial role in maintaining brain homeostasis and is mediated by specialized properties of brain endothelial cells (BECs). The presence of tight intercellular junctions between BECs and a low basal rate of transcytosis limit the paracellular and transcellular transport of blood-borne molecules, respectively2. Recently, the transcytosis pathway in BECs has been harnessed to enhance delivery of therapeutic large molecules to the brain3,4. However, the mechanisms of transcytosis across the BBB have not yet been fully characterized5,6.
Extensive work has been done in vitro to decipher the cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating intracellular transport across BECs7,8,9,10,11, but such systems fail to recapitulate the complex architecture and physiology of the neurovascular unit (NVU). On the other hand, studies in vivo12,13 provide detailed quantitative information on transport rates across the BBB but do not provide insights into the intracellular mechanisms of transport. Therefore, investigating the cellular and intracellular components of the NVU in vivo and ex vivo remains very challenging14. Only a limited number of techniques are amenable to analyze subcellular structures within cells of the NVU. Most studies use electron microscopy but this technique is limited by the complex protocols required for proper tissue preparation and sample handling. Therefore, we established a methodology based on high resolution confocal microscopy that would facilitate the processing of brain samples, the analysis, and the quantification of subcellular compartments within cells of the NVU.
Here, we describe a protocol which utilizes mouse brain free-floating sections to perform quantitative imaging of the BBB and NVU at the cellular and subcellular levels. We tested and validated a number of antibodies to image and reconstruct the NVU in three dimensions. Furthermore, this protocol allows imaging at the maximal optical diffraction-limited resolution of organelles within brain capillaries. Together with image analysis, this protocol can be used to investigate the intracellular transport of macromolecules across the BBB under different experimental conditions, for example in mouse disease models of neurodegeneration.
Ethical approval for this study was provided by the Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office of Switzerland. All animal experiments were conducted in strict adherence to the Swiss federal ordinance on animal protection and welfare as well as according to the rules of the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC).
1. Generation of Brain Free-floating Sections
2. Cell or Organelle Labelling by Immunofluorescence Staining
3. High-resolution Confocal Imaging of the Blood-brain Barrier
4. Image Processing and 3D Reconstruction of the Neurovascular Unit
5. Quantification of Intracellular Transport at the BBB
As representative examples of images obtained from the protocol described here, mouse brain sections were stained with antibodies recognizing different components of the NVU including the basement membrane, astrocytes, pericytes, and endothelial cells (see Table of Materials for specific antibodies used) (Figure 1A, D, and E). At this resolution it is possible to distinguish the individual astrocytic processes and end-feet that are in direct contact with capillaries.
To highlight the suitability of this protocol for detecting intracellular structures, brain sections from animals peripherally injected with the human anti-Tau mAb86 antibody16 were stained with a fluorescently labelled anti-human antibody (Figure 1B). mAb86 is known to specifically target neurons expressing a pathological form of Tau16. Using the protocol described herein, mAb86 was detected with diffraction-limited resolution within individual vesicular structures within neurons (Figure 1B-C). In addition, endogenous mouse IgG was detected in intracellular structures within endothelial cells but not in pericytes (Figure 1D-E and Figure 2).
The acquisition of high-resolution confocal z-stacks of the brain vasculature allows for three-dimensional segmentation of capillaries and intracellular vesicles at the BBB. Figure 2 shows an example of the process of rendering and segmenting a capillary labelled with CollagenIV and mouse IgG-positive intracellular vesicles. By quantifying a full dataset of segmented images, for example by measuring the number of vesicles per capillary volume, it is possible to study changes in intracellular transport processes under different conditions. Figure 3B-C shows the differences in mIgG vesicle number and fluorescence intensity corresponding to mIgG at the brain parenchyma, respectively, upon pericyte depletion in the pdgf-bret/retĀ Ā mouse model as previously reported17. The same approach was also recently used to analyze changes in intracellular transport at the BBB between different brain regions18.
Figure 1: Labelling of multiple cell types and subcellular structures of the neurovascular unit. Representative images of the neurovascular unit (A and D) and intracellular vesicles contained within neurons (B) or endothelial cells (E) obtained with this protocol. The maximum intensity projection image in A (top) shows the distribution of GFAP-positive astrocytes (red) surrounding capillaries labelled by CollagenIV (green). Arrows point to individual astrocytic processes. Scale bar = 20 Āµm. At this resolution, the individual astrocyte processes and end-feet are clearly visible, as shown in the zoomed image of the boxed region (bottom). Arrowheads point to astrocytic end-feet. Scale bar = 10 Āµm. The image in B shows the accumulation of a peripherally-injected antibody, mAb86 (green), within a hippocampal neuron. Arrowheads point to individual mAb86-positive vesicles. Scale bar = 10 Āµm. The graph in C shows the line profile intensity of a single vesicle. The vesicle size was estimated from the full width at half maximum of a Gaussian fit (black solid line) of the intensity curve (green line and circles). The images in D show a three-dimensional reconstruction of an endothelial cell (green) surrounded by a pericyte (red) within the basal lamina (CollagenIV, grey). The lower panels show the individual fluorescence channels. Scale bar = 10 Āµm. The images in E show the localization of mIgG (red) in intracellular vesicles within endothelial cells (left panel, CD31 in green) but not in pericytes (right panel, CD13 in green). In all images, DAPI stained nuclei are shown in blue. Scale bar = 5 Āµm. Panels DĀ and EĀ have been modified from reference17. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Three-dimensional rendering of capillaries and intracellular vesicles at the blood-brain barrier. With the protocol described, high-resolution confocal images of CollagenIV-positive capillaries (green) and mouse IgG intracellular vesicles (red) were acquired (A). The left panel shows a single optical section with cross-sections. The arrows point to individual mIgG-positive vesicles within brain endothelial cells. The panel on the right shows the 3D reconstruction of the full z-stack using image processing software (see Table of Materials). The capillary volume (B) and individual vesicles (C) were rendered in three dimensions and quantified using image processing software (see Table of Materials). In all images, DAPI stained nuclei are shown in blue. Scale bars = 5 Āµm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Quantification of mIgG intracellular localization at the BBB. Representative images showing (A) three-dimensional reconstructions of capillaries (labelled with collagenIV, green) and the distribution of mIgG (red) in C57BL/6 mice and in pdgf-bret/ret pericyte depleted mice previously described in19. Scale bars = 10 Āµm. The images in B show the segmentation of intracellular vesicles within the CollagenIV mask. The graph in B shows the quantification and comparison of mIgG vesicle number per volume of capillary. Each point represents measurements from individual capillary segments. The solid line shows the mean and the error bars represent the standard deviation of the data. The images in C show theĀ mIgG fluorescence signal outside the CollagenIV mask. Similarly, the graph in C shows the quantification and comparison of mIgG fluorescence intensity in the brain parenchyma between C57BL/6 mice and pdgf-bret/ret pericyte depleted mice. Fluorescence intensity units were normalized by the average mIgG parenchyma intensity measured in all C57BL/6 mice. This figure has been modified from reference17.Ā Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
The protocol outlined above describes the preparation of brain free-floating sections, immunofluorescent staining, image acquisition, and analysis parameters for high-resolution microscopy of the BBB. This method has been recently used to investigate the localization of antibody delivery platforms3, the transport of endogenous IgG across the BBB17, and the heterogeneity of the BBB upon pericyte loss18. Different steps in the protocol can be modified to adapt to the specific goal of the experiment. First, the use of thick (100 Āµm) sections facilitates their handling during the immunostaining and mounting procedures. It also allows for 3D reconstruction of the capillary network, the neurovascular unit, and for the generation of capillary and NVU cross-sections. However, penetration of antibodies within the tissue sections may vary and some antibody staining can be restricted to the superficial layer of the tissue close to the coverslip. The protocol can be modified by increasing the concentration of detergent during the permeabilization step and/or the length of the permeabilization step to improve antibody penetration into the tissue. Second, image quality may be compromised when attempting to acquire images deeper within the tissue (usually 20 to 30 Āµm below the surface) due to light scattering as well as optical aberrations from refractive index mismatch. To overcome this problem, new methods for tissue clearing and active antibody penetration20 can be combined with this protocol to image larger volumes of tissue. Third, deconvolution is performed after image acquisition to improve the axial resolution of the image. The choice of the blind deconvolution algorithm used in this protocol was based on (i) its ease of use, as no pre-calculation of the point-spread function is required, (ii) its robustness for improving image quality21, and (iii) the lack of artefacts on mIgG intracellular structures after implementation. Depending on the intracellular structures visualized in the sample, other deconvolution algorithms may result in higher image quality. The following references21,22 provide an extensive discussion on the advantages and limitations of additional algorithms for image deconvolution. Finally, the use of an image analysis software package allowed the segmentation of capillaries and intracellular structures in three dimensions. Clearly image analysis is not restricted to the software described in the protocol and alternative packages, for example those discussed in reference23, can be used to segment images. The suitability of different software programs for the analysis of intracellular structures across the BBB should be verified empirically by assessing the accuracy of image segmentation.
Since this method is based on fixed samples, it does not provide direct information about the dynamics of transcytosis across the BBB. However, it can be combined with time-course experiments24, for example by intravenously injecting the molecule of interest and measuring its accumulation within BECs at different time points after injection, to reconstruct the kinetics of intracellular transport. The advantage of this approach is that it allows for the analysis of deep brain regions, as shown in18, which are currently inaccessible to intravital live imaging approaches. A critical step during the protocol is the careful monitoring of tissue fixation. Fixation with 4% PFA dramatically reduces the immunogenicity of intracellular organelles and of endogenous or peripherally administered immunoglobulins17 (Figure 1B). A limitation of this protocol is its requirement of high-quality antibodies (i.e., low non-specific staining, low cross-reactivity) suitable for immunofluorescence. Provided that such reagents are available, the method can be applied to investigate the intracellular localization of any protein of interest. For example, the protocol was used to identify lysosomes in brain endothelial cells17. It should also be noted that since this protocol is based on confocal microscopy, the lateral resolution is limited by diffraction and cannot resolve structures smaller than approximately 175 to 250 nm (Figure 2).
Previous studies have performed detailed analysis of the cellular composition of the neurovascular unit using confocal microscopy25,26. However, investigating intracellular transport at the BBB relies mostly on the use of transmission electron microscopy19,27,28. While this method offers the highest lateral resolution of intracellular structures, electron microscopy remains a challenging technique with low throughput. Moreover, the number of different molecular targets which can be visualized by EM is very limited. This protocol offers an accessible alternative to investigate intracellular transport at the BBB. The complete procedure, from brain collection to image analysis, can be performed in 5 to 6 days. If suitable antibodies are available, immunofluorescence allows simultaneous detection of multiple cell types/molecules within the same sample. Moreover this protocol could be combined with super-resolution microscopy techniques to overcome the limitations in spatial resolution29. Overall, the protocol described above enables the quantification of changes in the intracellular localization of proteins of interest within the neurovascular unit. Its application for different genetic or pharmacological perturbations will allow investigating the intracellular structure and transport functions of the BBB in vivo.
Authors are under paid employment by Roche.
R.V. work was supported by a Roche Postdoctoral Fellowship (2014-2017).
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Rat monoclonal antibody clone ER-MP12 against CD31/PECAM | Novus Biologicals | MCA2388 | Labels Brain Endothelial Cells Use at dilution 1:100 detect with donkey polyclonal anti-rat IgG (H+L) coupled with suitable AlexaFluor dye, used at dilution 1:400 |
Rat monoclonal antibody against Podocalyxin | R&D Systems | MAB1556 | Labels Lumen of capillaries Use at dilution 1:100 detect with donkey polyclonal anti-rat IgG (H+L) coupled with suitable AlexaFluor dye, used at dilution 1:400 |
Rabbit polyclonal antibody against CollagenIV | Biotrend | BT21-5014-70 | Labels Basement membrane of capillaries Use at dilution 1:100 detect with donkey polyclonal anti-rabbit IgG (H+L) coupled with suitable AlexaFluor dye, used at dilution 1:400 |
Goat polyclonal antibody against CD13 | R&D Systems | AF2335 | Labels pericytes Use at dilution 1:100 detect with donkey polyclonal anti-goat IgG (H+L) coupled with suitable AlexaFluor dye, used at dilution 1:400 |
Mouse monoclonal antibody clone G-A-5 against GFAP coupled to Cy3 | Abcam | ab49874 | Labels Astrocytes Use at dilution 1:100 |
Rabbit polyclonal antibody against Iba-1 | Wako | 019-19741 | Labels Microglia Use at dilution 1:100 detect with donkey polyclonal anti-rat IgG (H+L) coupled with suitable AlexaFluor dye, used at dilution 1:400 |
Rat monoclonal antibody ABL93 gainst LAMP2 | Fitzgerald | 10R-CD107BBMSP | Labels Lysosomes Use at dilution 1:100 detect with donkey polyclonal anti-rat IgG (H+L) coupled with suitable AlexaFluor dye, used at dilution 1:400 |
donkey polyclonal antibody against mouse IgG (H+L) AlexaFluor594 | LifeTechnologies | A21203 | Use at dilution 1:400 |
donkey polyclonal antibody against mouse IgG (H+L) AlexaFluor488 | LifeTechnologies | A21202 | Use at dilution 1:400 |
goat polyclonal antibody against mouse IgG (H+L) AlexaFluor555 | LifeTechnologies | A21422 | Use at dilution 1:400 |
Filter paper | Sigma-Aldrich | WHA10334347 | Whatman prepleated qualitative filter paper Grade 0858 1/2, grained |
Cyanoacrylate glue | Roth Carl | 258.1 | Roti Coll 1 |
Fluorescent Mounting medium | Dako | S3023 | Dako fluorescent mounting medium |
Adult mice | The Jackson Laboratory | 000664 | C57BL/6J male or female mice between 9 and 19 months of age |
Vibratome | Leica Biosystems | 14047235612 | Leica VT100S vibrating blade microtome |
Laser Scanning Confocal microscope | Leica Microsystems | NA | Leica TCS SP8 X with HyD detectors and White light laser |
Image processing software | Leica Microsystems | NA | Leica Application Suite AF version 3.1.0 build 8587 |
Image analysis software | Bitplane scientific software | NA | Imaris version 7.6.5 build 31770 for x64 |
Fluorescence SpectraViewer | ThermoFisher Scientific | NA | /cell-analysis/labeling-chemistry/fluorescence-spectraviewer.html |
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