Beta-cell functionality is important for blood-glucose homeostasis, which is evaluated at single-cell resolution using a genetically encoded reporter for calcium influx.
Pancreatic beta-cells respond to increasing blood glucose concentrations by secreting the hormone insulin. The dysfunction of beta-cells leads to hyperglycemia and severe, life-threatening consequences. Understanding how the beta-cells operate under physiological conditions and what genetic and environmental factors might cause their dysfunction could lead to better treatment options for diabetic patients. The ability to measure calcium levels in beta-cells serves as an important indicator of beta-cell function, as the influx of calcium ions triggers insulin release. Here we describe a protocol for monitoring the glucose-stimulated calcium influx in zebrafish beta-cells by using GCaMP6s, a genetically encoded sensor of calcium. The method allows monitoring the intracellular calcium dynamics with single-cell resolution in ex vivo mounted islets. The glucose-responsiveness of beta-cells within the same islet can be captured simultaneously under different glucose concentrations, which suggests the presence of functional heterogeneity among zebrafish beta-cells. Furthermore, the technique provides high temporal and spatial resolution, which reveals the oscillatory nature of the calcium influx upon glucose stimulation. Our approach opens the doors to use the zebrafish as a model to investigate the contribution of genetic and environmental factors to beta-cell function and dysfunction.
Our blood-glucose is maintained in a narrow range, in large part due to the function of the endocrine pancreas. The endocrine role of the pancreas is performed by the islets of Langerhans, which contain hormone-secreting cells. The insulin-secreting beta-cells are responsible for reducing the levels of blood-glucose following a carbohydrate-containing meal. Inadequate insulin secretion from beta-cell can result in diabetes1, which is characterized by sustained high blood-glucose. Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, which currently afflicts more than 400 million people worldwide, leads to morbidity and mortality2. By investigating the molecular and environmental factors that contribute to beta-cell dysfunction, we will understand better how type 2 diabetes starts and progresses. In addition, the ability to differentiate human stem cells into functional beta-cells in vitro can provide a source of new beta-cells for cell-replacement therapies in Type 1 Diabetes. To this end, it is important to study beta-cell function and maturation in genetic model organisms in order to gain the necessary knowledge for making functional beta-cells in a dish.
Beta-cell functionality can be monitored at the whole-islet level by quantifying the total amount of insulin secreted in response to glucose-stimulation. This cumulative approach studies the islet as a single group of cells without differentiating a cell's individual properties. However, the analysis of glucose responses of individual beta-cells revealed a diversity in the functional properties of beta-cells and the presence of heterogeneity3. To assess the function of individual beta-cells, it is possible to monitor the intracellular changes that lead to insulin secretion4. Insulin secretion is preceded by an entry of glucose into the beta-cells. The glucose that enters in the beta-cells is rapidly metabolized to ATP. Higher intracellular ATP concentrations decrease the open probability of ATP-sensitive potassium ion channels leading to beta-cell depolarization. Depolarization opens the voltage-sensitive calcium ion channels and increases intracellular calcium. In turn, calcium triggers exocytosis of insulin, which is released in the circulation and lowers glucose levels by promoting glucose-utilization5,6,7.
Several strategies have been applied to investigate the function of beta-cells, including monitoring of the membrane potential8, direct visualization of insulin-vesicles exocytosis9, and quantification of intracellular Ca2+ influx as a proxy for glucose-responsiveness10. Among them, imaging of intracellular Ca2+ provides the advantage of up-scaling the analysis to multiple individual cells within the same islet11,12, allowing for direct comparison of the glucose-responsiveness between individual beta-cells. Intracellular Ca2+ concentration can be monitored using calcium-sensitive fluorescent dyes13 or genetically-encoded calcium indicators (GECIs)14. Whereas calcium-indicator dyes lack cell-type specificity, GECIs can be expressed in a specific cell type by specific promoters. Additionally, the new generation of GECIs, such as GCaMP6, provides better signal-to-noise ratio along with faster temporal dynamics15. Here we describe the utility of the new-generation of GECIs, in particular GCaMP6s, to visualize calcium in beta-cells at single-cell resolution. We apply this method to the zebrafish primary islet as our model of choice. During embryonic development, beta-cells in the primary islet originate from the dorsal and ventral pancreatic buds16. The primary islet is located at a stereotypical anatomical position within the zebrafish pancreas, enabling its easy identification and isolation. Beta-cells in the primary islet are necessary for glucose-regulation, as their genetic ablation leads to hyperglycemia17,18. Furthermore, these beta-cells become glucose-responsive during early zebrafish development19. This protocol can be also applied to imaging the secondary islets, which form during the post-embryonic stages. The protocol allows to image beta-cells ex vivo, at later stages of development and under defined glucose concentrations.
All the procedures including animal subjects have been approved by the Animal Welfare Act and with permission of the Landesdirektion Sachsen, Germany (AZ 24–9168.11-1/2013-14, T12/2016).
1. Preparation
NOTE: This protocol is for ex vivo imaging of zebrafish primary islet from double transgenic Tg(ins:nls-Renilla-mKO2; cryaa:CFP); Tg(ins:GCaMP6s; cryaa:mCherry)19 zebrafish. In this transgenic line, the insulin promoter (ins) drives beta-cell specific expression of two transgenes: nls-Renilla-mKO2, which marks the nucleus of beta-cells with monomeric Kusabira orange 2 (mKO2) fluorescence; and GCaMP6s15, which emits green fluorescence in response to increase in intracellular calcium levels. The beta-cell-specific expression of GCaMP6s enables studying the glucose-responsiveness of beta-cells without interference from calcium changes in surrounding cell types.
2. Zebrafish Primary Islet Dissection and Mounting
3. Ex Vivo Live-imaging of GCaMP Fluorescence Intensity in Zebrafish Primary Islets
4. Quantification of GCaMP Fluorescence Trace for Individual Beta-cells
NOTE: To trace and quantify the responses of individual beta-cells to varying levels of glucose, quantify the GCaMP fluorescence intensity for the entire imaging period. Quantification is performed at cellular resolution. For this, use FIJI20 to extract the intensity values of GCaMP fluorescence from the images (steps 4.1–4.6), and spreadsheet software or R21 to perform analysis (steps 4.8–4.9).
Using the protocol described above, the glucose responses of beta-cells in an islet from a 45 days post-fertilization (dpf) zebrafish were analyzed. For this, the primary islet was dissected from a euthanized animal and mounted in the fibrinogen-thrombin mold in a glass-bottom dish. The islet was immersed in HBSS containing 5 mM glucose. The glucose concentration was increased in a step-wise manner to 10 mM and 20 mM. The responses of beta-cells to the increasing glucose concentrations were recorded. Finally, beta-cells were depolarized using 30 mM KCl (Figure 1). The depolarization using KCl induces calcium entry in healthy beta-cells.
Using FIJI and a data analysis software, the GCaMP6s fluorescence intensity of individual beta-cells is extracted and normalized (Figure 2). As seen from the trace of fluorescence intensity, individual beta-cells display oscillations in GCaMP6s fluorescence upon glucose stimulation, which stops upon KCl stimulation. The technique provides a cellular resolution of the beta-cell's glucose-responsiveness and a window into their functionality.
Figure 1: Ex vivo live-imaging of calcium influx using GCaMP6s in zebrafish beta-cells. A primary islet from Tg(ins:nls-Renilla-mKO2); Tg(ins:GCaMP6s) zebrafish (45 dpf) was mounted in fibrinogen-thrombin mold and incubated with 5 mM (basal) glucose. Beta-cells were labeled with a red nuclear marker, while the GCaMP6s fluorescence is present in the green channel. The islet was stimulated with a glucose-ramp consisting of sequential incubation with 10 mM and 20 mM D-glucose, and depolarized via the addition of 30 mM KCl. Arrowheads mark individual beta-cells whose activity was analyzed. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Normalized GCaMP6s fluorescence intensity-trace for individual beta-cells. Normalized GCaMP6s fluorescence intensity-trace for the beta-cells marked with arrowheads in Figure 1. The X-axis denotes the time in seconds. At the top, bars depict the concentration of glucose and KCl in the HBSS medium. The Y-axis denotes the normalized fluorescence intensity during the time-series. For this, baseline intensity (F0) is calculated as the mean intensity during incubation in 5 mM glucose. This is subtracted from the entire time-series data (F - F0). The intensity-over baseline is normalized by the maximum intensity displayed by the cell (F - F0)/(Fmax- F0). The normalized trace shows an oscillatory response of beta-cells to glucose, which stabilizes when the cells are depolarized with 30 mM KCl. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Here we demonstrate a technique for the quantification of beta-cell glucose responsiveness at single-cell resolution. This is made possible by monitoring intracellular calcium concentration using a genetically-encoded calcium indicator, GCaMP6s. The beta-cell activity is captured ex vivo by mounting the islet in a fibrinogen-thrombin mold. A critical step of the protocol is the stability of the mold. Sufficient time needs to be given for the fibrinogen to dissolve in the HBSS solution. Without this, the mold does not polymerize sufficiently to provide stability during the imaging session. An islet mounted in fibrinogen-thrombin mold and immersed in cell culture media can remain viable for at least a week (data not shown). Alternatives to the fibrinogen-thrombin mold, such as low-melt agarose, can be utilized to mount the islet22. Another critical parameter is the dissection of the islet. During this step, the tissue surrounding the islet needs to be removed without injuring or poking the islet. A skillful dissection comes with practice.
A limitation of the imaging protocol is the restriction to one confocal plane of the islet. This is done to capture the dynamics of calcium influx within individual beta-cells. A Z-stack through the entire thickness of the islet leads to low imaging speeds and loss of oscillatory signal from individual cells. This limitation could be improved by using faster means of confocal-imaging such as spinning-disk microscopy, to enable capturing the calcium dynamics in 3-dimensions. Another frontier would be in vivo calcium imaging12. The transparent nature of zebrafish embryo or the use of pigment-less strains of zebrafish adults23 could open the possibility for in vivo imaging in the future.
The imaging of beta-cell activity at high spatial and temporal resolution enables to investigate the functional heterogeneity among individual beta-cells. This approach can help shed light on the existence of beta-cell sub-populations. Recently, multiple studies have shown the existence of sub-populations in the nominally homogenous beta-cells24,25,26. Ex vivo imaging can be combined with genetic reporters to characterize of the sub-population's response to glucose. Additionally, combining the imaging setup with pharmacological stimulation can allow for screening of compounds that could improve beta-cell functionality.
In summary, the technique presented here allows quantification and comparison of the glucose responsiveness for individual beta-cells. It provides a direct window into beta-cell functionality, an important parameter in development of diabetes.
We thank members of the Ninov lab for comments on the manuscript, members of Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD) fish and microscopy facility for technical assistance. N.N. is supported by funding from the DFG-CRTD, Cluster of Excellence at TU-Dresden, German Research Foundation (DFG) and the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD).
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Transgenic Zebrafish line: Tg(ins:nls-Renilla-mKO2; cryaa:CFP); Tg(ins:GCaMP6s; cryaa:mCherry) | By request from authors | ||
Stereo microscope | ZEISS | 495015-0001-000 | SteREO Discovery.V8 |
Fluorescence lamp | ZEISS | 423013-9010-000 | Illuminator HXP 120 V |
Red Filter Cube | ZEISS | 000000-1114-462 | Filter set 45 HQ TexasRed |
Confocal Microscope | ZEISS | LSM 780 | |
Bovine fibrinogen | Sigma | F8630 | |
HBSS (Hanks' Balanced Salt solution) | ThermoFisher | 14025092 | |
Thrombin | Sigma | T4648 | |
D-Glucose | Sigma | G8270 | |
KCl | Sigma | P9333 | |
35 mm diameter glass-bottom dishes | ThermoFisher | 150680 | |
tricaine methane sulfonate | Sigma | E10521 | |
Fine Forceps | Fine Science Tools | 11445-12 | |
FIJI, using ImageJ Version: 2.0.0-rc-43/1.50e | | ||
R, version 3.2.4 | | ||
RStudio | | ||
plotcelltrace.R | A custom script provided with the manuscript |
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