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The MUB40 Peptide for Use in Detecting Neutrophil-Mediated Inflammation Events

Published: January 7th, 2019



1Unité de Pathogénie Microbienne Moléculaire, Institut Pasteur, 2INSERM Unité 1202, Institut Pasteur, 3Institut de Biochimie et Génétique Cellulaires, Université Bordeaux Segalen, 4Unit of Technology and Service Photonic BioImaging, Institut Pasteur


Here, we provide a protocol involving the use of MUB40, a synthesized peptide with the ability to bind glycosylated lactoferrin stored at high concentrations in specific and tertiary granules of neutrophils. This protocol details how MUB40 conjugated directly to a fluorophore can be used to stain neutrophils in fixed/permeabilized tissues as well as how this can be used in live-cell imaging to assay for neutrophil activation and de-granulation. Neutrophil detection methods are limited to species-specific monoclonal antibodies, which are not always suitable for certain applications. MUB40 does not penetrate the cell membrane and is thus excluded from lactoferrin stored in non-activated/non-permeabilized neutrophils. MUB40 has the added benefit of recognizing lactoferrin from a broad host range, making it especially useful for comparing results in studies involving multiple research models, reducing the number of duplicate reagents, and simplifying protocols through single-step staining.

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Keywords MUB40 Peptide

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