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  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
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Normothermic ex situ heart perfusion (ESHP), preserves the heart in a beating, semi-physiologic state. When performed in a working mode, ESHP provides the opportunity to perform sophisticated assessments of donor heart function and organ viability. Here, we describe our method for myocardial performance evaluation during ESHP.


The current standard method for organ preservation (cold storage, CS), exposes the heart to a period of cold ischemia that limits the safe preservation time and increases the risk of adverse post-transplantation outcomes. Moreover, the static nature of CS does not allow for organ evaluation or intervention during the preservation interval. Normothermic ex situ heart perfusion (ESHP) is a novel method for preservation of the donated heart that minimizes cold ischemia by providing oxygenated, nutrient-rich perfusate to the heart. ESHP has been shown to be non-inferior to CS in the preservation of standard-criteria donor hearts and has also facilitated the clinical transplantation of the hearts donated after the circulatory determination of death. Currently, the only available clinical ESHP device perfuses the heart in an unloaded, non-working state, limiting assessments of myocardial performance. Conversely, ESHP in working mode provides the opportunity for comprehensive evaluation of cardiac performance by assessment of functional and metabolic parameters under physiologic conditions. Moreover, earlier experimental studies have suggested that ESHP in working mode may result in improved functional preservation. Here, we describe the protocol for ex situ perfusion of the heart in a large mammal (porcine) model, which is reproducible for different animal models and heart sizes. The software program in this ESHP apparatus allows for real-time and automated control of the pump speed to maintain desired aortic and left atrial pressure and evaluates a variety of functional and electrophysiological parameters with minimal need for supervision/manipulation.


Clinical relevance

While most aspects of cardiac transplantation have evolved significantly since the first heart transplant in 1967, cold storage (CS) remains the standard for donor heart preservation1. CS exposes the organ to a period of cold ischemia that limits the safe preservation interval (4–6 hours) and increases the risk of primary graft dysfunction2,3,4. Due to the static nature of CS, assessments of function or therapeutic interventions are not possible in the time between the organ procurement and transplantat....


All the procedures in this manuscript were performed in compliance with the guidelines of the Canadian Council on Animal Care and the guide for the care and use of laboratory animals. The protocols were approved by the institutional animal care committee of the University of Alberta. This protocol has been applied in female juvenile Yorkshire pigs between 35–50 kg. All individuals involved in ESHP procedures had received proper biosafety training.

1. Pre-surgical Preparations

  1. Place the organ chamber properly on the apparatus cart and install the silicon support membrane inside the organ chamber. The Ao, pulmonary artery (P....

Representative Results

At the start of the perfusion (in non-working mode), the heart will normally resume a sinus rhythm when the temperature of the system and perfusate approaches normothermia. When entering working mode, as the LA pressures are approaching the desired values, ejection on the Ao pressure tracing should be observed and the LA flow (a reflection of cardiac output) should increase gradually. In a Yorkshire pig model (35–50 kg) and a starting heart weight of 180–220 grams, the initial.......


Successful perfusion is defined according to the aims of the study; however, this should include uninterrupted ESHP for the desired amount of time and complete collection of the data on cardiac function during the perfusion. For this purpose, a few critical steps in the protocol must be followed.

The heart is an organ with high oxygen and energy demands, and minimizing the ischemic time before cannulation and perfusion is an important principle that must be followed. The process of procurement.......


DHF holds patents on ex situ organ perfusion technology and methods. DHF and JN are founders and major shareholders of Tevosol, Inc.


This work was supported by grants from the Canadian National Transplant Research Program. SH is the recipient of a Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Motyl Graduate Studentship in Cardiac Sciences. DHF is a recipient of a Collaborative Research Projects (CHRP) grant in aid from the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council and Canadian Institutes of Health Research.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Debakey-Metzenbaum dissecting scissorsPilling342202
MAYO dissecting scissorsPilling460420
THUMB forcepsPilling465165
Debakey straight vascular tissue forceps Pilling351808
CUSHING Gutschdressing forcepsPilling466200
JOHNSON needle holderPilling510312
DERF needle holderPilling443120
Sternal sawStryker6207
Sternal retractorPilling341162
Vorse tubing clampPilling351377
MORRIS ascending aorta clampPilling353617
Surgical snare (tourniquet) setMedtronicCVR79013
2-0 SILK black 12 X 18" strandsETHICONA185H
3-0 PROLENE blue 18" PS-2 cuttingETHICON8687H
Biomedicus pump drive (modified)Medtronic540Modified to allow remote electronic control of pump speed
Biomedicus pumpMaquetBPX-80
Membrane oxigenator D 905SORIN GROUP50513
Tubing flow module  TransonicTs410
PXL clamp-on flow sensorTransonicME9PXL-BL37SF
TruWave pressure transducerEdwardsVSYPX272
Intercept tubing 3/8" X 3/32" X 6'Medtronic3506
Intercept tubing 1/4" X 1/16" X 8'Medtronic3108
Heated/Refrigerated Bath Circulator GrantTX-150
ABL 800 FLEX Blood Gas AnalyzerRadiometer989-963
5F Ventriculr straight pigtail cathterCORDIS534550S
5F AVANTI+ Sheath IntroducerCORDIS504605A
Emerald Amplatz GuidewireCORDIS502571A
Dual chamber pace makerMedtronic5388
Infusion pumpBaxterAS50
Surgical electrocautery deviceKls MartinME411
Gas mixerSECHRIST3500 CP-G
Medical oxygen tankpraxair2014408
Cabon dioxide tankpraxair5823115
Bovine serum albuminMP biomedicals218057791


  1. Ardehali, A., et al. Ex-vivo perfusion of donor hearts for human heart transplantation (PROCEED II): a prospective, open-label, multicentre, randomised non-inferiority trial. Lancet. 385 (9987), 2577-2584 (2015).
  2. Collins, M. J., Moainie, S. L., Griffith, B. P., Poston, R. S.

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