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Here, we present a protocol to address the potential use of platelets as a highly sensitive nitric oxide sensor in blood. It describes initial platelet preparation and the use of nitrite and deoxygenated red blood cells as nitric oxide generators.


Platelets are the blood components responsible for proper blood clotting. Their function is highly regulated by various pathways. One of the most potent vasoactive agents, nitric oxide (NO), can also act as a powerful inhibitor of platelet aggregation. Direct NO detection in blood is very challenging due to its high reactivity with cell-free hemoglobin that limits NO half-life to the millisecond range. Currently, NO changes after interventions are only estimated based on measured changes of nitrite and nitrate (members of the nitrate-nitrite-NO metabolic pathway). However precise, these measurements are rather difficult to interpret vis a vis actual NO changes, due to the naturally high baseline nitrite and nitrate levels that are several orders of magnitude higher than expected changes of NO itself. Therefore, the development of direct and simple methods that would allow one to detect NO directly is long overdue. This protocol addresses a potential use of platelets as a highly sensitive NO sensor in blood. It describes initial platelet rich plasma (PRP) and washed platelet preparations and the use of nitrite and deoxygenated red blood cells as NO generators. Phosphorylation of VASP at serine 239 (P-VASPSer239) is used to detect the presence of NO. The fact that VASP protein is highly expressed in platelets and that it is rapidly phosphorylated when NO is present leads to a unique opportunity to use this pathway to directly detect NO presence in blood.


Platelets are small disc-shaped cell fragments derived from megakaryocytes that are crucial for blood clotting. The clotting cascade is initiated by various bioactive molecules (such as collagen or ADP), released after the injury of vascular wall. The blood clotting process can be modified, among various effectors by nitric oxide (NO). NO, naturally produced by mammalian cells, is one of the most versatile physiological signals. It acts as a potent vasodilator, neurotransmitter and immune modulator, to name a few of its many functions. In the bloodstream, NO also helps to regulate the extent of blood clotting by inhibiting platelet aggregation. One of the most likely ....


NOTE: Blood samples were obtained from NIH blood bank (IRB approved protocol: 99-CC-0168).

1. Blood Sample Preparation

NOTE: To avoid platelet activation, draw blood slowly and mix gently with citrate by inverting the tube several times.

  1. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) preparation
    1. Draw 30–50 mL of blood using a 20 G or larger diameter needle and add into a tube containing sodium citrate (3.8%) in a 1:9 ratio or acid citrate dextrose (ACD) (85 mM trisodium citrate, 66.6 mM citric acid, 111 mM glucose, pH 4.5) in a ....

Representative Results

Venous blood samples have pO2 values between 50-80 mmHg. Deoxygenation by helium rapidly decreases pO2 to 25 mmHg within 10 min. Increased deoxygenation time slightly further decreases pO2. However, increased time of deoxygenation also leads to significantly increased levels of cell-free hemoglobin (determined by CO-Oximeter, visually seen on Figure 2 as increasingly red coloration of plasma) (Figu.......


Since platelets are easily activated, gentle handling of platelet-containing samples is required. Fast pipetting and vigorous shaking should be avoided. Platelet inhibitors such as prostacyclin (PGI2) can be used to prevent platelet activation; however, this may affect some signaling pathways inside the platelets. For the preparation of platelet pellets, we add ACD to the platelet suspensions and use low speed centrifugation.

Freshly prepared platelets in PRP have a limited life spa.......


Dr. Alan Schechter is listed as a co-inventor on several patents issued to the National Institutes of Health for the use of nitrite salts for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. He receives royalties based on NIH licensing of these patents for clinical development but no other compensation.


This work was funded by NIH intramural grant to Dr Alan N. Schechter.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Tri-sodium citrateSupply by NIH blood bank
Citric acidSupply by NIH blood bank
NaCl; sodium chlorideSigmaS-7653 1kg
NaH2PO4; sodium phosphate monobasic, monohydrateMallinckrodt Chemical7892-04
KCl; potassium chlorideMallinckrodt Chemical6858
NaHCO3; sodium bicarbonateMallinckrodt Chemical7412-12
HEPES; N-[2-Hydroxyethyl]piperazine-N'-[-ethanesulfonic acid]SigmaH3375-500g
MgCl2 (1 M); magnesium chlorideQuality Biology351-033-721
CaCl2; calcium chlorideSigmaC5080-500G
Nalgene Narrow-mouth HDPE Economy bottlesNalgene2089-0001
Red septum stopper NO.29FisherbrandFB57877
NaNO2-; sodium nitriteSigmaS2252-500G
TRIZMA Base; Tris[hydroxymethyl]aminomethaneSigmaT8524-250G
NP-40; 4-Nonylphenyl-polyethylene glycolSigma74385-1L
Protease inhibitor cocktail set IIICalbiochem539134
Phospho-VASP (Ser239) antibodyCell signaling technology3114
VASP antibodyCell signaling technology3112
GAPDH (14C10) Rabbit mAbCell signaling technology2118
Peroxidase AffiniPure Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L)Jackson Immuno Research Laboratories111-035-003
Clarity Western ECL SubstrateBIO-RAD1705060-200ml
CO-oximeter (ABL 90 flex)Radiometer


  1. Huang, K. T., et al. The reaction between nitrite and deoxyhemoglobin. Reassessment of reaction kinetics and stoichiometry. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 280 (35), 31126-31131 (2005).
  2. Cosby, K., et al.

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PlateletNitric OxideVASP PhosphorylationBloodIn VitroIn VivoP VASPSensorCentrifugationPlatelet rich PlasmaTyrode BufferRed Blood CellsDeoxygenationNitrite Reduction

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