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In This Article

  • Summary
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  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
  • Discussion
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This article provides a method to isolate pure embryonic tissues from quail and chicken embryos that can be combined to form ex vivo chimeric organs.


The capacity to isolate embryonic tissues was an essential step for establishing the quail-chicken chimera system, which in turn has provided undisputed contributions to unveiling key processes in developmental biology.

Herein is described an optimized method to isolate embryonic tissues from quail and chickens by microsurgery and enzymatic digestion while preserving its biological properties. After isolation, tissues from both species are associated in an in vitro organotypic assay for 48 h. Quail and chicken tissues can be discriminated by distinct nuclear features and molecular markers allowing the study of the cellular cross-talk between heterospecific association of tissues. This approach is, therefore, a useful tool for studying complex tissue interactions in developmental processes with highly dynamic spatial modifications, such as those occurring during pharyngeal morphogenesis and the formation of the foregut endoderm-derived organs. This experimental approach was first developed to study the epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during early-stages of thymus formation. In this, the endoderm-derived prospective thymic rudiment and mesoderm-derived mesenchyme, were isolated from quail and chicken embryos, respectively.

The capacity of the associated tissues to generate organs can be further tested by grafting them onto the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of a chicken embryo. The CAM provides nutrients and allows gas exchanges to the explanted tissues. After 10 days of in ovo development, the chimeric organs can be analyzed in the harvested explants by conventional morphological methods. This procedure also allows studying tissue-specific contributions during organ formation, from its initial development (in vitro development) to the final stages of organogenesis (in ovo development).

Finally, the improved isolation method also provides three-dimensionally (3D) preserved embryonic tissues, that can also be used for high-resolution topographical analysis of tissue-specific gene-expression patterns.


In the early 1970s, an elegant quail-chicken chimera system was developed by Le Douarin, opening new avenues to understand the role of cell migration and cellular interactions during development1,2. The model was devised on the premise that cell exchange between the two species would not significantly disturb embryogenesis, later confirmed when used to study numerous developmental processes, including the formation of the nervous and the hematopoietic systems1. Taking the latter as an example, the cyclic waves of hematopoietic progenitors colonizing the thymic epithelial rudiment was fi....


All these experiments follow the animal care and ethical guidelines of the Centro Académico de Medicina de Lisboa.

1. Fertilized quail and chicken egg incubation

  1. Place fertilized eggs of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) in a 38 °C humidified incubator for 3 days. Incubate the eggs (egg blunt end) facing up in the air chamber.
    NOTE: The humidified environment is achieved by placing a water container at the bottom of the incubator.
  2. Incubate fertilized eggs of chicken (Gallus gallus) for 2.5 days in a 38 °C humidified incubator. Incubate the eggs in a horizontal position ....

Representative Results

The protocol details a method to isolate avian embryonic tissues to be used in several cellular and developmental biology technical approaches. This method was previously employed to study epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during early stages of thymus formation5. Herein, new results are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2, using similar approaches.


The embryonic tissue isolation procedure detailed here was improved from previous techniques to produce quail-chicken chimeric embryos in different biological contexts3,5,6.

This approach is suitable to isolate pure embryonic tissues without requiring genetic manipulation or the use of tissue-specific markers, which are often undetermined, limiting the use of genetically modified animal models. It can.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors are grateful to Isabel Alcobia for the critical reading of the manuscript, to Mário Henriques for video narration and to Vitor Proa from the Histology Service of the Instituto de Histologia e Biologia do Desenvolvimento, Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa, Universidade de Lisboa, for technical support. We are particularly indebted to Paulo Caeiro and Hugo Silva from the Unidade de audiovisuais (Audiovisual Unit), Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa, Universidade de Lisboa for their outstanding commitment to the production of this video. We acknowledge Leica Microsystems for kindly providing a stereoscope equipped with a video system and to Interaves - Socied....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Chicken fertilized eggs (Gallus gallus)Pintobar, PortugalPoultry farm 
Quail fertilized eggs (Coturnix coturnix)Interaves, PortugalBird farm 
15 mL PP centrifuge tubesCorning430052
50 mL PP centrifuge tubesCorning430290
60 x 20 mm pyrex dishesDuran group21 755 41
100 x 20 mm pyrex dishesDuran group21 755 48
Metal gridGoodfellowsfine meshed  stainless steel grid
Membrane filterMilliporeDTTP013000.6 mm Isopore membrane filter
Petri dish, 35 x 10 mmSigma-AldrichP5112 
60 x 30 mm pyrex bowls (Small size)from supermarket 
100 x 50 mm pyrex bowls (Large size)from supermarket 
Transfer pipettesSamco Scientific, Thermo Fisher Scientific2041S2 mL plastic pipet
Glass pasteur pipetteNormax5426015
Clear plastic tapefrom supermarket 
Cytokeratin (pan; acidic and basic, type I and II cytokeratins), clone Lu-5BMA BiomedicalsT-1302
Fetal Bovine SerumInvitrogen, Thermo Fisher ScientificStandart FBS
PancreatinSigma-AldrichP-3292Prepare a 25 mg/mL solution according to manufacturer's instructions; centrifuge and filter prior to aliquote and store at -20ºC. Aliquots can be kept frozen for several years.
Penicillin-StreptomycinInvitrogen, Thermo Fisher Scientific15140-122
Phosphate-Buffered Saline (PBS)GIBCO, Thermo Fisher Scientific10010023
QCPN antibodyDevelopmental Studies Hybridoma BankQCPN
RPMI 1640 Medium, GlutaMAX Supplement GIBCO, Thermo Fisher Scientific61870010
Bluesil RTV141A/B Silicone Elastomer 1.1Kg KitELKEM/SilmidRH141001KGTo prepare the back base for petri dish
Dumont #5 ForcepsFine Science Tools11251-30 Thin forceps
Extra fine Bonn scissors, curvedFine Science Tools14085-08Curved scissors
Insect pins Fine Science Tools26001-300.3 mm Stainless steel pin
Micro spatula Fine Science Tools10087-12Transplantation spoon
Minutien PinsFine Science Tools26002-200.2 mm Stainless steel microscalpel
Minutien PinsFine Science Tools26002-100.1 mm Stainless steel microscalpel
Moria Nickel Plated Pin HolderFine Science Tools26016-12Nickel plated pin holder
Moria Perforated SpoonFine Science Tools10370-17Skimmer
Wecker Eye ScissorFine Science Tools15010-11
CameraLeica Microsystems MC170 HD
MicroscopeLeica Microsystems DM2500
NanoZoomer S360 Digital slide scanner Hamamatsu PhotonicsC13220-01
StereoscopeLeica Microsystems Leica M80


  1. Le Douarin, N. The Nogent Institute--50 years of embryology. The International Journal of Developmental Biology. 49 (2-3), 85-103 (2005).
  2. Le Douarin, N. M., Teillet, M. A. The migration of neural crest cells to the wall o....

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