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  • Protocol
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Site-directed mutagenesis is a technique used to introduce specific mutations in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). This protocol describes how to do site-directed mutagenesis with a 2-step and 3-step polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based approach, which is applicable to any DNA fragment of interest.


Site-directed mutagenesis is a technique used to introduce specific mutations in DNA to investigate the interaction between small non-coding ribonucleic acid (sRNA) molecules and target messenger RNAs (mRNAs). In addition, site-directed mutagenesis is used to map specific protein binding sites to RNA. A 2-step and 3-step PCR based introduction of mutations is described. The approach is relevant to all protein-RNA and RNA-RNA interaction studies. In short, the technique relies on designing primers with the desired mutation(s), and through 2 or 3 steps of PCR synthesizing a PCR product with the mutation. The PCR product is then used for cloning. Here, we describe how to perform site-directed mutagenesis with both the 2- and 3-step approach to introduce mutations to the sRNA, McaS, and the mRNA, csgD, to investigate RNA-RNA and RNA-protein interactions. We apply this technique to investigate RNA interactions; however, the technique is applicable to all mutagenesis studies (e.g., DNA-protein interactions, amino-acid substitution/deletion/addition). It is possible to introduce any kind of mutation except for non-natural bases but the technique is only applicable if a PCR product can be used for downstream application (e.g., cloning and template for further PCR).


DNA is often referred to as the blueprint of a living cell since all structures of the cell are encoded in the sequence of its DNA. Accurate replication and DNA repair mechanisms ensure that only very low rates of mutations occur, which is essential for sustaining correct functions of coded genes. Changes of the DNA sequence can affect successive functions at different levels starting with DNA (recognition by transcription factors and restriction enzymes), then RNA (base-pair complementarity and secondary structure alterations) and/or protein (amino acid substitutions, deletions, additions or frame-shifts). While many mutations do not affect gene function significantl....


1. Vector selection

  1. Choose a vector to perform downstream experiments with. Any vector is applicable for this 2- and 3-step PCR method.
  2. Based on choice of vector, choose appropriate restriction enzymes for cloning.

2. Primer design for site directed mutagenesis

  1. Decide between either the 2-step or 3-step PCR strategy (2-step is only for mutations <200 bp from either end of the DNA of interest). For the 2-step PCR, go to step 2.2 and for the 3-step PCR go to step 2.3.
  2. Design primers for 2-step PCR.
    1. Design primer 1 and 3 to amplify the DNA of interest and with a 5’ overha....

Representative Results

To investigate RNA interactions regarding post-transcriptional regulation of csgD, a double vector setup was chosen: one to express the csgD mRNA and another to express the small non-coding RNA, McaS. csgD was cloned into pBAD33, which is an arabinose inducible medium-copy plasmid with chloramphenicol resistance and McaS was cloned into mini R1 pNDM220, which is an isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) inducible low copy plasmid with ampicillin resis.......


Site-directed mutagenesis has a broad array of different applications, and here, representative results from an in vivo and an in vitro experiment were included as examples of how to make biological conclusions using the technique. Site-directed mutagenesis has for long been the golden standard for RNA interaction studies. The strength of the technique lies in the combination of introducing relevant mutations with downstream assays and experiments (e.g., western blot or EMSA) to draw conclusions about specific DNA sites .......


The authors declare no competing interests.


The authors would like to thank University of Southern Denmark open access policy grants.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Anti-GroEL antibody produced in rabbitMerckG6532Primary antibody
Azure c200AzureNAGel imaging workstation
Custom DNA oligoMerckVC00021
DeNovix DS-11DeNovixNASpectrophotometer for nucleic acid measurements
DNA Gel Loading Dye (6X)Thermo ScientificR0611
Ethidium bromide solution 1 %Carl Roth2218.1
GeneJET Gel Extraction KitThermo ScientificK0691
GeneRuler DNA Ladder MixFermentasSM0333
Gerard GeBAflex-tube MidiGerard BiotechTO12Dialysis tubes for electro elution
MEGAscript T7 Transcription KitInvitrogenAM1334
Mini-Sub Cell GT CellBio-Rad1704406Horizontal electrophoresis system
Monoclonal ANTI-FLAG M2 antibody produced in mouseMerckF3165Primary antibody
Mouse ImmunoglobulinsDako CytomationP0447HRP conjucated secondary antibody
NucleoSpin miRNAMacherey Nagel740971RNA purification
NuPAGE 4-12% Bis-Tris Protein GelsThermo ScientificNP0323BOXBis-Tris gels for protein separation
Phusion High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix with HF BufferNew England BiolabsM0531SDNA polymerase
PowerPac HC High-Current Power SupplyBio-Rad1645052
Rabbit ImmunoglobulinsDako CytomationP0448HRP conjucated secondary antibody
SeaKem LE AgaroseLonza50004
SigmaPlotSystat Software IncNAGraph and data analysis software tool
T100 Thermal CyclerBio-Rad1861096PCR machine
T4 DNA ligaseNew England BiolabsM0202Ligase
T4 Polynucleotide KinaseNew England BiolabsM0201S
TAE Buffer (Tris-acetate-EDTA) (50X)Thermo ScientificB49


  1. Bouvier, M., et al. Small RNA binding to 5' mRNA coding region inhibits translational initiation. Molecular Cell. 32 (6), 827-837 (2008).
  2. Jorgensen, M. G., et al. Small regulatory RNAs con....

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Site directed MutagenesisRNA InteractionsEscherichia ColiPCRDNA TemplatePrimer PairsAgarose Gel ElectrophoresisDNA PurificationSpectrophotometry2 step PCR3 step PCRRNA RNA InteractionsRNA protein Interactions

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