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  • Introduction
  • Protocol
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The protocol describes a method to purify and separate the U and Th nuclide in submarine hydrothermal sulfide sample with Fe co-precipitation and extraction chromatography for 230Th-U disequilibrium dating.


The age of a submarine hydrothermal sulfide is a significant index for estimating the size of hydrothermal ore deposits. Uranium and thorium isotopes in the samples can be separated for 230Th-U dating. This article presents a method to purify and separate U and Th isotopes in submarine hydrothermal sulfide samples. Following this technique, the separated U and Th fractions can meet measuring requirements by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICPMS). The age of the hydrothermal sulfide sample can be calculated by measuring the present-day activity ratios of 230Th/238U and 234U/238U. A super clean room is necessary for this experiment. Cleaned regents and supplies are used to reduce the contamination during the sample processes. Balance, hotplate, and centrifuge are also used. The sulfide sample is powdered for analysis and less than 0.2 g sample is used. Briefly, the sample is weighed, dissolved, added to 229Th-233U-236U double spike solution, Fe co-precipitated, and separated on an anion-exchange resin extraction column. Approximately 50 ng U is consumed for 230Th-U dating of sulfides sample by MC-ICPMS.


Submarine hydrothermal sulfides have been a steady source of metals like iron, copper, zinc and lead. They are also seen as economically viable resources of silver and gold. The location and size of the deposits are a record of the history of hydrothermal venting on the seafloor. Dating of a hydrothermal sulfide can provide important information regarding the formation and alteration mechanism of the sulfide ore deposit, seafloor hydrothermal activity history, and growth rate of large sulfide deposits1,2,3. 238U-234U-230Th disequilibrium datin....


1. Preparing the sample, reagents, and containers

  1. Clean the fume hood, hotplate and the balance room bench for the chemical experiment with sprayed alcohol or ultrapure water.
  2. Prepare sub-boiled acids (2 M HCl, 8 M HCl, 7 M HNO3, and 14 M HNO3), clean beakers and any apparatus before sample processed.
    NOTE: Sulfide samples presented in this study were collected from newly discovered hydrothermal zones in the South Atlantic. Approximately 60 mg of powdered sample was used in this process. Sample was collected into glass vials and put in the sample storage cabinet.

2. Weigh the samples

Representative Results

Using this procure, a submarine hydrothermal sulfide sample can be completely dissolved. Following this protocol, the Th fraction was eluted from the hydrothermal sulfide sample using 8 M HCl. Meanwhile, the U fraction of the hydrothermal sulfide sample was eluted with 0.1 M HNO3. U and Th fractions were dissolved in the 2% HNO3 (+0.1% HF) solution (see Figure 2) and stored in 2 mL capacity vials. The mixture was then analyzed by MC-ICPMS.


Some critical steps must be followed to ensure success of this protocol. Ensure that all operations are carried out in clean chemistry room under fume hood with clean air circulation. Purify all regents in this process in advance and clean the apparatus before use. Dissolve the samples completely in the process of making the 7 M HNO3 solution which is then loaded onto the 7 M HNO3-conditioned resins. If there is any insoluble substance in the sample, it will be redissolved after drying. Additional i.......


Authors have nothing to disclose.


This study was financially supported by Experimental Technology Innovation Foundation of Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. 11890940), and China Ocean Mineral Resources R & D Association Project (No. DY135-S2-2-07).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
AG 1-X8 anion-exchange resinBIO-RAD140-1441Separating rare elements
Ammonia solutionKanto Chemical CO., INC.1336-21-6Reagent
Glass vialsBOTEXNoneSample collection
Hydrochloric acidSinopharem chemical reagent Co. Ltd7647-01-0Reagent
Hydrofluoric acidEMD Millipore CO.7664-39-5Reagent
Neptune PlusThermo Fisher Scientific CO.NoneApparatus
Nitric acidSinopharem chemical reagent Co. Ltd7697-37-2Reagent
Perchloric acidKanto Chemical CO., INC.32059-1BReagent
Ultrapure waterMerck MilliporeNoneProducted by Mill-Q Advantage systerm
Wipe paperKimberley-Clark0123-12Wipe and clean
2 ml vialNelgene5000-0020Sample collection
229Th-233U-236U spikeNoneNoneReagent
7 ml PFA beakerSavillex200-007-20Sample treatment
10 ml centrifugeNelgene3110-1000Sample treatment
30 ml PFA beakerSavillex200-007-20Sample treatment


  1. Lalou, C., Brichet, E., Hekinian, R. Age dating of sulfide deposits from axial and off-axial structures on the East Pacific Rise near 12°500N. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 75 (1), 59-71 (1985).
  2. Lalou, C., Brichet, E.

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230Th U DatingSubmarine Hydrothermal SulfidesUranium PurificationThorium PurificationMC ICPMSUranium thorium IsotopesSeafloor Hydrothermal ActivitySulfide Ore DepositsSample PreparationChemical ReagentsCross contaminationUranium 238Thorium 232Spike Solution

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