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We present an optimized local ejection procedure using a glass micro-pipette and a fast two-photon hyperstack imaging method, which allows precise measurement of capillary diameter changes and investigation of its regulation in three dimensions.


Maintenance of normal brain function requires a sufficient and efficient supply of oxygen and nutrition by a complex network of vessels. However, the regulation of cerebral blood flow (CBF) is incompletely understood, especially at the capillary level. Two-photon microscopy is a powerful tool widely used to study CBF and its regulation. Currently, this field is limited by the lack of in vivo two-photon microscopy studies examining (1) CBF responses in three-dimensions, (2) conducted vascular responses, and (3) localized interventions within the vascular network. Here, we describe a 3D in vivo method using two-photon microscopy to study conducted vascular responses elicited by local ejection of ATP with a glass micro-pipette. Our method uses fast and repetitive hyperstack two-photon imaging providing precise diameter measurements by maximal intensity projection of the obtained images. Furthermore, we show that this method can also be used to study 3D astrocytic calcium responses. We also discuss the advantages and limitations of glass micro-pipette insertion and two-photon hyperstack imaging.


The brain has a high energy consumption rate. About 20% of the oxygen and 25% of the glucose consumed by the human body are dedicated to brain function, while the brain only occupies 2% of the total body mass. Maintenance of normal brain function requires a sufficient and efficient supply of oxygen and nutrition by blood flow in a complex network of vessels. Local brain activity and cerebral blood flow (CBF) are robustly coupled, depending on the functional properties of neurons, astrocytes, pericytes, smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and endothelial cells (ECs)1. Recently, the first few orders of capillaries branching from penetrating arterioles hav....


All procedures involving animals were approved by the Danish National Ethics Committee according to the guidelines set forth in the European Council’s Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals Used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes and were in compliance with the ARRIVE guidelines. This is a terminal procedure with the mice being euthanized prior to anesthetic recovery.

1. Pre-surgical preparation

  1. Clean the surgical table and all the surrounding area with 70% ethanol. Thoroughly clean and dry the surgical tools before the surgery.
  2. Anesthetize an NG2DsRed mo....

Representative Results

Once the surgery was complete, mice were transported to two-photon microscope (Figure 1A). A glass micro-pipette containing 1 mM ATP was inserted in proximity of the destination blood vessel at the target location (Figure 1B).

We performed hyperstack imaging while giving a puff of 1 mM ATP (Figure 2A, Supplementary Video 1). Each image st.......


One challenge for vascular studies is the precise measurement of vessel diameters. The method we describe here used a motorized piezo objective to make fast and repetitive hyperstack imaging by two-photon microscopy. Firstly, this method allows repeated examinations of the penetrating arteriole, 1st order and 2nd order capillaries without loss of focus and led to the discovery of slowly conducted vascular responses in capillaries in vivo. Secondly, in combination with a viral vector injection techni.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This study was supported by the Lundbeck Foundation, the NOVO-Nordisk Foundation, the Danish Council for Independent Research | Medical Sciences, and the NORDEA Foundation Grant to the Center for Healthy Aging.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
AgaroseSigma–AldrichA6138Apply upon exposed cortex for protection
Alexa 594Life TechnologiesA-10438Stain puffing compound to red fluorescent color
ATPSigma-AldrichA9187Vasodilator and vasoconstrictor, puffing compound
Cyanoacrylate glue and activatorLoctiteAdhesives and SF7452Glue for metal piece and coverglass
Eye lubricantNeutral Ophtha, Ophtha A/S, DenmarkKeep the mouse eyes moisterized
FITC-dextranSigma-AldrichFD500SBlood serum dye, green fluorescent color
NG2DsRed miceJackson Laboratory8241These transgenic mice express an red fluorescent protein variant (DsRed) under the control of the mouse NG2 (Cspg4) promoter
pZac2.1 gfaABC1D-lck-GCaMP6fAddgene52924-AAV5Astrocyte specific viral vectors carrying genetically encoded calcium indicators
TRITC-dextranSigma-Aldrich52194Blood serum dye, red fluorescent color
List of Equipments
Air pumpWPIPV830Give air pressure to pipette puffing
Blood gas analyzerRadiometerABL 700Measure levels of blood gases 
Blood pressure monitorWorld Precision InstrumentsBP-1Monitor aterial blood pressure
Body temperature controllerCWEModel TC-1000Keep the mouse body temperature in physiological range
CapnographHarvard ApparatusType 340Monitor the end-expiratory CO2 from the mouse
Electrical stimulatorA.M.P.I.ISO-flexApply whisker pad stimulation
Mechanical ventilatorHarvard ApparatusD-79232Mechanically ventilate the mouse in physiological range
Micropipette pullerSutter InstrumentP-97
Two-photon microscopeFemtonics LtdFemto3D-RC
List of Surgical Instruments
Anatomical tweezer Lawton09-0007
Angled and balanced tweezerS&T AG00595 FRAS-18 RM-8
Iris scissorLawton05-1450
Micro vascular clampS&T AG462
Mouse vascular cathetersVerutech100828


  1. Abbott, N. J., Patabendige, A. A., Dolman, D. E., Yusof, S. R., Begley, D. J. Structure and Function of the Blood-Brain Barrier. Neurobiology of Disease. 37 (1), 13-25 (2010).
  2. Hall, C. N., et al. Capillary Pericytes Regulate Cerebra....

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Three dimensionalTwo photon MicroscopyConducted Vascular ResponsesATP EjectionGlass Micro pipetteCerebral CapillariesCerebral Blood Flow RegulationAstrocytic Calcium Responses

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