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  • Summary
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
  • Discussion
  • Acknowledgements
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  • References
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Here, we present a protocol to access and analyze many human and model organism databases efficiently. This protocol demonstrates the use of MARRVEL to analyze candidate disease-causing variants identified from next-generation sequencing efforts.


Through whole-exome/genome sequencing, human geneticists identify rare variants that segregate with disease phenotypes. To assess if a specific variant is pathogenic, one must query many databases to determine whether the gene of interest is linked to a genetic disease, whether the specific variant has been reported before, and what functional data is available in model organism databases that may provide clues about the gene’s function in human. MARRVEL (Model organism Aggregated Resources for Rare Variant ExpLoration) is a one-stop data collection tool for human genes and variants and their orthologous genes in seven model organisms including in mouse, rat, zebrafish, fruit fly, nematode worm, fission yeast, and budding yeast. In this Protocol, we provide an overview of what MARRVEL can be used for and discuss how different datasets can be used to assess whether a variant of unknown significance (VUS) in a known disease-causing gene or a variant in a gene of uncertain significance (GUS) may be pathogenic. This protocol will guide a user through searching multiple human databases simultaneously starting with a human gene with or without a variant of interest. We also discuss how to utilize data from OMIM, ExAC/gnomAD, ClinVar, Geno2MP, DGV and DECHIPHER. Moreover, we illustrate how to interpret a list of ortholog candidate genes, expression patterns, and GO terms in model organisms associated with each human gene. Furthermore, we discuss the value protein structural domain annotations provided and explain how to use the multiple species protein alignment feature to assess whether a variant of interest affects an evolutionarily conserved domain or amino acid. Finally, we will discuss three different use-cases of this website. MARRVEL is an easily accessible open access website designed for both clinical and basic researchers and serves as a starting point to design experiments for functional studies.


The use of next-generation sequencing technology is expanding in both research and clinical genetic laboratories1. Whole-exome (WES) and whole-genome sequencing (WGS) analyses reveal numerous rare variants of unknown significance (VUS) in known disease-causing genes as well as variants in genes that are yet to be associated with a Mendelian disease (GUS: genes of uncertain significance). Presented with a list of genes and variants in a clinical sequence report, medical geneticists must manually visit multiple online resources to obtain more information to assess which variant may be responsible for a certain phenotype seen in the patient of int....


1. How to begin a search

  1. For the human gene and variant-based search, go to steps 1.1.1.-1.1.2. For human gene-based search (no variant input), go to step 1.2. For model organism gene-based search, refer to steps 1.3.1.-1.3.2.
    1. Go to the home page of MARRVEL4 at Start by entering a human gene symbol. Ensure that the candidate gene names are listed below the input box with each character entry. If the search comes back negative, make sure the gene symbol .......

Representative Results

Human geneticists and model organism scientists each use MARRVEL in distinct ways, each with different desired outcomes. Below are three vignettes of possible uses for MARRVEL.

Evaluating pathogenicity of a variant in a dominant disease
Most of the users that visit MARRVEL use this website to analyze the likelihood that a rare human variant may cause a certain disease. For example, a missense (17:59477596 G>A, p.R20Q) variant in TBX2 was found to segregate i.......


Critical steps in this protocol include the initial input (steps 1.1-1.3) and subsequent interpretation of the output. The most common reason why search results are negative is because of the many ways that a gene and/or variant can be described. While MARRVEL is updated on a scheduled basis, these updates may cause disconnects between the different databases that MARRVEL links to. Thus, the first step in troubleshooting is invariably checking to see if alternative names of the gene or variant will lead to a successful s.......


We thank Drs. Rami Al-Ouran, Seon-Young Kim, Yanhui (Claire) Hu, Ying-Wooi Wan, Naveen Manoharan, Sasidhar Pasupuleti, Aram Comjean, Dongxue Mao, Michael Wangler, Hsiao-Tuan Chao, Stephanie Mohr, and Norbert Perrimon for their support in the development and maintenance of MARRVEL. We are grateful to Samantha L. Deal and J. Michael Harnish for their input on this manuscript.  

The initial development of MARRVEL was supported in part by the Undiagnosed Diseases Network Model Organisms Screening Center through the NIH Commonfund (U54NS093793) and through the NIH Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP) (R24OD022005).....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Human GeneticsClinVarPMID: 29165669
Human GeneticsDECIPHERPMID: 19344873
Human GeneticsDGVPMID: 24174537
Orthology PredictionDIOPTPMID: 21880147
Human Gene/Transcript NomenclatureEnsemblPMID: 29155950
Human GeneticsExAC PMID: 27535533
Primary Model Organism DatabasesFlyBase (Drosophila)PMID:26467478
Model Organism Database Integration ToolsGene2FunctionPMID: 28663344
Human GeneticsGeno2MPN/A
Human GeneticsgnomADPMID: 27535533
Gene OntologyGO CentralPMID: 10802651, 25428369
Human Gene/Protein ExpressionGTExPMID: 29019975, 23715323
Human Gene NomenclatureHGNCPMID: 27799471
Primary Model Organism DatabasesIMPC (mouse)PMID: 27626380
Primary Model Organism DatabasesMGI (mouse)PMID:25348401
Model Organism Database Integration ToolsMonarch InitiativePMID: 27899636
Human Variant NomenclatureMutalyzerPMID: 18000842
Human GeneticsOMIMPMID: 28654725
Primary Model Organism DatabasesPomBase (fission yeast)PMID:22039153
Primary Model Organism DatabasesRGD (rat)PMID:25355511
Primary Model Organism DatabasesSGD (budding yeast)PMID: 22110037
Human Gene/Protein ExpressionThe Human Protein AtlasPMID: 21752111
Primary Model Organism DatabasesWormBase (C. elegans)PMID:26578572
Primary Model Organism DatabasesZFIN (zebrafish)PMID:26097180


  1. Yang, Y., et al. Clinical whole-exome sequencing for the diagnosis of mendelian disorders. New England Journal of Medicine. 369 (16), 1502-1511 (2013).
  2. Richards, S., et al.

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MARRVELWeb based ToolHuman GenomicsModel Organism GeneticsDisease RelevanceRare Genetic DiseasesModel Organism DatabasesDiagnosisTherapeutic StudiesGene SearchVariant InformationModel Organism DataGene Function TableOrtholog Prediction

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