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We describe a human peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) — based humanized xenograft mouse model for translational immuno-oncology research. This protocol could serve as a general guideline for establishing and characterizing similar models for I-O therapy assessment.


The discovery and development of immuno-oncology (I-O) therapy in recent years represents a milestone in the treatment of cancer. However, treatment challenges persist. Robust and disease-relevant animal models are vital resources for continued preclinical research and development in order to address a range of additional immune checkpoints. Here, we describe a human peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) — based humanized xenograft model. BGB-A317 (Tislelizumab), an investigational humanized anti-PD-1 antibody in late-stage clinical development, is used as an example to discuss platform set-up, model characterization and drug efficacy evaluations. These humanized mice support the growth of most human tumors tested, thus allowing the assessment of I-O therapies in the context of both human immunity and human cancers. Once established, our model is comparatively time- and cost-effective, and usually yield highly reproducible results. We suggest that the protocol outlined in this article could serve as a general guideline for establishing mouse models reconstituted with human PBMC and tumors for I-O research.


Immuno-oncology (I-O) is a rapidly expanding field of cancer treatment. Researchers have recently started to appreciate the therapeutic potential of modulating functions of the immune system to attack tumors. Immune checkpoint blockades have demonstrated encouraging activities in a variety of cancer types, including melanoma, renal cell carcinoma, head and neck, lung, bladder and prostate cancers1,2. Contrary to targeted therapies that directly kill  cancer cells, I-O therapies potentiate the body’s immune system to attack tumors3.

To date, numerou....


All procedures performed in studies involving human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of BeiGene and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study. All procedures performed in studies involving animals were approved by the Internal Review Board at BeiGene. This protocol has been specifically adjusted for the evaluation of BGB-A317 (Tislelizumab) in humanized NOD/SCID mice.

1. Establishment of human PBMC-based model

  1. Myeloabla....


Following the procedures presented here, a PBMC-based humanized xenograft model was successfully established. In brief, CP myeloablation effects in NOD/SCID mice was determined by flow cytometry analysis of neutrophil and monocyte populations post CP and DS treatment (Figure 1). 100 mg/kg CP plus 125 mg/kg DS was determined as the optimal dose and used in later studies as the regimen results in maximum depletion of neutrophils and monocytes without causing severe toxicity to mice. Next, huma.......


Our knowledge of cancer development and progression has advanced significantly in recent years, with focus on a comprehensive understanding of both the tumor cells and its associated stroma. Harnessing the host immune mechanisms could induce a greater impact against cancer cells, representing a promising treatment strategy. Murine models with intact mouse immune systems, such as syngeneic and GEM models, have been widely used to study checkpoint-mediated immunity. Efficacy assessments using these models depend largely on.......


All authors have ownership interest in BeiGene. Tong Zhang and Kang Li are inventors on a patent covering BGB-A317 described in this study.


We thank members of our laboratories for helpful discussions. This work was partially supported by the Biomedical and Life Science Innovation and Cultivation Research Program of the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission under Grant Agreement No. Z151100003915070 (project "Preclinical study on a novel immune oncology anti-tumor drug BGB-A317"), and it was also partially supported by internal company funding for preclinical research.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
PBMC separation /cell culture
Histopaque-1077Sigma10771Cell isolation
DMEMCorning10-013-CVRCell culture
DPBSCorning21-031-CVRCell culture
FBSCorning35-076-CVCell culture
Penicillin-Streptomycin, LiquidGibco15140-163Cell culture
Trypsin-EDTA (0.25%), phenol redGibco25200-114Cell culture
MatrigelCorning356237CDX inoculation
FACS analysis
Deoxyribonuclease I from bovine pancreasSigmaDN25Sample preparation
Collagenase Type ISigmaC0130Sample preparation
Anti-mouse/human CD11b (M1/70) antibodyBioLegend101206FACS
Anti-mouse Ly-6C (HK1.4) antibodyBioLegend128008FACS
Anti-mouse Ly-6G (1A8) antibodyBioLegend127614FACS
Anti-human CD8 (OKT8) antibodySungene BiotechH10082-11HFACS
Anti-human CD279 (MIH4) antibodyeBioscience12-9969-42FACS
Anti-human CD3 (HIT3a) antibody4A Biotech--FACS
Guava easyCyte 8HT Benchtop Flow CytometerMillipore0500-4008FACS
Tumor/PDX implantation /dosing / measurement
CyclophosphamideJ&KCat#419656, CAS#6055-19-2In vivo efficacy
DisulfiramJ&KCat#591123, CAS#97-77-8In vivo efficacy
SyringeBD300841CDX inoculation
Hypodermic needles (14G)Shanghai SA Mediciall & Plastic Instruments Co., Ltd.0.7*32 TW SBPDX inoculation
Vernier Caliper (MarCal)Mahr16ERTumor measurement
IVC individual ventilated cagesLingyunboji Ltd.IVC-128Animal facility
Leica ASP200 Vacuum tissue processorLeicaASP200IHC
Leica RM2235 Manual Rotary Microtome for Routine SectioningLeicaRM2235IHC
Leica EG1150 H Heated Paraffin Embedding ModuleLeicaEG1150 HIHC
Ariol-Clinical IHC and FISH ScannerLeicaAriolIHC
Anti-human CD8 (EP334) antibodyZSGB-BioZA-0508IHC
Anti-human PD1 [NAT105] antibodyAbcamab52587IHC
Anti-human PD-L1 (E1L3N) antibodyCell Signaling Technology13684SIHC
Polink-2 plus Polymer HRP Detection SystemZSGB-BioPV-9001/9002IHC


  1. Pardoll, D. M. The blockade of immune checkpoints in cancer immunotherapy. Nature Reviews Cancer. 12 (4), 252-264 (2012).
  2. Postow, M. A., Callahan, M. K., Wolchok, J. D. Immune Checkpoint Blockade in Cancer Therapy.

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