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  • Representative Results
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Multiplex fluorescent immunohistochemistry is an emerging technology that enables the visualization of multiple cell types within intact formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue. Presented are guidelines for ensuring a successful 7-color multiplex with instructions for optimizing antibodies and reagents, preparing slides, design and tips for avoiding common problems.


Microenvironment evaluation of intact tissue for analysis of cell infiltration and spatial organization are essential in understanding the complexity of disease processes. The principle techniques used in the past include immunohistochemistry (IHC) and immunofluorescence (IF) which enable visualization of cells as a snapshot in time using between 1 and 4 markers. Both techniques have shortcomings including difficulty staining poorly antigenic targets and limitations related to cross-species reactivity. IHC is reliable and reproducible, but the nature of the chemistry and reliance on the visible light spectrum allows for only a few markers to be used and makes co-localization challenging. Use of IF broadens potential markers but typically relies on frozen tissue due to the extensive tissue autofluorescence following formalin fixation. Flow cytometry, a technique that enables simultaneous labeling of multiple epitopes, abrogates many of the deficiencies of IF and IHC, however, the need to examine cells as a single cell suspension loses the spatial context of cells discarding important biologic relationships. Multiplex fluorescent immunohistochemistry (mfIHC) bridges these technologies allowing for multi-epitope cellular phenotyping in formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue while preserving the overall microenvironment architecture and spatial relationship of cells within intact undisrupted tissue. High fluorescent intensity fluorophores that covalently bond to the tissue epitope enables multiple applications of primary antibodies without worry of species specific cross-reactivity by secondary antibodies. Although this technology has been proven to produce reliable and accurate images for the study of disease, the process of creating a useful mfIHC staining strategy can be time consuming and exacting due to extensive optimization and design. In order to make robust images that represent accurate cellular interactions in-situ and to mitigate the optimization period for manual analysis, presented here are methods for slide preparation, optimizing antibodies, multiplex design as well as errors commonly encountered during the staining process.


Visualization of an intact tumor microenvironment (TME) is essential in evaluating not only cellular infiltration in solid malignancies but cell to cell interactions as well. Multiplex fluorescent immunohistochemistry (mfIHC) has emerged as an effective tool for multi-antigen phenotyping of cells in the study of cancer and associated diseases1,2,3,4,5,6,7. This, in combination with novel software and programs designed to analyze large dat....


All work has been approved by the University of Michigan’s internal review board.

1. Optimizing primary antibodies and slide preparation

  1. Determine ideal concentration of antibodies for multiplex using conventional IHC.
    1. Test the antibodies for the multiplex by manual conventional immunohistochemistry (IHC)13.
    2. Use specific tissues that have an abundant cell type for each antibody tested such as using tonsil tissue for CD3 antibody testin.......

Representative Results

The overall process of obtaining a 7-color multiplex assay follows a repetitive pattern. Figure 1 describes the process in a diagrammatic form. Once slides are cut and dried or are received from the laboratory and baked in a hybridization oven at 60 °C for 1 h, then proceed to deparaffinization and rehydration, fix the slides in formalin again followed by antigen retrieval. Each round of multiplexing starts at antigen retrieval and finishes at antibody removal (Figu.......


Intact tissue specimens from solid tumor biopsy and surgical resection remain important diagnostic and predictive tools for disease analysis as well as patient prognosis. Multiplex fluorescent immunohistochemistry (mfIHC) is a novel technique that combines the benefits of immunohistochemistry (IHC), immunofluorescence (IF) and flow cytometry. Previous methods to probe cells in situ have allowed for evaluation of cell-to-cell arrangements in a tissue environment8, however, the low number of epitope.......


The authors would like to thank Ed Stack, previously from Perkin Elmer, for his assistance with setup and optimization of original multiplex staining. The authors would also like to thank Kristen Schmidt from Akoya Biosciences for tips using the analysis software. Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Cancer Institutes of Health under Award Number P30CA046592, K08CA201581(tlf), K08CA234222 (js), R01CA15158807 (mpm), RSG1417301CSM (mpm), R01CA19807403 (mpm), U01CA22414501 (mpm, hc), CA170568 (hc). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Heal....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
100% ethanolFisherHC8001GAL
70% ethanolFisherHC10001GL
95% ethanolFisherHC11001GL
Analysis softwareAkoya BiosciencesCLS135783inForm version 2.3.0
Antifade mountantThermoFisherP36961ProLong Diamond
Blocking solutionVectorSP-6000Bloxall
Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA)Sigma Life SciencesA9647-100G
Cover SlipsFisher12-548-5E
Delicate task wipeKimberly-Clark34120
Fluorescent diluentAkoya BiosciencesARD1A01EAOpal TSA diluent
Fluorophore 520Akoya BiosciencesFP1487001KT1:100
Fluorophore 540Akoya BiosciencesFP1494001KT1:100
Fluorophore 570Akoya BiosciencesFP1488001KT1:100
Fluorophore 620Akoya BiosciencesFP1495001KT1:100
Fluorophore 650Akoya BiosciencesFP1496001KT1:100
Fluorophore 690Akoya BiosciencesFP1497001KT1:100
Fluorophore DAPIAkoya BiosciencesFP14903 drops in TBST or PBS
Heat resistant boxTissue-Tek25608-904Plastic slide box-green
Humidified ChamberIbi ScientificAT-12
Hybridization ovenFisherBiotech
Hydrophobic barrier penVectorH-4000ImmEdge
MicroscopePerkin ElmerCLS140089Mantra quantitative pathology workstation
MicrowavePanasonicNN-A661Swith inverter technology
Neutral buffered formalinFisher ScientificSF100-410% neutral buffered formalin
pH 6 antigen retrieval bufferAkoya BiosciencesAR600AR6
pH 9 antigen retrieval bufferAkoya BiosciencesAR900AR9
Phosphate buffered salineFisherBP3994PBS
Plastic slide boxTissue-Tek25608-906
Plastic wrapFisherNC9070936
Polysorbate 20FisherBP337-800Tween 20
Primary antibody CD163LeciaNCL-LCD1631:400
Primary antibody CD3DakoA04521:400
Primary antibody CD8Spring BioM53901:400
Primary antibody FOXP3DakoM35151:400
Primary antibody pancytokeratinCell Signaling126531:500
Primary antibody PD-L1Cell Signaling136841:200
Secondary antibodyAkoya BiosciencesARH1001EAOpal polymer
Slide stain setElectron Microscopy Sciences6254001
Tris buffered salineCorning46-012-CMTBS
Vertical slide rackElectron Microscopy Sciences50-294-72


  1. Lazarus, J., et al. Spatial and phenotypic immune profiling of metastatic colon cancer. JCI Insight. 3 (22), (2018).
  2. Barua, S., et al.

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