* These authors contributed equally
Presented here is a protocol for enriching pachytene spermatocytes, round spermatids, and elongating spermatids from adult mouse testes using a discontinuous bovine serum albumin density gradient with standard laboratory equipment.
To characterize each step of spermatogenesis, researchers must separate different subpopulations of germ cells from testes. However, isolating discrete populations is challenging, because the adult testis contains a complex mix of germ cells from all steps of spermatogenesis along with certain populations of somatic cells. Over the past few decades, different techniques such as centrifugal elutriation, fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), and STA-PUT have been successfully applied to the isolation of germ cells. A drawback is that they all require dedicated devices and specialized training. Following principles underlying the STA-PUT method, a simple protocol has been developed for the isolation of pachytene spermatocytes, round spermatids, and elongating spermatids from mouse testes. After preparing a single cell suspension of testicular cells, specific cell populations are enriched by gravity sedimentation through a discontinuous bovine serum albumin (BSA) density gradient. The cell fractions are then manually collected and microscopically analysed. This modified density gradient for round spermatids (MDR) sedimentation protocol can be widely applied, because it requires only standard laboratory equipment. Furthermore, the protocol requires minimal starting materials, reducing its cost and use of laboratory animals.
Much is still unknown about the molecular and biological events taking place during mammalian spermatogenesis, a complex process in which spermatogonial stem cells transform into highly specialized spermatozoa1,2. Spermatogenesis takes place inside the seminiferous tubules of the testis. The tubules contain a mixture of germ cells from each step of differentiation, including spermatogonial stem cells, mitotically dividing spermatogonia, meiotic spermatocytes, and postmeiotic spermatids (which undergo haploid differentiation from round spermatids to elongating spermatids, and finally to mature spermatozoa). Somatic cells of the testis include Sertoli cells that are intermingled with germ cells inside the seminiferous tubules, peritubular myoid cells that form walls of the tubules, and testosterone-producing Leydig cells in the interstitial space between tubules.
Studying molecular and biochemical processes during spermatogenesis often requires separation of distinct germ cell populations from a complex mixture of testicular cells. Many different strategies have been developed for cell enrichment. The most successful methods are STA-PUT velocity sedimentation by unit gravity3,4,5,6, centrifugal elutriation based on counterflow centrifugation7,8, and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) that separates cells according to DNA content and/or specific markers. These methods are commonly used among spermatogenesis researchers and allow for the efficient enrichment of specific germ cell types. However, a limitation of these techniques is that they require specialized, expensive hardware that require expertise.
Presented here is a simple and inexpensive protocol to isolate enriched populations of the three most abundant cell populations of mouse testes: round spermatids, pachytene spermatocytes, and elongating spermatids. This protocol is referred to as the modified density gradient for round spermatids (MDR), because it works particularly well for enriching round spermatids. The MDR method is based on the same principles as the STA-PUT velocity sedimentation, yet it requires only standard laboratory equipment. Living cells are allowed to sediment through a manually prepared discontinuous bovine serum albumin (BSA) density gradient inside a standard 50 mL tube under the earth's gravitational field. Larger cells move faster through the gradient, which separates different populations of germ cells. After sedimentation, enriched fractions of the three cell types are manually collected. The purity of these enriched cell populations is comparable to those obtained by STA-PUT and centrifugal elutriation.
In addition to covering the construction and use of the BSA gradient for velocity sedimentation, the protocol also describes a digestion method to release testicular cells from seminiferous tubules. The protocol was modified from that developed by Romrell et al.9 and includes sequential digestions with collagenase IV and trypsin. Sequential digestions combined with use of a bicarbonate buffer (i.e., the Krebs solution) have been shown to greatly enhance the separation and viability of the germ cells9.
During MDR enrichment, cells spend around 4 h together outside the environment of the seminiferous tubules and are not subjected to stressful mechanical forces, which allows for the collection of highly viable cellular fractions for downstream analysis. In addition, similar to the centrifugal elutriation and STA-PUT, the MDR protocol does not require any chemical treatment or labelling of cells, which also helps to maintain their viability. Importantly, as little as two adult mouse testes are sufficient for the MDR isolation and therefore, one adult mouse provides enough enriched cells for both RNA and protein analysis. Standard STA-PUT protocol recommends use of as many as 12 adult mice for cell isolation6; although, based on prior experience, it is known that successful isolation can be done from three to four adult mice. The lowest amount of starting material reported to be sufficient for centrifugal elutriation is six mouse testes (three mice)8. Therefore, besides eliminating the need for expensive specialized equipment, the MDR protocol reduces the number of laboratory animals required.
The maintenance of laboratory mice and all experiments were performed in accordance with the relevant guidelines and regulations for the care and use of laboratory animals.
1. Equipment and Reagent Set-up
2. Animal Dissection and Preparation of Germ Cell Suspension
NOTE: This takes approximately 1 h to complete.
3. Separation of Germ Cells Through the Discontinuous BSA Gradient
NOTE: This section takes approximately 2 h to complete. Start preparing the discontinuous BSA gradient during the wash steps (steps 2.10−2.14) to load the cells as soon as the pretreatment is ready.
4. Collection of Enriched Germ Cell Fractions
NOTE: This section takes approximately 30 min to complete.
5. Analysis of Cell Fractions
NOTE: Analysis takes 2 h to complete.
6. Processing the Remaining Samples for Storage
NOTE: Section 6 takes approximately 20 min to complete.
Sufficient enrichment of a germ cell type is usually considered to be above 80%6. The MDR protocol works particularly well for enriching round spermatids. A high number of >90% pure round spermatids can routinely be obtained using this technique. Optimal fractions of pachytene spermatocytes and elongating spermatids are enriched to ~75% and ~80%, respectively. Elongating spermatids tend to stay on top of the gradient and are collected with the first fraction. In the example shown, fraction 1 contained ~80% of elongating spermatids (Figure 2B). Most elongating spermatids obtained with this technique have condensed nuclei, while non-condensed early elongating spermatids are scarce (Figure 2A). The following fractions contain enriched round spermatids. In the example, the enrichment of round spermatids was more than 90% in fractions 2, 3, and 4, and enrichment above 80% was seen altogether in seven fractions (2−8) (Figure 2B). Due to their large size, pachytene spermatocytes sediment faster and are collected last. In the purification example, enrichment was around 75% in fractions 14 and 15 (Figure 2B).
While nuclear morphology, visualized by DAPI staining, usually suffices for recognition of the cells, immunofluorescence analysis can be performed to support the analysis. PNA stains the developing acrosomes of round and elongating spermatids, and the acrosomal appearance can be exploited to further categorize round spermatids into steps 1−8 of differentiation10. Distinguishing PNA-stained elongating and round spermatids relies on the differences in their nuclear shape (Figure 2C, left panel). Anti-DDX4 antibody is a useful marker for the round spermatid fractions since it visualizes one single DDX4-positive perinuclear granule, the chromatoid body (CB), in the cytoplasm of each round spermatid. This CB-specific staining is easy to distinguish from more widely distributed cytoplasmic staining in spermatocytes (Figure 2C, middle panel). Pachytene spermatocytes can be recognized by anti-γH2AX antibody that labels the nuclear sex body specifically appearing at the pachytene phase of the first meiotic division (Figure 2C, right panel). In this purification, PNA staining revealed that MDR enriched round spermatid fractions contained a mixture of round spermatids at various steps of differentiation, all containing their signature structure, the DDX4-positive CB (Figure 2D, RS fraction). Anti-γH2AX further validated the enrichment pachytene spermatocytes in fraction 16 (Figure 2D, PSpc fraction).
The cell counting revealed that the number of cells in the round spermatid and pachytene spermatocyte fractions is adequate for various downstream analyses. Round spermatid fractions (5−8) each contained around 2.5 x 106 cells. Therefore, by pooling these fractions, it is possible to obtain more than 10 million cells. Pachytene spermatocyte fractions (14 and 15) usually contained somewhat fewer cells. In this isolation, around 1.5−2.0 x 106 cells per fraction were counted. The first fraction contained 0.75 x 106 elongating spermatids.
As shown in Figure 3A, the total RNA amount obtained from the majority of fractions ranged from 0.5−2.5 µg, which is sufficient for downstream RNA analyses such as reverse transcription PCR, RNA sequencing, or visualizing RNA on a gel. The amount of protein obtained from each fraction typically ranges from 20−140 µg (Figure 3B), which is sufficient for several western blots. Whole cell lysates were prepared from collected fractions, and western blot analysis was performed using antibodies detecting DDX4, PIWIL1, and PIWIL2, which are all highly expressed in pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids as well as the ubiquitously expressed glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH).
In this protocol, 10% of the protein lysates derived from single fractions was sufficient to clearly detect all these proteins on a standard western blot setting (Figure 3C). The amount of protein in one fraction was also shown to be sufficient for immunoprecipitation using an antibody against PIWIL1, as well as for the detection of co-immunoprecipitated PIWIL2 (Figure 3D). Furthermore, this protocol has been successfully used to obtain enriched fractions of pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids from control and genetically modified mice for downstream applications such as quantitative reverse transcription PCR11 and high throughput RNA sequencing12.
Figure 1: Preparation of a discontinuous BSA gradient. (A) A 5 mL serological pipette tip for preparation of the gradient. (B) A 1 mL pipette tip for preparation of the gradient and collection of the germ cell fractions after sedimentation. (C) The equipment needed for preparation of the gradient. (D) Lateral view of the discontinuous BSA density gradient from the 5% (bottom) to the 1% (top) BSA solution; the 2% and 4% BSA solutions are blue in color for better visualization. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Representative images of the collected cell fractions and the enrichment analysis. (A) DAPI-stained testicular cells. The upper row shows testicular cells in the intact seminiferous epithelium of a PFA-fixed, paraffin-embedded testis section (left) or in suspension (right). The lower row shows fractions of enriched elongating spermatids (ES), round spermatids (RS), or pachytene spermatocytes (PSpc). Scale bars = 20 µm for the upper row and 10 µm for insets of the lower row. (B) Relative quantification of the different germ cell types in each fraction. Cells were manually counted using the ImageJ software and classified into RS, ES, PSpc, Sertoli cells, and other cells. The fraction numbers and respective percentages of BSA in the gradient are indicated on the x-axis. (C) Immunofluorescence analysis of testicular cells. Left panel: rhodamine-labelled PNA stains the acrosome in both ES (yellow arrow) and RS (white arrow). Middle panel: DDX4 antibody stains a single perinuclear granule in RS, which is easy to distinguish from the more diffuse cytoplasmic signal in spermatocytes (blue arrow). No DDX4 signal is detected in ES (orange arrow). Right panel: γH2AX antibody recognizes the characteristic nuclear sex body present only in pachytene spermatocytes (γH2AX-negative cells marked by a white asterisk). Scale bars = 10 µm. (D) MDR enriched cell fractions were labelled with PNA (RS fraction), anti-DDX4 (RS fraction), and anti-γH2AX (PSpc fraction) to further validate the cell enrichment in each fraction. Scale bars = 10 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Downstream analyses after MDR cell enrichment. (A) RNA was extracted from each fraction after a representative MDR cell enrichment and quantified. The fraction numbers and respective percentages of BSA in the gradient are indicated on the x-axis. (B) Proteins were extracted from each fraction by lysing the cell pellet in radioimmunoprecipitation assay (RIPA) buffer then quantified. (C) Whole cell protein extracts were prepared and analysed by western blotting using antibodies against DDX4, PIWIL1, PIWIL2, and GAPDH. 10% of the lysate was loaded from each indicated fraction. (D) Immunoprecipitation was performed from indicated fractions using anti-PIWIL1 followed by western blotting with anti-PIWIL1 and anti-PIWIL2 antibodies. The input sample includes a mixture of protein lysates from different fractions, and the control immunoprecipitation (IP) using rabbit IgG was also performed from a mixed lysate. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Schematic representation of MDR protocol and time required for completing each step. Starting material is composed of two testes from an adult mouse. The average number of cells and the amount of RNA and protein obtained from one fraction are indicated. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Buffer | Reagents | Preparation | Storage |
Krebs buffer (10x) | 3.26 g KH2PO4 | Bring to 2 L with H2O, filter 0.22 µm and autoclave. | Can be stored at 4 °C for several months |
139.5 g NaCl | |||
5.89 g MgSO4•7H2O | |||
50 g dextrose | |||
3.78 g CaCl2•2H2O | |||
7.12 g KCl | |||
Krebs buffer (1x) | 4.24 g NaHCO3 | Dissolve NaHCO3 to 100 mL of H2O, add 200 mL of 10x Krebs buffer, and bring to 2 L with H2O. | To be prepared fresh |
200 mL 10x Krebs buffer |
Table 1: Preparation of Krebs buffer.
BSA concentration (w/v) | 10% BSA solution | 1x Krebs buffer |
0.50% | 0.5 mL | 9.5 mL |
1% | 1 mL | 9 mL |
2% | 2 mL | 8 mL |
3% | 3 mL | 7 mL |
4% | 4 mL | 6 mL |
5% | 5 mL | 5 mL |
Table 2: Preparation of BSA solutions.
Digestion solution | Working concentration | Reagents | Preparation |
Collagenase | 1 mg/mL | Collagenase IV | Weigh 2 mg of collagenase IV to a 50 mL conical tube, and add 2 mL of warm 1x Krebs buffer right before the digestion (step 2.3). |
Trypsin | 0.6 mg/mL | Trypsin | Weigh 15 mg of trypsin to a 50 mL conical tube, and add 25 mL of warm 1x KREBS buffer and 40 µL of DNase I right before the digestion (step 2.6). |
>3.2 ku/mL | DNase I |
Table 3: Preparation of the digestion enzymes.
Presented here is a simple and inexpensive protocol to isolate enriched populations of round spermatids, pachytene spermatocytes, and elongating spermatids using standard laboratory equipment (overview of the protocol shown in Figure 4). Though no expertise or expensive machinery is required, there are some critical steps that must be considered during tissue digestion, construction of the gradient, and loading of the cell suspension onto the gradient.
Germ cells are released from seminiferous tubules by two consecutive enzymatic digestions. The first digestion with collagenase IV separates seminiferous tubules by removing interstitial cells. Prolonged digestion time may damage the tubules and lead to loss of spermatids, as (if released from the tubules during this step) they will be discarded in the following steps. The second digestion step with trypsin releases germ cells from seminiferous tubules. There may be occasional cell lysis and typically some clumps form due to released genomic DNA. Exceeding the suggested duration or temperature of the digestion is not advised, as this can lead to poorer viability, increased cell lysis, and clumping. If mild clumping does occur, the clumps can be ignored. However, in cases of significant clumping and loss of cells, trypsin digestion time or concentration should be reduced. It should also be noted that the enzymatic activity of trypsin may vary between batches and during prolonged times of storage. The amount of DNase I during trypsin digestion can also be increased to remove excess clumps, but this should be considered a secondary solution. It is important to obtain a homogenous single cell suspension at the end of pre-treatment, since clumped cells will sediment faster, contaminating the fractions and disrupting the gradient.
Building the gradient may require some practice. If there is discomfort using a 5 mL pipette tip with a pipette controller, it is recommended to use a normal 1 mL mechanical pipette with a smooth piston then cut the pipette tips to an aperture of ~3 mm in diameter (Figure 1B). A wider aperture and smooth loading of the BSA solutions will decrease the risk of mixing the gradient. When properly prepared, it is possible to see the boundaries between adjacent BSA solutions due to their different refractive indices. The gradient should be produced directly prior to use. It should also be noted that any small shaking or vibration may disturb the gradient, so the gradient should be set in an environment where it will not be disturbed.
Loading of the cell suspension onto the gradient must be done very carefully. After loading, the cell suspension should stay on top of the gradient, from which the cells will slowly start to sediment through the first layer. If large groups of cells are seen moving fast through the gradient, the cells were likely not resuspended carefully or there is excess clumping. If the cells do not stay on the top of the discontinuous BSA gradient upon loading but immediately sink between the 1% and 2% BSA layers (step 3.6), the cell suspension is likely too dense. This protocol has been optimized using two testes of an adult mouse (80-120 mg/testis) as starting material; although, successful isolations using reduced amounts of starting material has been performed. To upscale the protocol and obtain more enriched germ cells from higher numbers of testes, more 50 mL tubes with the gradient should be introduced.
The protocol was initially developed and optimized to enrich haploid round spermatids from adult mouse testes, and the purity of round spermatid fractions is expected to be more than 90%. In addition to highly pure round spermatid fractions, satisfactory results for the enrichment of pachytene spermatocytes and elongating spermatids were obtained. It should be noted that erythrocytes may contaminate the elongating spermatid fractions, and further steps to eliminate them should be taken if their presence is expected to interfere with downstream analyses. We have not been able to enrich other cell types such as premeiotic or early meiotic cells (prior to pachytene phase) from adult mice using the MDR protocol.
Additionally, STA-PUT sedimentation has been successfully used to obtain enriched fractions of spermatogonia or preleptotene, leptotene, and zygotene spermatocytes using juvenile testes collected at given timepoints after birth13. This approach takes advantage of the appearance of these cell types during the first wave of spermatogenesis. The same approach can likely be applied to MDR enrichment, but it has not yet been tested in practice. Another method that is a good option for the purification of premeiotic and meiotic cells at specific stages of differentiation is FACS, which has the important advantage of allowing the isolation of specific cells types based on the presence specific markers14,15,16,17.
Overall, the MDR velocity sedimentation serves as a useful method for germ cell enrichment. While this method is not superior to other well-established methods in terms of the purity or quantity of enriched cells, its clear advantages are its simplicity and low set-up costs. This, together with the low amount of required starting materials, render this protocol a great option for researchers in the spermatogenesis field and those in other fields who may not wish to invest in specialized hardware or large groups of animals.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We would like to thank all Kotaja lab members for their contributions during the development of the protocol, and the active use and testing of the protocol in their research projects. Particularly we appreciate the contribution of Jan Lindström for the help in optimizing the protocol. This study was supported by the Academy of Finland, Sigrid Jusélius Foundation, and Turku Doctoral Programme of Molecular Medicine.
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
4% Paraformaldehyde | Preference of researcher | ||
AlexaFluor488 donkey anti-rabbit IgG | Thermo Fisher Scientific | A-21206 | |
AlexaFluor647 donkey anti-mouse IgG | Thermo Fisher Scientific | A-31571 | |
Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) | Sigma | A9647 | |
CaCl2·2H2O | Preference of researcher | ||
Collagenase IV | Sigma | C5138 | |
Complete protease inhibitor cocktail | Roche | 11836145001 | |
DDX4 antibody | Abcam | ab13840 | |
Dextrose | Preference of researcher | ||
DNase I | Worthington | LS006355 | |
GAPDH | HyTest | 5G4 | |
HRP-linked anti-mouse IgG | GE Healthcare Life Sciences | NA931 | |
HRP-linked anti-rabbit IgG | GE Healthcare Life Sciences | NA934 | |
KCl | Preference of researcher | ||
KH2PO4 | Preference of researcher | ||
MgSO4·7H2O | Preference of researcher | ||
NaCl | Preference of researcher | ||
NaHCO3 | Preference of researcher | ||
NH4Cl | Preference of researcher | ||
Pierce BCA protein assay kit | Life Technologies | 23227 | |
PIWIL1 | Cell Signaling Technology | G82 | |
PIWIL2, clone 13E-3 | Millipore | MABE363 | |
Prolong Diamond Antidafe Mountant with DAPI | Thermo Fisher Scientific | P36962 | for Alexa Fluor immunostainings |
rabbit IgG | Neomarkers | NC-100-P | |
Rhodamine-labelled Peanut agglutinin (PNA) | Vector Laboratories | RL-1072 | |
RIPA buffer | 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 1% NP-40, 0.5% w/v sodium deoxycholate, 0.05% w/v SDS, 1 mM EDTA, 150 mM NaCl, 1x protease inhibitor cocktail, 0.2 mM PMSF and 1 mM DTT | ||
TRIsure | Bioline | BIO-38033 | |
Triton X-100 | Preference of researcher | nonionic surfactant | |
Trypsin | Worthington | LS003703 | |
VECTASHIELD Antifade Mounting Medium with DAPI | Vector Laboratories | H-1200 | for standard DAPI analysis of cell fractions |
γH2AX antibody | Millipore | 05-636 | |
0.22 µm filter | Sartorius | Sartolab BT 180C6 | or equivalent |
1 ml mechanical pipette | Preference of researcher | ||
1.5 mL or 2 ml tubes | Preference of researcher | ||
40 µm cell sieves for 50 mL tubes | Greiner Bio-One | 542040 | or equivalent cell strainer |
5 mL serological pipettes | Sarstedt | 86.1254.001 | or equivalent |
50 mL conical tubes | Preference of researcher | ||
6 cm Petri dishes | Preference of researcher | ||
cell culture incubator | Preference of researcher | ||
centrifuge for 50 mL tubes | Preference of researcher | ||
grease pen for microscopy glass slides | Preference of researcher | ||
HulaMixer Sample Mixer | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 15920D | or equivalent cell rotator |
microdissection forcepts | Preference of researcher | ||
microdissection scissors | Preference of researcher | ||
microscopy glass slides and coverslips | Preference of researcher | ||
Nanodrop 1000 | Thermo Scientific | ||
Pipetboy Acu 2 | Integra | 155 000 | or equivalent pipette controller |
refrigerated centrifuge for 1.5 mL tubes | Preference of researcher | ||
tips for 1 ml mechanical pipette | Preference of researcher | ||
water bath | Preference of researcher | ||
widefield fluorescence microscope | Preference of researcher |
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