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The effects of migrastatic inhibitors on glioma cancer cell migration in three-dimensional (3D) invasion assays using a histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor are characterized by high-resolution confocal microscopy.
Drug discovery and development in cancer research is increasingly being based on drug screens in a 3D format. Novel inhibitors targeting the migratory and invasive potential of cancer cells, and consequently the metastatic spread of disease, are being discovered and considered as complementary treatments in highly invasive cancers such as gliomas. Thus, generating data enabling the detailed analyses of cells in a 3D environment following the addition of a drug is required. The methodology described here, combining spheroid invasion assays with high-resolution image capture and data analysis by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), enabled detailed characterization of the effects of the potential anti-migratory inhibitor MI-192 on glioma cells. Spheroids were generated from cell lines for invasion assays in low adherent 96-well plates and then prepared for CLSM analysis. The described workflow was preferred over other commonly used spheroid-generating techniques due to both ease and reproducibility. This, combined with the enhanced image resolution attained by confocal microscopy compared to conventional wide-field approaches, allowed the identification and analysis of distinct morphological changes in migratory cells in a 3D environment following treatment with the migrastatic drug MI-192.
Three dimensional spheroid technologies for preclinical drug discovery and the development of potential cancer drugs are increasingly being favored over conventional drug screens; thus, there is more development of migrastatic — migration and invasion preventing — drugs. The rationale behind these developments in cancer treatment are clear: 3D spheroid assays represent a more realistic approach for screening potential anti-cancer drugs as they mimic 3D tumor architecture more faithfully than cell monolayer cultures, recapitulate drug-tumor interactions (kinetics) more accurately, and allow the characterization of drug activity in a tumor-related setting. I....
1. Generation of Cell Spheroids
Day 1
Three-dimensional spheroid technology is advancing the understanding of drug-tumor interactions because it is more representative of the cancer-specific environment. The generation of spheroids can be achieved in several ways; low adherence 96-well plates were used in this protocol. After testing several products from different manufacturers, the plates used here were chosen because they consistently performed best in terms of successful spheroid production and uniformity. The replacement.......
A novel way to create cancer cell spheroids for identification of migrastatic drug activity using high-resolution confocal microscopy is described. The use of low adherent plates over other techniques, such as hanging drops15, has facilitated a means of generating reproducible and uniform spheroids for use in the collagen migration and invasion assays. The critical points in this protocol are the removal of growth medium from the 96-well plate prior to the cell spheroid embedding in a collagen mat.......
We would like to thank Professor Chris Jones for contributing the KNS42 cell line. The Zeiss LSM880 confocal microscope with AiryScan used in this work is part of the Huddersfield Innovation and Incubation Project (HIIP) funded through the Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Growth Deal. Credit for microscope image Figure 3: Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH, microscopy@zeiss.com.
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Collagen I, rat tail, 100 mg | Corning | 354236 | for glioma invasion assay; this is offered by many distributors/manufacturers and will need to be determined for both the type of assay intended and cell lines used. For glioma cancer cell lines Collagen rat tail type 1 ( e.g. Corning) is the preferred choice. Collagen should be stored at 4oC, in the dark, until required. It is not advisable to mix collagen from different batches as this may affect the consistency of the polymerized collagen. |
Coverslips | various | various | for microscopy imaging |
DMEM powder | Sigma | D5648 | needed at 5X concentration for collagen solution for glioma invasion assay; this may be purchased in powdered form, made up in double distilled water and, depending upon final composition of the growth medium, completed with any additives required. The complete 5X solution should be filtered through a syringe filter system (0.22 microns) before use. |
Foetal calf serum | Sigma | F7524-500ML | needed for cell culture of glioma cell lines |
Glass slides | various | various | for microscopy imaging |
High glucose DMEM | Gibco | 41965062 | needed for cell culture of glioma cell lines |
Inhibitor | Tocris | various | various - according to experimental design; inhibitors can be purchased from manufacturers such as Selleckchem and Tocris. These manufacturers offer detailed description of inhibitor characteristics, links to associated references and suggestion of working concentrations. As with all inhibitors, they may be potentially toxic and should be handled according to health and safety guidelines. Inhibitors are prepared as stock solutions as recommended by the manufacturer. As an example we used the migrastatic inhibitor MI-192 to demonstrate the use of such inhibitors. We have tested a range of migrastatic inhibitors in this way with comparable results. |
Mountant | various | various | for microscopic imaging |
NaOH (1 M) | various | various | NaOH can be either purchased at the required molarity or prepared from solid form. The prepared solution should be filter sterilized using a syringe filter system. One M NaOH is corrosive and care should be taken during solution preparation. |
Paraformaldehyde | various | various | for fixing spheroids and cells; make up at 4%, caution health hazard, ensure that health and safety regulations are adhered to for collagen solution for invasion assay |
Pastettes (graduated pipette, 3ml) | various | various | for invasion assay, solution removal |
PBS, sterile for tissue culture | Sigma | D1408-500ML | needed for cell culture of glioma cell lines and washes for staining |
Pen/strep (antibiotics) | Sigma | P4333 | needed for cell culture of glioma cell lines |
Primary antibody, secondary antibody, DAPI, Phalloidin | various | various | there are many manufacturers for these reagents, for secondary labelled antibodies we recommend Alexa Fluor (Molecular Probes). Here we used for primary antibodies mouse anti-acetylated tubulin antibody (1/100, Abcam). For secondary antibodies we used 1/500 anti-mouse Alexa Fluor 488 conjugated antibody, Molecular Probes. For nuclear stain we used DAPI (many manufacturers) and the actin stain Phalloidin (many manufacturers) both used at recommended dilution of 1/500. |
Sodium bicarbonate | Sigma | S5761 | needed for collagen solution for glioma invasion assay at 5X concentration |
Sodium pyruvate | Sigma | P5280 | needed for collagen solution for glioma invasion assay at 5X concentration |
Trypsin | Sigma | T4049 | for trypsinisation |
Ultra low attachment plates | Sigma/Nunc | CLS7007-24EA | for glioma invasion assay; a low adherent plate is required, with 96-well plates preferred to allow for large-scale screening of compounds under investigation. There are several low adherence plates commercially available; it is advisable to test a variety of plates for optimum spheroid generation. In our experience Costar Ultra Low Cluster with lid, round bottom, works best for the generation of spheroids from glioma cancer cells in terms of 100% spheroid formation and reproducibility. These plates were also successfully used for the generation of glioma spheroids from patient-derived material, bladder and ovarian cancer cells in our laboratory. In addition, stem or progenitor neurospheres can be used in these plates to facilitate the generation of standardized neurosphere-spheroids |
Stripettes (serological pipettes, sterile, 5ml and 10 ml) | various e.g. Costar | CLS4488-50; CLS4487-50 | for tissue culture and collagen preparation |
various multichannel (50 - 250 uL) and single channel pipettes (10 uL, 50 uL, 200 uL 1 mL) | various | various | for cell and spheroid handling |
Widefield microscopy | various | various | for observation of spheroid generation and spheroid imaging; here wide-field fluorescence images were captured using an EVOS FL cell imaging system (Thermo Fisher Scientific) |
Zeiss LSM 880 CLSM equipped with a Plan Apochromat 63x 1.4 NA oil objective | Zeiss | quote from manufacturer | Confocal images were captured using a Zeiss LSM 880 CLSM equipped with a Plan Apochromat 63x 1.4 NA oil objective. Diode 405nm, 458/488/514 nm argon multiline and HeNe 594nm lasers were used to excite Phalloidin 594, Alexa Fluor 488, and DAPI respectively. For each image a single representative optical section were captured, with all settings, both pre- and post-image capture, maintained for comparative purposes. All images were subsequently processed using the associated Zen imaging software and Adobe Photoshop. |
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