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Intra-tumoral heterogeneity is an inherent feature of tumors, including gliomas. We developed a simple and efficient protocol that utilizes a combination of buffers and gradient centrifugation to isolate single nuclei from fresh frozen glioma tissues for single nucleus RNA and ATAC sequencing studies.


Adult diffuse gliomas exhibit inter- and intra-tumor heterogeneity. Until recently, the majority of large-scale molecular profiling efforts have focused on bulk approaches that led to the molecular classification of brain tumors. Over the last five years, single cell sequencing approaches have highlighted several important features of gliomas. The majority of these studies have utilized fresh brain tumor specimens to isolate single cells using flow cytometry or antibody-based separation methods. Moving forward, the use of fresh-frozen tissue samples from biobanks will provide greater flexibility to single cell applications. Furthermore, as the single-cell field advances, the next challenge will be to generate multi-omics data from either a single cell or the same sample preparation to better unravel tumor complexity. Therefore, simple and flexible protocols that allow data generation for various methods such as single-nucleus RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq) and single nucleus Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin with high-throughput sequencing (snATAC-seq) will be important for the field.

Recent advances in the single cell field coupled with accessible microfluidic instruments such as the 10x genomics platform have facilitated single cell applications in research laboratories. To study brain tumor heterogeneity, we developed an enhanced protocol for the isolation of single nuclei from fresh frozen gliomas. This protocol merges existing single cell protocols and combines a homogenization step followed by filtration and buffer mediated gradient centrifugation. The resulting samples are pure single nuclei suspensions that can be used to generate single nucleus gene expression and chromatin accessibility data from the same nuclei preparation.


Diffuse lower grade gliomas (LGG), the most common primary brain tumor in adults, are infiltrative neoplasms that often arise in the cerebral hemisphere. LGGs exhibit both inter- and intra-tumor heterogeneity, which is not only driven by the tumor population but also by the non-malignant cells intricately involved in tumor development and progression1,2,3,4,5.

Over the last decade, there has been an avalanche of genomic data gathered in the field of gliomas. These data mainly com....


Fresh frozen glioma samples were obtained from the National Center for Tumor diseases (NCT)-tissue bank in Heidelberg, Germany. The use of patient material was approved by the Institutional Review Board at the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg, and informed consent was obtained from all patients included in the study.

1. Experimental preparation

  1. Perform all steps on ice or at 4 °C.
  2. Pre-chill tubes, dishes, razor blades, Douncers and pestles to 4 °C.
  3. Prepare all buffers in advance. These buffers are stable at room temperature. Sterile filtration is recommended, especially for sucrose. The stock preparati....

Representative Results

Single nucleus genomics is an evolving field with limited data and protocols. A critical factor that influences the outcome of single nuclei assays is the isolation of pure and intact nuclei. We combined two published protocols (DroNc-seq and Omni-ATAC-seq protocols) to isolate high-quality and pure nuclei from fresh frozen glioma tissue blocks in a relatively short time thereby maintaining the stability of the transcripts (Figure 1).

The use of various filtr.......


The field of intra-tumoral heterogeneity is at an exciting stage, with novel assays and platforms being developed to challenge and expand the existing knowledge. Intra-tumoral heterogeneity is a crucial factor that contributes to disease progression and resistance to current treatment modalities in gliomas28. Recent studies on brain tumors have focused on this important aspect by using single cell transcriptomic and epigenomic assays to better characterize the cellular heterogeneity within the sam.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


We thank the Single Cell Open Lab (scOpenLab) at the German Cancer Center (DKFZ) for helpful discussions. This research was supported by the German Cancer Aid, Max-Eder Program grant number 70111964 (S.T.).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Dounce HomogenizerActive motif40401
EDTA (0.5 M)Thermo ScientificR1021
Falcon 5 mL Round Bottom Polystyrene Test TubeCorning352235
Iodixanol (aka Optiprep)Stem cell technologies07820
MACs Smart Strainers (30 µm)Miltenyi Biotec130-098-458
MACS SmartStrainers (100 µm)Miltenyi Biotec130-098-463
Nuclei Isolation Kit: Nuclei EZ PrepSigmaNUC101-1KT
Phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (PMSF)SigmaP7626
Pre-Separation Filters (20 µm)Miltenyi Biotec130-101-812
Safe lock tubes 1.5 mLEppendorf0030120086
Safe lock tubes 2.0 mLEppendorf0030120094
Single Cell ATAC10x Genomics
Single Cell Gene Expression10x Genomics
Wide Bore pipette tips (1000 µL)Themo Fisher Scientific2079GPK
Wide Bore pipette tips (200 µL)Themo Fisher Scientific2069GPK


  1. Huse, J. T., Holland, E. C. Targeting brain cancer: advances in the molecular pathology of malignant glioma and medulloblastoma. Nature Reviews Cancer. 10 (5), 319-331 (2010).
  2. Kreso, A., Dick, J. E. Evolution of t....

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Keyword Extraction Nuclei IsolationFresh Frozen Brain TumorsSingle nucleus RNA seqATAC seqTumor EvolutionTumor CompositionNuclei PreparationTranscriptional StudiesEpigenetic StudiesArchival Frozen TumorsNuclei Lysis BufferTissue HomogenizationNuclear MembraneNuclei CentrifugationNuclei ResuspensionHB Buffer

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