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This study presents a highly reproducible large animal model of renal ischemia-reperfusion injury in swine using temporary percutaneous bilateral balloon-catheter occlusion of the renal arteries for 60 min and reperfusion for 24 h.


Acute kidney injury (AKI) is associated with higher risk for morbidity and mortality post-operatively. Ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) is the most common cause of AKI. To mimic this clinical scenario, this study presents a highly reproducible large animal model of renal IRI in swine using temporary percutaneous bilateral balloon-catheter occlusion of the renal arteries. The renal arteries are occluded for 60 min by introducing the balloon-catheters through the femoral and carotid artery and advancing them into the proximal portion of the arteries. Iodinated contrast is injected in the aorta to assess any opacification of the kidney vessels and confirm the success of the artery occlusion. This is furtherly confirmed by the flattening of the pulse waveform at the tip of the balloon catheters. The balloons are deflated and removed after 60 min of bilateral renal artery occlusion, and the animals are allowed to recover for 24 h. At the end of the study, plasma creatinine and blood urea nitrogen significantly increase, while eGFR and urine output significantly decrease. The need for iodinated contrast is minimal and does not affect renal function. Bilateral renal artery occlusion better mimics the clinical scenario of perioperative renal hypoperfusion, and the percutaneous approach minimizes the impact of the inflammatory response and the risk of infection seen with an open approach, such as a laparotomy. The ability to create and reproduce this clinically relevant swine model eases the clinical translation to humans.


Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a commonly diagnosed condition among surgical patients associated with significant morbidity and mortality1,2. Available data show that AKI can affect even half of all hospitalized patients worldwide and leads to 50% mortality rate in patients in the intensive care unit1,3. Despite its high prevalence, current AKI therapy remains limited to preventive strategies, such as fluid management and dialysis. Therefore, there is an ongoing interest in exploring alternative therapies for AKI4,


All in vivo studies were conducted in accordance with the National Institutes of Health's guidelines on animal care and use and were approved by the Boston Children's Hospital's Animal Care and Use Committee (Protocol 18-06-3715). All animals received humane care in compliance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Figure 1 shows the timeline including anesthesia, surgical preparation, and timepoints for primary outcome measurements of this study.

1. Induction, anesthesia and intubation

  1. To prevent unnecessary stress and discomfort, sedate the swine by intramuscular in....

Representative Results

Functional analysis
The representative results of this study arise from 6 animals and the data shown are mean ± standard error of the mean.Renal function is assessed by determining the urine output, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), plasma creatine, and blood urea nitrogen (BUN). The biomarkers of renal function are assessed using a portable chemistry analyzer. eGFR is calculated according to the following formula: eGFR =1.879 × BW1.092/PCr0.6 (.......


AKI is a common clinical disorder affecting up to 50% of hospitalized adult patients worldwide6,12. A clinically relevant animal model is needed to further investigate the pathophysiology of the disease and potential therapeutic targets. Although there are several murine models replicating AKI, these do not completely mimic their respective clinical scenarios and the anatomy of the human kidney. This study proposes a clinically relevant swine model to allow for t.......


The authors declare no competing financial interests.


We would like to thank Dr. Arthur Nedder for his help and guidance. This work was supported by the Richard A. and Susan F. Smith President's Innovation Award, Michael B. Klein and Family, The Sidman Family Foundation, The Michael B. Rukin Charitable Foundation, The Kenneth C. Griffin Charitable Research Fund, and The Boston Investment Council.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.9% sodium chloride injection, usp, 100 ml viaflex plastic containerBaxter2B1302For animal hydration
Agent contrast 100.0ml injection media btl ioversal 74%CARDINAL HEALTH133311For visualizing the vasculature
Bard Bardia Closed System Urinary Drainage BagBARD Inc802001For urine collection
BD Vacutainer K2 EDTABD367841For blood sample storage
BD Vacutainer Lithium HeparinBD366667For blood sample storage
BetadineHenry Schein6906950For skin disinfection
Bookwalker retractorCodmanFor skin retraction
Bupivacaine 0.25%HospiraAdminister at incision site for analgesia
Buprenorphine SRZoo Pharm10mg/ml bottle, Dose: 0.2mg/kg SC
Cath angio 5.0 Fr x100.0 cm 0.038 in JR4MERIT MEDICAL SYSTEM INC7523-21For identification of the renal arteries
Cuffed endotracheal tubeEmdamedTo establish a secure airway for the duration of the operation
EKG Medtronics- Physiocontrol LifePak 20 Oxygen saturation monitorGE Healthcare Madison WIFor oxygen saturation monitoring
Encore 26 inflatorBOSTON SCIENTIFIC710113For inflating the balloon catheters
Ethanol 95% (Ethyl alcohol)Henry ScheinFor skin disinfection
Fentanyl patchMylanDose: 25-50mcg/hr, TD
Gold silicone coated FoleyTELEFLEX MEDICAL INC180730160For urine collection
Heparin sodiumLEO Pharma A/SDose: 200 IU/kg IV
i33 ultrasound machinePhillipsUse ultrasonographic guidance for femoral catherization if necessary
Inqwire diagnostic guide wire - 0.035" (0.89 mm) - 260 cm (102") - 1.5 mm j-tipMERIT MEDICAL SYSTEM INC6609-33For guiding the balloon catheters to the renal arteries
Intravenous catheter, size 20 gaugeSanta Cruz BiotechnologyInc SC-360097For fluid administration
IsofluranePatterson Veterinary Supply, Inc.21283620Dose: 3%, INH
Metzenbaum blunt curved 14.5 cm - 5(3/4)"Rudolf MedicalRU-1311-14MFor tissue dissection and cutting
Neonatal disposable transducer kit with 30ml/hr flush device and double 4-way stopcocks for continuous monitoringArgon Medical041588505AFor pressure measurement
Powerflex pro PTA dilatation catheter 6 x 20 mm - shaft length (135cm)CARDINAL HEALTH4400602XFor occlusion of the renal arteries
Pressure monitoring lines mll/mll - 12" clear, mll/mllSmiths MedicalB1571/MX571For pressure measurement
Procedure packMolnlycke Health Care97027809Surgical drape, gauze pads, syringes, beaker etc
ProtamineHenry Schein1044148For heparin reversal
Scalpel blade - size #10Cardinal Health (Allegiance)32295-010For the skin incisions
Stopcock iv 4 way lrg bore rotg male ll adptr strlPeoplesoft1550For connecting tubings
Straight lateral retractorCodmanFor skin retraction
Suture perma hnd 18in 2-0 braid silk blkCARDINAL HEALTH 1A185HFor suturing incision site and securing catheters
Syringe contrast injection 10ml fixed male luer redMERIT MEDICAL SYSTEM INCMSS111-RTo administer the contrast agent
Syringe medical 60ml ll plst strl ltx free dispCARDINAL HEALTH 1BF309653For urine collection and flushing of the angiocath
Tilzolan (tiletamine/zolazepam)Patterson Veterinary Supply, Inc.07-893-1467Dose: 4-6 mg/kg, IM
XylazinePutney, INCDose: 1.1-2.2 mg/kg, IM


  1. Ali Pour, P., Kenney, M. C., Kheradvar, A. Bioenergetics consequences of mitochondrial transplantation in cardiomyocytes. Journal of the American Heart Association. 9 (7), 014501 (2020).
  2. Giraud, S., Favreau, F., Chatauret, N., Thuillier, R., Maiga, S., Hauet, T.

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