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Cryo-Structured Illumination Microscopic Data Collection from Cryogenically Preserved Cells

Published: May 28th, 2021



1Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Beamline B24, Diamond Light Source, 2Division of Virology, Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge, 3ALBA Synchrotron, Beamline 09 - MISTRAL, 4Micron Advanced Imaging Consortium, Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford

* These authors contributed equally


Three-dimensional (3D) structured illumination microscopy (SIM) allows imaging of fluorescently labelled cellular structures at higher resolution than conventional fluorescence microscopy. This super-resolution (SR) technique enables visualization of molecular processes in whole cells and has the potential to be used in conjunction with electron microscopy and X-ray tomography to correlate structural and functional information. A SIM microscope for cryogenically preserved samples (cryoSIM) has recently been commissioned at the correlative cryo-imaging beamline B24 at the UK synchrotron.

It was designed specifically for 3D imaging of biological samples at cryogenic temperatures in a manner compatible with subsequent imaging of the same samples by X-ray microscopy methods such as cryo-soft X-ray tomography. This video article provides detailed methods and protocols for successful imaging using the cryoSIM. In addition to instructions on the operation of the cryoSIM microscope, recommendations have been included regarding the choice of samples, fluorophores, and parameter settings. The protocol is demonstrated in U2OS cell samples whose mitochondria and tubulin have been fluorescently labelled.

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Keywords Cryo structured Illumination Microscopy

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