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Synthetic cystic fibrosis sputum medium (SCFM2) can be utilized in combination with both confocal laser scanning microscopy and fluorescence-activated cell sorting to observe bacterial aggregates at high resolution. This paper details methods to assess aggregate populations during antimicrobial treatment as a platform for future studies.


Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa) is one of the most common opportunistic pathogens associated with cystic fibrosis (CF). Once Pa colonization is established, a large proportion of the infecting bacteria form biofilms within airway sputum. Pa biofilms isolated from CF sputum have been shown to grow in small, dense aggregates of ~10-1,000 cells that are spatially organized and exhibit clinically relevant phenotypes such as antimicrobial tolerance. One of the biggest challenges to studying how Pa aggregates respond to the changing sputum environment is the lack of nutritionally relevant and robust systems that promote aggregate formation. Using a synthetic CF sputum medium (SCFM2), the life history of Pa aggregates can be observed using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and image analysis at the resolution of a single cell. This in vitro system allows the observation of thousands of aggregates of varying size in real time, three dimensions, and at the micron scale. At the individual and population levels, having the ability to group aggregates by phenotype and position facilitates the observation of aggregates at different developmental stages and their response to changes in the microenvironment, such as antibiotic treatment, to be differentiated with precision.


Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa) is an opportunistic pathogen that establishes chronic infections in immune-compromised individuals. For those with the genetic disease cystic fibrosis (CF), these infections can span the course of a lifetime. CF causes the buildup of a viscous, nutrient-rich sputum in the airways, which becomes colonized by a variety of microbial pathogens over time. Pa is one of the most prevalent CF pathogens, colonizing the airways in early childhood and establishing difficult-to-treat infections1. Pa remains a significant clinical problem and is considered a leading cause of mortality in those with....


1. Prepare synthetic cystic fibrosis medium (SCFM2)

NOTE: Preparation of SCFM2 comprises three main stages outlined below (Figure 2). For full details and references, see9,10,12.

Figure 2.......

Representative Results

This work details methods to observe Pa aggregates at a high resolution and in an environment similar to that of chronic infection of the CF lung9,10,12. SCFM2 provides an in vitro system that promotes natural aggregation of Pa cells in sizes similar to those observed during actual infection10. The adaptability of SCFM2 as a defined medium can be leveraged to approach many resea.......


This work has introduced methodologies that can be combined to study bacterial aggregate populations in the presence and absence of antibiotic treatment. High-resolution CLSM allows the visualization of changes in aggregate biomass and the structural orientation of aggregates over real time when exposed to antibiotics. In addition, physical and structural features of the biomass that remain after treatment with antibiotics can be quantified, with the goal to correlate these observations with future gene expression studie.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest.


S.E.D is supported by start-up funds provided by the Department of Molecular Medicine, The University of South Florida, as well as a CFF research grant (DARCH19G0) the N.I.H (5R21AI147654 - 02 (PI, Chen)) and the USF Institute on Microbiomes. We thank the Whiteley lab for ongoing collaboration involving data sets related to this manuscript. We thank Dr. Charles Szekeres for facilitating FACS sorting. Figures were created by A.D.G and S.E.D using



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Amino acids
AlanineAcrfigure-materials-216s Organics56-41-7
Arginine HClMP1119-34-2
AsparagineAcrfigure-materials-473s Organics56-84-8Prepared in 0.5 M NaOH
Cystine HClAlfa AesarL06328
Glutamic acid HClAcrfigure-materials-763s Organics138-15-8
GlycineAcrfigure-materials-928s Organics56-40-6
Histidine HCl H2OAlfa AesarA17627
IsoleucineAcrfigure-materials-1206s Organics73-32-5
LeucineAlfa AesarA12311
Lysine HClAlfa AesarJ62099
MethionineAcrfigure-materials-1556s Organics63-68-3
Ornithine HClAlfa AesarA12111
PhenylalanineAcrfigure-materials-1822s Organics63-91-2
ProlineAlfa AesarA10199
SerineAlfa AesarA11179
ThreonineAcrfigure-materials-2167s Organics72-19-5
TryptophanAcrfigure-materials-2334s Organics73-22-3Prepared in 0.2 M NaOH
TyrosineAlfa AesarA11141Prepared in 1.0 M NaOH
ValineAcrfigure-materials-2632s Organics72-18-4
CarbenicillinAlfa AesarJ6194903
Day-of Stocks
CaCl2 * 2H2OFisher ChemicalC79-500
Dextrose (D-glucose)Fisher Chemical50-99-7
1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC)Fisher (Avanti Polar Lipids)4235-95-4shake 15-20 min at 37 °C to evaporate chloroform
FeSO4 * 7H2OAcrfigure-materials-3514s Organics7782-63-0this stock equals 1 mg/mL, MUST make fresh
L-lactic acidAlfa AesarL13242pH stock to 7 with NaOH
MgCl2 * 6H2OAcrfigure-materials-3868s Organics7791-18-6
N-acetylglucosamine TCIA0092
Prepared solids
Porcine mucinSigmaM1778-100GUV-sterilize
Salmon sperm DNAInvitrogen15632-011
Propidium iodideAlfa AesarJ66764MC
K2SO4Alfa AesarA13975
KClAlfa AesarJ64189add solid directly to buffered base
KNO3Acrfigure-materials-4909s Organics7757-79-1
MOPSAlfa AesarA12914add solid directly to buffered base
NaClFisher ChemicalS271-500add solid directly to buffered base
NH4ClAcrfigure-materials-5557s Organics12125-02-9add solid directly to buffered base
Conical tubes (15 mL)Olympus plastics28-101
Conical tubes (50 mL)Olympus plastics28-106
Culture tubes w/air flow capOlympus plastics21-129
35 mm four chamber glass-bottom dishCellVisNC0600518
Luria Bertani (LB) brothGenessee Scientific11-118
Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)Fisher BioreagentsBP2944100
Pipet tips (p200)Olympus plastics23-150RL
Pipet tips (p1000)Olympus plastics23-165RL
Serological pipets (5 mL)Olympus plastics12-102
Serological pipets (25 mL)Olympus plastics12-106
Serological pipets (50 mL)Olympus plastics12-107
Ultrapure water (RNAse/DNAse free); nanopure waterGenessee Scientific18-194Nanopure water used for preparation of solutions in Table 1
Syringes (10  mL)BD794412
Syringes (50 mL)BD309653
0.22 mm PES syringe filterOlympus plastics25-244
PS cuvette semi-micoOlympus plastics91-408
BiorenderTo prepare the figures
FacsDiva6.1.3Becton Dickinson, San Jose, CA
ImarisBitplaneversion 9.6
Zen Black
FacsArialluBecton Dickinson, San Jose, CA
LSM 880 confocal laser scanning microscopeZeiss


  1. Ramsay, K. A., et al. The changing prevalence of pulmonary infection in with fibrosis: A longitudinal analysis. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 16 (1), 70-77 (2017).
  2. Bessonova, L., et al.

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Pseudomonas AeruginosaInfection ModelReal time AssessmentAntibiotic ResistanceMucinSynthetic Cystic Fibrosis Sputum MediumConfocal Laser Scanning MicroscopeBacterial AggregatesOptical DensityLog PhasePBS WashStatic Incubation

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