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Small-Scale Plasma Membrane Preparation for the Analysis of Candida albicans Cdr1-mGFPHis

Published: June 13th, 2021



1Sir John Walsh Research Institute, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Otago, 2Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, 3School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland

* These authors contributed equally


The successful biochemical and biophysical characterization of ABC transporters depends heavily on the choice of the heterologous expression system. Over the past two decades, we have developed a yeast membrane protein expression platform that has been used to study many important fungal membrane proteins. The expression host Saccharomyces cerevisiae ADΔΔ is deleted in seven major endogenous ABC transporters and it contains the transcription factor Pdr1-3 with a gain-of-function mutation that enables the constitutive overexpression of heterologous membrane protein genes stably integrated as single copies at the genomic PDR5 locus. The creation of versatile plasmid vectors and the optimization of one-step cloning strategies enables the rapid and accurate cloning, mutagenesis, and expression of heterologous ABC transporters. Here, we describe the development and use of a novel protease-cleavable mGFPHis double tag (i.e., the monomeric yeast enhanced green fluorescent protein yEGFP3 fused to a six-histidine affinity purification tag) that was designed to avoid possible interference of the tag with the protein of interest and to increase the binding efficiency of the His tag to nickel-affinity resins. The fusion of mGFPHis to the membrane protein ORF (open reading frame) enables easy quantification of the protein by inspection of polyacrylamide gels and detection of degradation products retaining the mGFPHis tag. We demonstrate how this feature facilitates detergent screening for membrane protein solubilization. A protocol for the efficient, fast, and reliable isolation of the small-scale plasma membrane preparations of the C-terminally tagged Candida albicans multidrug efflux transporter Cdr1 overexpressed in S. cerevisiae ADΔΔ, is presented. This small-scale plasma membrane isolation protocol generates high-quality plasma membranes within a single working day. The plasma membrane preparations can be used to determine the enzyme activities of Cdr1 and Cdr1 mutant variants.

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Keywords Plasma Membrane

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