Important: There has been an erratum issued for this article. Read more …Almindelige modaliteter til in vivo-billeddannelse af gnavere omfatter positronemissionstomografi (PET), computertomografi (CT), magnetisk resonansbilleddannelse (MRI) og ultralyd (USA). Hver metode har begrænsninger og fordele, herunder tilgængelighed, brugervenlighed, omkostninger, størrelse og brugen af ioniserende stråling eller magnetfelter. Denne protokol beskriver brugen af 3D-robot USA til in vivo-billeddannelse af gnaverens nyrer og hjerte, efterfølgende dataanalyse og mulige forskningsapplikationer. Praktiske anvendelser af robot USA er kvantificering af total nyrevolumen (TKV) samt måling af cyster, tumorer og vaskulatur. Selvom opløsningen ikke er så høj som andre modaliteter, giver robot USA mulighed for mere praktisk dataindsamling med høj gennemstrømning. Desuden kan hjertefunktionen kvantificeres ved hjælp af amerikansk M-mode billeddannelse. Da nyrerne modtager 20% -25% af hjerteproduktionen, er vurdering af hjertefunktionen afgørende for forståelsen af nyrefysiologi og patofysiologi.
Erratum: Use of 3D Robotic Ultrasound for In Vivo Analysis of Mouse KidneysAn erratum was issued for: Use of 3D Robotic Ultrasound for In Vivo Analysis of Mouse Kidneys. An author name was updated, along with the Protocol and Representative Results.
The name of an author was updated from:
Ryan C. Gesser
Ryan C. Gessner
Step 3.1 of the Protocol was updated from:
Turn on the US machine and the heat lamp above the US platforms. Turn on the appropriate anesthesia valves for the corresponding US bays that will be used.
Turn on the US machine and the switch for the internal heating element for the US bays. Turn on the appropriate anesthesia valves for the corresponding US bays that will be used.
Figue 1 in the Representative Results was updated from:
Figure 1: Ultrasound system and mouse placement. (A) Diagram of ultrasound system and location of transducers. (B) View of mice in supine position on ultrasound platform with heat lamp. (C) Example of region of interest (ROI)s in place for area of interest (kidneys) with animal IDs. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 1: Ultrasound system and mouse placement. (A) Diagram of ultrasound system and location of transducers. (B) View of mice in supine position on ultrasound platform. (C) Example of region of interest (ROI)s in place for area of interest (kidneys) with animal IDs. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
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