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Here, an experimental workflow is presented that enables the detection of caspase-8 processing directly at the death-inducing signaling complex (DISC) and determines the composition of this complex. This methodology has broad applications, from unraveling the molecular mechanisms of cell death pathways to the dynamic modeling of apoptosis networks.
Extrinsic apoptosis is mediated by the activation of death receptors (DRs) such as CD95/Fas/APO-1 or tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL)-receptor 1/receptor 2 (TRAIL-R1/R2). Stimulation of these receptors with their cognate ligands leads to the assembly of the death-inducing signaling complex (DISC). DISC comprises DR, the adaptor protein Fas-associated protein with death domain (FADD), procaspases-8/-10, and cellular FADD-like interleukin (IL)-1β-converting enzyme-inhibitory proteins (c-FLIPs). The DISC serves as a platform for procaspase-8 processing and activation. The latter occurs via its dimerization/oligomerization in the death effector domain (DED) filaments assembled at the DISC.
Activation of procaspase-8 is followed by its processing, which occurs in several steps. In this work, an established experimental workflow is described that allows the measurement of DISC formation and the processing of procaspase-8 in this complex. The workflow is based on immunoprecipitation techniques supported by western blot analysis. This workflow allows careful monitoring of different steps of procaspase-8 recruitment to the DISC and its processing and is highly relevant for investigating molecular mechanisms of extrinsic apoptosis.
One of the best-studied death receptors (DRs) is CD95 (Fas, APO-1). The extrinsic apoptotic pathway starts with the interaction of the DR with its cognate ligand, i.e., CD95L interacts with CD95 or TRAIL binds to TRAIL-Rs. This results in the formation of the DISC at the corresponding DR. DISC consists of CD95, FADD, procaspase-8/-10, and c-FLIP proteins1,2. Furthermore, the DISC is assembled by interactions between death domain (DD)-containing proteins, such as CD95 and FADD, and DED-containing proteins such as FADD, procaspase-8/-10, and c-FLIP (Figure 1). Procaspase-8 ....
T cell experiments were performed according to the ethical agreement 42502-2-1273 Uni MD.
1. Preparing cells for the experiment
NOTE: The average number of cells for this immunoprecipitation is 1 × 107. Adherent cells have to be seeded one day before the experiment so that there are 1 × 107 cells on the day of the experiment.
To analyze caspase-8 recruitment to the DISC and its processing at the CD95 DISC, this paper describes a classical workflow, which combines IP of the CD95 DISC with western blot analysis. This allows the detection of several key features of caspase-8 activation at the DISC: the assembly of the caspase-8-activating macromolecular platform, recruitment of procaspase-8 to the DISC, and the processing of this initiator caspase (Figure 1 and Figure 2). This workflow .......
This approach was first described by Kischkel et al.27 and has successfully been developed since then by several groups. Several important issues have to be considered for efficient DISC-immunoprecipitation and monitoring caspase-8 processing in this complex.
First, it is essential to follow all washing steps during immunoprecipitation. Especially important are the final washing steps of the sepharose beads and the drying of the sepharose beads. This must be done correc.......
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
We acknowledge the Wilhelm Sander-Foundation (2017.008.02), the Center of Dynamic Systems (CDS), funded by the EU-program ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) and the DFG (LA 2386) for supporting our work. We thank Karina Guttek for supporting our experiments. We acknowledge Prof. Dirk Reinhold (OvGU, Magdeburg) for providing us primary T cells.
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
12.5% SDS gel | self made | for two separating gels: 3.28 mL distilled H2O 2.5 mL Tris; pH 8.8; 1.5 M 4.06 mL acrylamide 100 µL 10% SDS 100 µL 10% APS 7.5 µL TEMED for two collecting gels: 3.1 mL distilled H2O 1.25 mL Tris; pH 6.8; 1.5 M 0.5 mL acrylamide 50 µL 10% SDS 25 µL 10% APS 7.5 µL TEMED | |
14.5 cm cell dishes | Greiner | 639160 | |
acrylamide | Carl Roth | A124.1 | |
anti-actin Ab | Sigma Aldrich | A2103 | dilution: 1:4000 in PBST + 1:100 NaN3 |
anti-APO-1 Ab | provided in these experiments by Prof. P. Krammer or can be purchased by Enzo | ALX-805-038-C100 | used only for immunoprecipitation |
anti-caspase-10 Ab | Biozol | MBL-M059-3 | dilution: 1:1000 in PBST + 1:100 NaN3 |
anti-caspase-3 Ab | cell signaling | 9662 S | dilution: 1:2000 in PBST + 1:100 NaN3 |
anti-caspase-8 Ab C15 | provided in these experiments by Prof. P. Krammer or can be purchased by ENZO | ALX-804-242-C100 | dilution: 1:20 in PBST + 1:100 NaN3 |
anti-CD95 Ab | Santa Cruz | sc-715 | dilution: 1:2000 in PBST + 1:100 NaN3 |
anti-c-FLIP NF6 Ab | provided in these experiments by Prof. P. Krammer or can be purchased by ENZO | ALX-804-961-0100 | dilution: 1:10 in PBST + 1:100 NaN3 |
anti-FADD 1C4 Ab | provided in these experiments by Prof. P. Krammer or can be purchased by ENZO | ADI-AAM-212-E | dilution: 1:10 in PBST + 1:100 NaN3 |
anti-PARP Ab | cell signaling | 9542 | dilution: 1:1000 in PBST + 1:100 NaN3 |
APS | Carl Roth | 9592.3 | |
β-mercaptoethanol | Carl Roth | 4227.2 | |
Bradford solution Protein Assay Dye Reagent Concentrate 450ml | Bio Rad | 500-0006 | used according to manufacturer's instructions |
CD95L | provided in these experiments by Prof. P. Krammer or can be purchased by ENZO | ALX-522-020-C005 | |
chemoluminescence detector Chem Doc XRS+ | Bio Rad | ||
cOmplete Protese Inhibitor Cocktail (PIC) | Sigma Aldrich | 11 836 145 001 | prepared according to manufacturer's instructions |
DPBS (10x) w/o Ca, Mg | PAN Biotech | P04-53500 | dilution 1:10 with H2O, storage in the fridge |
eletrophoresis buffer | self made | 10x electrophoresis buffer: 60.6 g Tris 288 g glycine 20 g SDS ad 2 L H2O 1:10 dilution before usage | |
glycine | Carl Roth | 3908.3 | |
Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 HRP | SouthernBiotech | 1070-05 | dilution 1:10.000 in PBST + 5% milk |
Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b | SouthernBiotech | 1090-05 | dilution 1:10.000 in PBST + 5% milk |
Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG-HRP | SouthernBiotech | 4030-05 | dilution 1:10.000 in PBST + 5% milk |
Interleukin-2 Human(hIL-2) | Merckgroup/ Roche | 11011456001 | for activation of T cells |
KCl | Carl Roth | 6781.2 | |
KH2PO4 | Carl Roth | 3904.1 | |
loading buffer 4x Laemmli Sample Buffer,10 mL | Bio Rad | 161-0747 | prepared according to manufacturer's instructions |
Luminata Forte Western HRP substrate | Millipore | WBLUFO500 | |
lysis buffer | self made | 13.3 mL Tris-HCl; pH 7.4; 1.5 M 27.5 mL NaCl; 5 M 10 mL EDTA; 2 mM 100 mL Triton X-100 add 960 mL H2O | |
medium for adhaerent cells DMEM F12 (1:1) w stable Glutamine, 2,438 g/L | PAN Biotech | P04-41154 | adding 10% FCS, 1% Penicillin-Streptomycin and 0.0001% Puromycin to the medium |
medium for primary T cells | gibco by Life Technologie | 21875034 | adding 10% FCS and 1% Penicillin-Streptomycin to the medium |
milk powder | Carl Roth | T145.4 | |
Na2HPO4 | Carl Roth | P030.3 | |
NaCl | Carl Roth | 3957.2 | |
PBST | self made | 20x PBST: 230 g NaCl 8 g KCl 56.8 g Na2HPO4 8 g KH2PO4 20 mL Tween-20 ad 2 L H2O dilution 1:20 before usage | |
PBST + 5% milk | self made | 50 g milk powder + 1 L PBST | |
PHA | Thermo Fisher Scientific | R30852801 | for actavation of T ells |
Power Pac HC | Bio Rad | ||
Precision Plus Protein Standard All Blue | Bio Rad | 161-0373 | use between 3-5 µL |
Protein A Sepharose CL-4B beads | Novodirect/ Th.Geyer | GE 17-0780-01 | affinity resin beads prepared according to manufacturer's instructions |
scraper | VWR | 734-2602 | |
SDS | Carl Roth | 4360.2 | |
shaker | Heidolph | ||
sodium azide | Carl Roth | K305.1 | |
TEMED | Carl Roth | 2367.3 | |
Trans Blot Turbo mini-size transfer stacks | Bio Rad | 170-4270 | used according to manufacturer's instructions |
TransBlot Turbo 5x Transfer Buffer | Bio Rad | 10026938 | prepared according to manufacturer's instructions |
TransBlot Turbo Mini-size nictrocellulose membrane | Bio Rad | 170-4270 | used according to manufacturer's instructions |
Trans-Blot-Turbo | Bio Rad | ||
Tris | Chem Solute | 8,08,51,000 | |
Triton X-100 | Carl Roth | 3051.4 | |
Tween-20 | Pan Reac Appli Chem | A4974,1000 |
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